The Diary Game | 08/04/20 | Day #4 - My Daily RoutinesteemCreated with Sketch.

“Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.”
― Samuel Smiles, Happy Homes and the Hearts That Make Them

My daily thoughts and habits are part of what makes me what I am - and what I am not. Having a solid daily routine is part of what brings success in life.

All pictures are my own original photography, some are retouched using Canva Pro.

Dear Diary - Today I am going to show you My Daily Routine

The things I do on a daily basis are Spiritual, Physical and Metaphysical. When we gather downstairs at 6:30, we begin with Bulletproof coffee and spiritual devotion.

It is frothy like a cappuccino, and creamy too - from the coconut milk powder we use. Bulletproof Coffee is our go-juice!

Bulletproof coffee isn't quite your average cup of Joe. The basic ingredients are black coffee, unsalted butter OR ghee, Octane oil or XCT oil (caprylic acid), coconut oil and in our case Roasted Dandelion Root. The oils are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral. The benefits are many, but my favorite is the BRAIN FOOD part. It acts as a mild cognitive enhancer which helps me mentally - to begin my day.

Spiritual devotion consists of Bible Study, and related academic books by authors we trust. The ability to analyze current events is a massive rats nest which I don't want to get too deep into. Suffice it to say, that we have some authors who we trust and read. My mom will read out loud and we will talk about points of interest or insight.

Next is physical & metaphysical activities for health and wellness.

The ancient practice of Tai Chi originated in China and is a trained manipulation of earth energy and inner concentration. I love it because I am constantly in motion, even if I am only holding a position and breathing. Qi Gong is a related practice, will show some Qi Gong poses in another post. Please don't judge me, but feel free to correct me.

Obviously, I don't have a perfect body or practice, but I fight hard to be a bit more disciplined every day. At the very least, my belly fat keeps me humble. Every day, I do one of three types of workouts: trampoline, weight lifting/karate, and walking. If I am feeling tired, or I am sore from a previous workout, I jog for 20-30 minutes on our small trampoline either with or without weights.

The big workout is weight lifting/karate. I try to do it at least 2-3 days per week around everything I have going on. In this one, I do squats, weights, sit-ups, jumping jacks, jumping rope, hops, lunges, kicks and punches. Especially if I am angry about being in lockdown - this is my top go-to therapy. Music that inspires me during these work-outs includes 90's Ska, 90's rap, 60's Vietnam War music and older 90's country. Obviously, I am stuck in the 90's - totally dating myself!

Walking is basically days I have to go out and do many errands, I try to skip at least a bus per day and walk instead (if I am not too far away). The distance ranges from a mile or two if I am in heels, to a few kilometers if I am feeling good and in flat shoes. Mostly, it is for days when I have too much to do. On weekends when we have nice days, or we aren't imprisoned in our homes, I take my son and go hiking in the nearby nature reserve called Rio Blanco.

On the metaphysical side, is my ongoing years old practice of Tai Chi. There is something special to be said for the effects of this activity on both my mental state, and physical capabilities. Many years ago, I discovered that a few minutes of Tai Chi during hard karate exercises always helped me to get my second wind and even reach new heights of physical ability.

For me, it is a magical practice that brings the yin/yang aspects of karate together creating an almost superhuman ability to kick higher and fight harder.

I think in Western Civilization, we disregard Tai Chi as a practice for the old or feeble. What I have discovered through my own self-taught/YouTube studies, is that while I may not be doing it 100% correctly, the results are incredible. I think if more of us spent a few minutes in this moving meditation/breathing practice every day (myself included), as a civilization we would have more mental AND physical balance.

Quick shout-out to @brianiron, who also loves Tai Chi - we met here on Steemit recently through another post. The power of community is alive and well here.

Now you have a little bit of an idea what my morning routine is like. Since this is only the beginning of the week, most of my day was spent working in my bedroom/office and helping around the house. I finally took the time to clean and organize my room which usually finishes each week looking like a hurricane hit it. As good as my habits are, I know what my weak points are.

Before cleaning/After Cleaning

In the afternoon, I had a telephone conference with a client, who I am helping to get established in Pereira, and in exchange he is helping me with some of my marketing. Typically, my earnings are people who come to me for tours or lifestyle consulting.

Another beautiful afternoon in La Fabrica de Atardeceres, or The Sunset Factory - another nickname for Manizales, Colombia.

With the extreme limits on travel and movement, I have to now really analyze my websites and start putting them to work for me. Whoever doesn't start paying for themselves will probably eventually be shut down or sold off - but to be honest, I don't see that happening any time soon since my hosting/domains are all paid for through the end of 2021.

What else can I say about the rest of my day. It was mostly focused on getting my proverbial ducks in a row, and then organizing a little adventure which I will be writing about in approximately one week, and one day. Stay tuned!

If you want to know more about who I am, and what I am doing in Colombia, read more HERE:

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I am a proud member of Team Colombia with @marpa @franyeligonzalez @josevas217, and @helengutier2.

Learn more about our team HERE:


Hola amiga @openmindedtravel que rutina tan excelente!! Me gusto mucho, tienes mucha razón cuando hablas de la meditación, es una excelente técnica para mejorar tanto mental como físicamente. Y por lo del cuerpo ni te preocupes jejeje es solo exceso de belleza, tenemos permitido tener un poco de grasita extra, incluyéndome jejeje!


Arriba @loscafeteros TEAM COLOMBIA.

Hay que estar en la jugada!!

Hola @openmindedtravel
Es bueno hacer ejercicio, en realidad creo que es la mejor manera de empezar el día, para activar todo el cuerpo, que bien que lo hagas.

Total! Que tengas un buen dia!

Haces mucho actividad física y mental, yo algunas veces hago ejercicios de meditación y trato de nivelar chakras, pero el deporte lo he dejado de lado, después de verte, he decidido que tengo que retomarlo.

Espero tus negocios avancen de manera satisfactoria, me encanta tu vida, eres una mujer muy calmada y con una bella energía.

Ay Margarita - tan linda! Me agrada que te he inspirado de estar mas activo. La actividad fisica se sube la energía, ayuda con pensamientos positivos, y paz interior. No siempre estoy muy calmada - pero mis actividades físicas si ayudan! Un abrazo!

my thanks and respect to you.

And to you! Stay connected!

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