Look What Came In The Mail! ~ One Of The True Joys Of Steemit ~ Original Photography and VERY Original Gift From A Friend On Steemit ~

in #thesipnsmokespectacular6 years ago (edited)

What COULD It Be?

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And It Hasn't Even Been Squished By The Postal Gorilla!!

This box arrived for me at the post office awhile back. From a friend on Steemit. And though really amazing, it wasn't a complete surprise, as I was excitedly expecting it. Once I brought it home, I set up my small lighting area and background cloth from Joanne's Fabrics, and decided to open it up in stages. So I could photograph the results. Of course, the process drew the requisite audience right away.

Imagine That...

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...Stinky the Cat Is Interested In A Box

Whenever any activity goes on around here that requires motion, or even the THOUGHT of motion, Stinky the Cat has to get involved. "Is it for ME?!" -- her go-to, primary mantra, besides -- "Food? For ME?!"

Not this time, little Stinklepuss. This one is addressed to ME. And it's from one of my favorite Steemitians. What COULD it be? I know what it is, but as we used to somewhat rudely exclaim to our kid-friends, in similar situations: "That's for me to know, and you to find out." (We sure were snarky little people sometimes. Glad we grow up.)

Stinky was not amused. I hope you are.


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...I wonder If Another Angle Of View Would Help?

Nope, still can't tell what's in there. Can you? Now she's even LESS amused. But I'm having fun with all of this.


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It's A Cup Of Some Sort

From Sault Ste. Marie, Canada. How nifty is THAT?!! And it's from the one and only @enternamehere. A very talented and creative artist with a wonderful sense of humor on Steemit. I highly recommend you go and check out her site, if you haven't done so already. She is a lot of fun.

A Brief History Of The Sip N' Smoke Saga

A time or two ago, @enternamehere put out a post about cleaning out a house and 'moving things on ' in the world of excess stuff. Actually, there were 3 posts I'm aware of, but the latest was: [House of Treasures Revisited - What Do We Do With All This Stuff?].

Following the advent of this post, we had an enjoyable back and forth discussion-fest about getting rid of things, and some of the cool curios she showed in the post. During all of this, I mentioned I was interested in one of the items she had. The Sip N' Smoke.


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You Know...A Sip N' Smoke

From our conversation, @enternamehere very nicely suggested mailing me the Sip N' Smoke. Being interested in old, odd or unique things of history, I of course said "WOW, please do." And Do she Did. She mailed me the Sip N' Smoke, all the way from her home town.

Frankly, I was quite jazzed to be getting this very unique blast from somewhere in the past. The Sip N' Smoke. Two very handy items, all packaged together into a single, 'cover every possible base ', coffee-time extravaganza. OK, I get carried away by these sorts of things. But who doesn't?! It's so...HANDY. And well thought out. Sort of a Rube Goldberg designed, coffee klatch wonder of efficient simplicity. In other words, it's ultra cool. As Skinky the Cat would say, "It's The Cat's Meow."

Except there were no directions, explaining how to put it together.

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But I FINALLY Figured It Out *

The cup goes on the little coaster thingy, and then, get this, the coaster is also an ASHTRAY! Talk about covering all your bases. So, when you're having your morning coffee and a smoke, you only need to pull ONE item down from the kitchen cupboard. The Sip N' Smoke. Lets face it, someone was having a darn good day when they came up with THIS idea!

Though something this cool really should be on display, not hidden away in the cupboard

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Are You SURE This Isn't For Me?

I was quite revved up to use my new Sip N' Smoke the night I opened it. But someone else had other plans. Since the gift was OBVIOUSLY for me, and progress was moving WAY too slow, Stinky set up leisure-shop, and made things a bit more difficult.

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No One Does Comfort Better Than A Cat

I just couldn't bring myself to disturb her reverie. Plus, it was WAY too late to have a Sip and a Smoke anyway. So, we'll have to wait for another day to get things going in the Sip N' Smoke world. Does anyone else have a cat that looks this comfortable? Or looks as much like a greasy possum?

Isn't she a BEAUTY!

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~ Much Later ~

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A Wee Bit O' Cocoa and A Schteinnway Cigarette

Finally, I got to try out my new gift. It is divine. Since I don't drink coffee, or smoke, and even though I'm as boring as a patch of dirt, I can STILL have fun with my Sip N' Smoke. This is cocoa, and I made my own cigarette, just like my Mom and her friends used to have during their daily 'meetups'. I feel right at home and very good about things going on here. What fun!

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Close Up Of The Homemade Schteinnway Ulta-Hot Slender-Touch 100

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One Of The Things I Love About Steemit

I just want to say a grand Thank You to @enternamehere for sending me the most wonderful gift of the Sip N' Smoke. It was very very kind of her to go to the trouble of packaging it all up and mailing it in my direction.

This is one of the incredibly nifty parts of the world of Steemit. We meet such nice, friendly people, and get to interact and become friends with folks from all over the world. And they do nice things for one another all the time. I see this on the site on a regular basis. Art collaboration, helpful advice, support and assistance in times of need and sorrow, and sending really cool things all over the planet to one another in the mail.

Thank you once again, @enternamehere for sending me the Sip N' Smoke. I will give it a good home. In the meantime, please go check out her blog, and say hello.

Well, onward, to more cocoa and homemade cigarettes.
And Full Steem Ahead.

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One More Look

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Stinky the Cat and The Sip N' Smoke -- After An Exhausting Night Of Opening Gifts

~ Finto ~

Editor's Note: When I first saw the *Sip N' Smoke photo on the Internet, I thought the cup and ashtray were all ONE item. As in: the BOTTOM of the cup WAS the ashtray. Which would actually be a pretty dumb idea, if you really think about it. You'd have to finish your coffee, then tip the mug over, to use the ashtray? Rube would be quite ashamed to know I thought that. Luckily the designers of the Sip N' Smoke were a bit sharper than this author.

Thanks for stopping in and viewing my NEW Sip N' Smoke. If you have any thoughts about getting spiff-keeno presents in the mail, smoking, drinking coffee, smoking AND drinking coffee ALL TOGETHER, in ONE place, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 05/04/2018 @ 13:40

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 68

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Oh, the joys of gifts!! I remember the time a total stranger that I met in google sent me a tote bag with a drawing of a man cleaning his butt! Its so cool to receive things from strangers!... well, it depends on what kind of stranger send the things too.... Im happy for ya! and yes, I still have my "guy cleaning his butt" tote bag! 😀

I think you should put the butt cleaning tote online here, in a post. I'd like to see it. Unless you already did, and I missed it. Hard to picture ( :
But my little Sip N' Smoke is pretty cool, I agree. Have a nice Sunday.

There ya go! Cool, isn't?! 😀

Haha! Oh, Luz!

But the drawing have a point! 😂

Yes! I will wipe that smile off my face!

what a beautiful gift! @enternamehere is a treasure.
Ok, now it is my turn. Would you send 1000$ to me? AUHAUHAUH :D

It is pretty spectacular, isn't it? And I agree, @enternamehere is a treasure. A very thoughtful and fun person of Steemit indeed. I would gladly send you the 1000$, if only I could afford to ship a bag of pennies that far across the wide blue sea. OK, maybe not. I don't think I even have that many pennies laying around, let alone in the vault. But the thought is still there ( :

What a lucky bugger you are! That is a treasure! We love smoke related things in this house. I do have an occasional fag and I certainly down my fair share of coffee, so you respect that mug and ashtray. Find a friend who smokes and drinks coffee and let them use it once a month, or the spirit of the thing will fade and die ;)

We are all about having to get rid of things around these parts. Case in point at Toad Hall we still open a cabinet and think, "hmm have we ever opened this door before, whats in here? Oh 10 boxes of slides from 1900-1987 wonderful" and the door slowly closes and we move on, I mean you have to take your battles in small chunks.

I am also fascinated by the Sault st. Marie aspect of it.I have Michigan relatives (who of course are in and out of canada all the time, sharing their borders) and there is a sault st marie there as well, called the 'soo' in local parlance. So this post is just riddled with things to draw me in. Of course, Stinky the cat only adds that Vanna White panache as any arm candy could :)

Wonderful gift, now you treasure that and at the very least, burn a match near it and get it a dunkin donuts coffee, anything, let the poor thing feel it's purpose :)

I do feel very lucky to be the recipient of the Sip N' Smoke. It is quite spiffy. And even though I don't imbibe, I can still have my cocoa and use the tray for my almonds and such. Does that keep it's spirit alive?
Ooh, slides from way back. They are fun to watch. I have some boxes of slides from the 1950's I got at an estate sale. They were tossing them. Gorgeous Kodachromes from way back, from all over the world. SOME day, I want to go through them, and do something with them. Post? Who knows. But that some day will come, someday.
Stinky the Cat extends the thought back your way. She is a treasure as well. The smartest cat I've ever known, and I'm not just saying that as a parent. Really. I will take good care of the present. I promise. Hope you have a marvy rest of the Sunday. And it was Sublime. Cheers-ios

I'm sure you will be the best caretaker for your well given prize. I was 'pulling your leg' as the saying goes, though probably more 'bullying your coffee mug' in modern parlance.

I did have a lovely Sunday, though the rain came. It was kind enough to wait until I had just finished my bit of work that required me to use quick set cement for some posts. And then I could enjoy the sound of it with my afternoon tea and not have to water the garden. I hope your West Coast Sunday was filled with relaxing and sipping cocoa out of your 'new' mug and smoking invisible fags (i.e. pantomime cigarettes and actual nut eating) out of your accompanying ashtray.

The Sip N Smoke -- Now Stinky Certified!

Yay! So the ol' SnS finally found its way home. You know, I'm not sure how old it is exactly, but after or 20 years of being "new", you are the first person to use it. How fantastic!!

Your post has also shown me the true value of a good photo/description, so thank you for that. What a complicated device it would be if it were a single unit - ha! Thanks for being such a quality steemian and for being you.

Sorry, been off-site for awhile. Life things and such. I shall enjoy the Sn'S very much. I sure appreciate you sending it to me, once again. I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation. And thanks for the kind words as well. Have a nice night.

That life business, tell me about it. I've sent you a .chat message :)

Thanks, got the chat. A long DD 'backatcha' is there in the wings now. ( :

Never smiled so much at an unboxing post, but here we are haha. I could really have used one of those when I was a smoker - I guess clean lungs are better in the long run, although it is so very fetching...

What a nice gift they send you, in Steemit you can meet many amazing people, by the way I think the cat enjoyed or liked that gift and was so anxious to know what I could see in his photos hahaha

If a very nice piece I liked the cigarette very well done by the way from a distance seems really, that is very nice

Thanks, Stinky the Cat thought it was really cool, as did I. I think I'll try to sell the Schteinnway Ciggi's. But it will be an uphill battle to get rich with it, I think. ( :

Hahaha if you're right perhaps bandages perso like some ornament

Schteinnway Ulta-Hot Slender-Touch 100

HaHa!!! too funny
I love crazy collectibles. You've got a gem there :)

It is pretty priceless. I love this old kind of stuff. And I just figured if I don't smoke, why not construct my own. I even tried to smoke it. BAD idea. Thanks for stopping on by. Have a nice Sunday.

what a beautiful gift you have received dear friend @ddschteinn, you are the best, you have well deserved that wonderful gift.
I wish you a wonderful weekend

Thank you, my friend. That is very much appreciated. It is a pretty cool gift. I am glad it all happened that I got it in the mail. I will eat my almonds off the ashtray, while sipping my cocoa. What fun. Hope you have a really nice rest of the weekend. Cheers.

Nice gift from your good Steemit friend. I totally agree with you about Steemit and I think the same as you regarding why I love Steemit….

I don’t drink coffee or smoke, too. It’s very creative idea in making the own cigarette, Homemade Schteinnway Ulta-Hot Slender-Touch 100. Well done!

It’s great to see many photos of Stinky the Cat and it seems that she would like to involve in everything around your house….. She’s very cute. She looks happy and feels comfortable lying beside the Sip N' Smoke. ;)

Thank you, my friend. Glad you liked the post. And my cigarette. Hoping I can sell them, and make a mint. OK, maybe not...but it was fun to make. Stinky the Cat does want to be into everything all the time. One of the smartest cats I've ever seen. And I'm not just saying that, because she is my child. Really....

You're welcome! Ah! It seems that you made everything with fun! And Ha ha! I absolutely agree with you, Stinky the Cat, one of the smartest cats! You are very lucky! ;D

Oh that IS the cat's meow! Sure am glad the did make the base detectable! I imagine that would be not just heave but a bit cumbersome to sip from! (I like how that last part rhymed).

Yes that is the overall coolest part of Steemit--the cool people we get to meet and become friends with. Folks just like you :)

I think Stinky the Cat had it correct. A pretty cool gift. And I'm glad it ended up being designed as it should, rather than the Sip N' Tip.
The people of Steemit are what makes this world go round so well. It makes it very unique, in my book. Thanks for the nice sentiment. I full-on concur. I've always thought that if we lived closer together, we could have a lot of fun, and get into some minor trouble wandering the neighborhood, making photos for posts, etc. We seem to have similar views on life and humor and such. Oh well, wacky writings back and forth will have to do. Have a great weekend, or what's left of it. Cheerios.

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