My 2018 - This is my Hobby: Painting

in #thisismyhobby6 years ago (edited)

These are my Materials


it's my entry for an interesting contest organized by @anomadsoul

This contest is about your passion, why you have it and what drives it

during these years

I’m gonna talk about my main hobby , drawing , painting ..anything about Art
I have passion about it , almost every day and every week It’s my challenge . how I picked it ,,,,well as I remember I wasn’t so bad in primary school too , always loved Art time in school . but dont remember it clearly , i have not enough skill to save memories in my mind .

I started to paint seriously in about 2008 . decided to be a painter.

and my reason was my passion , didn’t want to do something else , I picked it as my job too, if your hobby is your job so you are a lucky person , although as a job it didn’t pay good , I used to work in network and used several weblogs and email to take online orders , people like to have their portraits , I used facebook and earlier other social medias, ..

I would find more ways to connect people and show my works so I could take orders , by time it was easier , and I did nothing just I had customers who knew me and situation gets better than before, it was tough back then.

After years I had my own workshop , I had some students , some of them were old men , I had 10 years old kids too , I had no limitations , and it was interesting to have such different students .
I remember I had stress for the first day with adults older than me , I remember it vividly the first day of our work , but by time it gets so friendly and I liked it .

By the way I left my workshop after sometimes.

if English was my mother tongue I would tell you more details about my feelings, but I try my best and I wanna answer some questions @annomadsol asked in his contest post


What is is that my love about this hobby?

What I love about this hobby it make me feel exciting and takes away the stress , sometimes makes my heart beating faster ,and which other work can do it for me? I don’t know , that why I keep continue . and obviously when you try and try , when you practice , when you keep going , so you will be good too . you will find your way . you will better day by day

After all hard days and even frustrating feelings , I think I could keep on for years ,and I’m glad that I could do it .i had my first exhibition in 2010 . and it was so exciting for me , after it I started to learn more…
Last year a gallery choosed 70 artist between 500 . but at the end I didn’t win , it doesn’t matter if they didn’t choose me because I don’t study art , I studied mathematics.
They wanted me to have an interview and the result was nothing .

why I like to do different techniques

I said it make me excited , for example when I do only oil paintings, after a while , it doesn’t make me excited anymore! Its time to change the technique , watercolors? Ink? Pencil? Marker? acrylics? charcoald? chalk? Colorpencils? , ok it depends on my mood, so I picked one and again after a short time I must change it again ! , that why I learnt several techniques , even i'm not so professional but at least i know how to work with them and i enjoy it , i'm glad about it .and this is my daily work .

What is going on in my mind when i do it?

Nothing !

and that’s the point I keep continue , I got some comments here that how you paint such details specially for my circles drawings…
It doesn’t make me nervous, it make me relax and I forget all the world while doing it ..i just focus on what am I doing when I’m painting,I only see my hands and lines infront of me , like im deaf and blind . It’s like a scape from reality and material world for that moments .
I think that’s a big reason , if it would make me nervous I wouldn’t be a painter anymore and I would search for other thing to make me relax, it would change the way of my life .

Is my hobby expensive? Do i spend a lot of money when i practice it?

If I want to be honest , I can say yes, it is not expensive individually , a pen a paper, is not expensive , but if it’s your job so you must have different mediums with high quality . for oil colors ,canvas,, and other mediums,,, so if you want to do it professionally it is expensive ,i left the art class because of that pressure and decided to continue by myself ,and i think it worked for me, I remember I had passion to pay for them then buying other stuff for myself. I did it with no regrets. I payed to buy enjoyable hours for my life , so why not .


Is my hobby a priority?

it is my priority , but can’t say I will forget my family . after joining steemit I took it more serious because it wasn’t only about orders, and It made me to create more ,and i draw my circles collection specially for steemit , and recently I see steemit have no limitation ! I mean what you can do what you can create , it worth something , and I wish I knew this when I was a kid , your ideas worth , your new works, worth , even talking about your feelings your passions your life worth something , so it takes more time every day to work .
are you an artist? Yes or no , it doesn’t matter , START this moment and you are able to create and show what is in your mind, what did you kept in your mind for years, just because you didn’t know it worth to show , I been lost many ideas I had before and never bring them to this world, I kept them in my mind and they are dead , but I want a new beginning for new ideas .
steemit proved it , we all can shine , in different ways .and it’s the point I do love steemit .
you will not waste your time if you are serious about what do you want to do . I hope I could talk about my feeling clearly .
this is what i made for steemit, otherwise i wouldn't go too bathroom and splash in colours , i need motivation for such activities !was so fun , and where is better than here , for people like me , would you do it ?;)


I’m always thankful for what I have

We all know many people who are not healthy but they are very good artists , who don’t have hands,,legs,, …etc…not healthy body but a BEAUTIFUL MIND , and a big passion . . just like Frida Kahlo with all hard days but she had passion for painting to show her feelings. I love her .

I’m thankful for my healthy body so I can do it easier . by the way sometimes pain changes as a good motivation to create art .
What art need is material and a creative way of thinking , a creative mind , and if you are healthy too so you are lucky that you can do it easier .

thank you for reading my words .




adelepazani besiar aaaali

Painting and drawing are gifts from God. Having as hobby, it must be pleasant!

thank you s o much @mynotsofitlife i saw your hobby is diving , very interesting :)

That's very good post. You did a very good job. I wish I knew how to make the words in my post larger or smaller like you. Your words are very strong. I think, for you not natively speaking English, you do an awesome job!! I entered this contest too. I did not do as well as you. You are an expert at making posts. I hope to be good at making posts like you. All of my love to you and all of yours and may our creator bless yous.

i read your post , it was so deep and was like a story i couldn't stop reading it ,,,
and thank you for your nice and kind words John

about designing your text , i think these pics will help you :)
using # at the beginning of your sentence will make it bigger ,,

Screenshot (350).png

Screenshot (351).png

Well, thanks so much for taking time to read my post. That really means a lot. And also for your kind words. Also thank you for taking time to show me how to do this. It will be very helpful in my next post that I write. It really means a whole lot to me that you would take time from your life to help me. Thank you again so much. All of my love to you and all of yours.

that's ok ,, you are welcome John , i hope it helps :) and its nice meeting kind people here .

I like your story, and what you do
I know that every beginning is difficult, having to get up
but because you love what you do, and what you do is very talented, I know that you will triumph

thank you very much my friend @omedina88 you are always kind

this is a hobby you do with passion, you can see in every art you show here, at least all that I have seen are beautiful, I saw that you had a hard start, so then everything is rewarded, as you say steemit has no limits, you can always do and do and many people will be there to support you, good luck in the contest, sorry my English use translator

thank you very much for your kind words , @melvadg <3
and i wish you the same my friend . :)

hai @adelepazani i waiting you art again about abstract painting
maybe that very beatiful if you draw, that is from me :)
i like your talent

hi @afdhal94 oh thank you yes i did some abstract art before,, :) maybe in future i could do it again <3

I waiting about abstract painting :)

for me it's just an idea don't know if i will do it or no , tell me why you don't try to start it too ?:)

Dont worry @adelepazani this is just idea, if you do it or no. No problem... I want to try, but i dont have tool, and i very busy with my work, and need some time, thank you friend :)

i understand, yea it needs free time :)

This is interesting - it made me think of my post "Letter to Natalie" about 8 months ago, dealing with similar questions. This is a actual e-mail I had answered in response to a list of questions by a student in 2016.
I was new to Steemit at that time, and got a grand total of 3 votes (reactions to my posts had improved slightly since then).

thank you @thermoplastic ,yes you are right it improve when people know you more, your art is so detailed and i like your imaginations,,, so much subjects in a work , and i like the way you work , :)

thank you! I just re-visited a really old painting of mine from 1975 (in answer to a post of one of my close friends) and it may inspire me to pick that style up again - of course with the improvements I learned since then. Still debating if I should post that old stuff ...... A lot of my work from that period is lost, but somehow a few pieces surfaced on Facebook being sold by a Hungarian Gallery.

i see .. that's great if Facebook worked for you in this way , :)

Great point about the mind silence. People always ask me about how I get the inspiration and what I think about :) I say- I do not think. Thinking is obstacle to inspiration! Great post as always!

you are right,, just a nice silence .no negative or positive , like a balance for mind even for a short time .
...thanks Jan :)

adelepazani besiar aaaali

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