Family Time! (and reminder there is a Pow-Wow @ 10 p.m. CST tonight & tomorrow morning @ 10 a.m.)

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

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What's That?

About a month ago, I sat down with one of our long standing members and high ranking officers. Her name is @sol25. She is the unspoken head of our Latino community and I value her insight. One of the things she expressed as a purge was taking place, is that some members don't get the same attention as others. Maybe it's because we don't visit them as often and there is a language barrier sometimes. So, after some brainstorming, we came up with the idea of 'Family Time'.

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Ok, Explain That To Us

The reason Eyes On has discontinued publication is that there are several that don't use the tag and never got into the posts. It's not mandatory for anyone to use #thealliance tag that is a member, but it's how I did the curation for those issues. What 'Family Time' is resembles the old 'Admiration and Appreciation' posts. We will select 10 people that are not as prolific in chats or that comment as much or even post as much as some of our more prominent members. It is expected that all of you visit these profiles throughout the week, show them that we are a family, and 'nobody gets left behind'.

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It Is Expected

Yes, that was in bold and italicized. Every person that is in #thealliance now made it through the last purge and is effectively supporting the family in one way or another. Whether they are on our voting trail or have delegated to @thealliance or donated funds or a combination of or all of the above - you all deserve and have earned the right to be here. I don't feel it's asking too much to visit a few profiles a day and show them a little extra love. That being said, here is our first ten allies that need some extra lovins:

  • @abmakko - He is all about the tech and quite the digital/graphic artist. A total of 16 comments on his last 4 posts, 6 of which were his own replies and only one that was from fam.
  • @arrliinn - She is real down to earth poster. A total of 29 comments on her last 4 posts, 10 of which are replies and only 1 of those was fam.
  • @adityajainxds - They are all about helping others and run a contest regularily to help out minnows. Of the 49 comments in the last 4 posts, only 1 was from the fam.
  • @afifa - Her posts are actually very educational and she writes real well. Of her last 4 posts, she's gotten 8 comments, none of them were from us.
  • @aldentan - Quite the dancer and showman, he is also very vocal in his posts. Only 7 comments on the last 4 posts, and none of them were from us.
  • @alvinauh - Very intelligent blogger and a teacher offline. Of the 23 comments on his last 4 posts, only 2 of them were from us.
  • @andyluy - Normally a prolific poster in multiple languages, he has been absent the past week. BUT, of his last 4 posts there were 20 comments, and none of them were from us.
  • @angelveselinov - An interesting poet and one of the founders of @poetsunited. Of the last 35 comments on his most recent 4 posts, only 2 of them were from fam, and it was the same person on the same post in reply.
  • @anjkara - She gets tons of comments since she does the 6 Word Story contests, but surprisingly only 1 of those comments on her last 4 posts were from an ally. Unless you count @fiberartists, which is @artemisnorth's fiber curation account. Then it's 2 different fam.
  • @astrea - Though on hiatus presently, she does some amazing work. Of her last four posts, there were 13 comments and only 1 was from us.

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One Big Happy

You've heard this before and I can't stress it enough, " remember that it is the engagement that makes us great and thrive as a community. Want to know who your family members are? This profile follows **ONLY** our members and their support accounts." That has been touted for quite some time and will always remain true. Have a good weekend fam, and see you at the pow-wow?

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Interested in joining us? Please refer to this post.


Going to step right in and hold my hands up high, guilty as charged I am REALLY struggling right now to keep up the pace. You know I love the family, and every single one of you create so much content...but it's so much! 200 plus members, if you all post every other day that's still 800 plus posts to read and comment on - I'm good but I'm no Batman!

And I'm guilty of having my favourites, I'm sure we all do - we keep up with those special ones then fill in the gaps. You have to though, look after the ones that support you - and every day I'm humbled about how much so many on here give to me - really it is just incredible.

I have seen this though, people get missed and lost - and I will keep saying it to my grave posts with little or no comments just burn me up - everyone posting in the family deserves a comment or two - the work quality is there it's just getting people to them.

This is a good start, I have been trying to think myself how to keep up with the many I really like but just - it's so many already I forget because time and tide wait for no man.

On the flip side though, people remember who they see - creating a post is one thing - getting your account around and seen is just as important to keep you fresh in peoples minds - Social discord events, commenting on posts - if you are Out There people see and remember - they will find because of that.

I see so many now regulars in SteemStar and SteemitRamble - it's the same people and honestly they are doing well for being in discords and engaging in Shows to then pull and audience to their blog.

As much as we need to help all the Family, we have alot to teach as well - every member can do so much to bring people to them - instead of waiting and hoping they get found. I'm going to say, if you want inspiration for being on top of your game on Steemit - look at @snook, @dreemsteem, @ancapbarbie and @crazybgadventure - they are everywhere and engage on another level that ensures everyone know's them.

#thealliance #witness


Love you @shadowspub!

I honestly feel if this had been done sooner, we would have a larger family and wouldn't have lost so many people along the way. And you're right, everyone has their favorites. I do, I'm sure we're not alone in that aspect. Good mentions for engagers on the platform buddy.

Well said and I hear you... I think we all can relate 🤗 in a dream world we can get to each and every one and give much love 🤗

I hear you. There are so many to get around.

My tactic, for what it's worth :P, is to visit blogs that I'm genuinely interested in.

I think, as the family grows, niches start to build and members gravitate towards those natural interests. I think that's the healthy way to grow. In my early days on Steemit, I found it hard work to read some of the blogs out of loyalty and it was off-putting.

It's an interesting subject though. How to move forward in a sustainable way? Hmmm :)

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This is such a FABULOUS thing! I appreciate the list, and have visited and supported everyone on the list that had a current post! THANK YOU! TheAllianceStar-25x25.png

You're awesome hun, thank you for going out of your way to spread some love :D

These are all great bloggers! I am familiar with a few but am going to check out the others ASAP! Thanks fam x

Thanks hun, big thank you and hugs your way!

This is such a great way to wake our attention to other family member... I admit there are posts I don't get to and I guess we all have posts we read more often than others as it shares your interests and way of life.
But this are some great people and I will check it out and give love as that's what it's all about.
Thank you for doing this. ❤️ #thealliance


#teamhug 🤗〰️❤️〰️🤗

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Yes for sure. These will be people, like I said, that aren't seen as much because maybe they do feel a little left out? Their quality isn't in question by any means, they made it into the castle for a reason. So thank you for reading and showing the love. :)

I can see how some may feel left out. Personally, I think I brought my invisibility on myself coz I'm not as active as some members (especially in discord). I don't get online every day although when I do I visit family members to show support (and do some of the other things in the background).

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I have now visiting them all and showed love and will do my best to keep it up 🤗
Great readings!

I think this is a great idea!! with so many in the family now, it is hard to get around to everyone - especially if we don't see them in the chat very often. thank you!!

Most welcome, I appreciate you reading and commenting here :)

I do agree with this idea 'cause there is tooo much great content produced by our family members that aren't really appreciated as it must be.

I'm also agree with @c0ff33a: unfortunately, there's no enough time to curate all of our members, but I'll make my best for @thealliance.

That's why I have to make a small "purge" in my followers list, just like @enginewitty did with family members' list.

Thank you, there really is a lot out there, just within our own family! But just rotating a few every week and getting people 'on the same page', so to speak, I think will really help everyone as a whole.

Aye aye captain! Going to check out these guy tomorrow, I think I can snatched some time before work!

Excellent, thank you @bengy!

Gracias algo así era necesario, lo digo porque yo estoy usando este método... busco dos veces al día la etiqueta #thealliance y leo los post recientes y trato de votar varios y dejar comentarios. Me ha ido genial porque he podido construir nuevas relaciones amistosas productivas. Espero poder revisar los usuarios sugeridos... son parte de la familia y merecen el apoyo acostumbrado. Gracias @enginewitty por el aviso amigo.

Y gracias amigo, por leer y hacer un esfuerzo para comprometerse con todos. Eres increíble :)

Are us Kids allowed into the meetings or is that after entering the Big House? Hehe ... I have many of these members in my others groups so they do get visited on rotation by me. So many groups, so little time. Yay Alliance!!!!

No kids allowed, adults only lmao. But the sentiment is highly appreciated :)

so not right!!!

You'll graduate soon, I'm sure. Then you can play with the big kids grownups. :P

Thank you for the mention and for the reminder! 😊

There's a lot to do how to get noticed and remembered and I do agree with @c0ff33a - "people remember who they see - creating a post is one thing - getting your account around and seen is just as important to keep you fresh in peoples minds". I am admittedly soo detached in discord so I try in my very small time to visit #thealliance posts as much as I can... and we all agree, there's a lot of them! 😉

There are, and some are out there and visible more. It's the ones that aren't that are still family I want to try and show a little more appreciation for :) thanks for reading :)

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