The Silent Wolf

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Where Have I Been?

I often see my blood ties as a wolf pack. I've made my moves and proven countless times I'm not only the Alpha of my immediate family, but the Apex across all blood ties.
Relevant to the chief of a tribe I suppose. I think if there is one person out there that will understand this, it's probably @eaglespirit. Some people may not quite grasp what I'm going to divulge here as it is hard to fully grip if you don't operate the same way or haven't had any of the same experiences I have in my life. Yesterday, I had to go see about about my sister. Many of the wolves in my family have been crying and howling for her these past six months, and for good reasons too.

The Howls

She had it good growing up, no lack of want, and maybe that was the problem. She tried to find a way to rebel and sunk into the trap of 'the hood'.
She finds it a way of life now; to be a thief, deal drugs, and worst of all, do the drugs she is selling. The family was crying about her welfare and the fact that she is a mother of three, does not make her choices suited to raising those children. I was asked to step in and see if there was anything that could be done. It gets cold in the part of the neighborhood she chose to be in, so I strapped up with a couple heaters and made my way to East Ridge, a suburb of Chattanooga.


Prior to her finding herself in her present affairs, she was up here where I could keep an eye on her. People with addictive personalities need help, even when they won't admit it. Instead of coming to me one night for assistance, she packed up the kids and hightailed it back to her ex-husband who kicked her out and kept the kids. The local fam down there thought it was a good idea to call DCS and they both got the kids taken away. Their father is no better, and by chance, the kids were returned to him which I am angrily thankful for because now they aren't lost 'in the system'. But is it any better for them to grow up abused, neglected and with hungry bellies? Either way, their mother did not care enough to straighten up and make the hard choices.

Almost Got Messy

I really thought my days of putting down rabid dogs was over. But yesterday, was one of those days. I finally caught up to her at a shitty little laundromat where her truck was broke down and she had wet clothes hanging all over the hood, doors and windows. She was very surprised to see me and asked how I found her. I have my sources.
We talked, she got a hug, she cried for about an hour and the typical addict personality that blames others for their predicaments reared its ugly head. I wasn't very nice after the pleasantries of reacquainting. This was third time I had to go find her. Last time I go out of my way for her too. Her piece of shit abusive boyfriend was apparently on his way to fetch the stolen goods in the truck. I waited for two hours and his lame ass never showed up. Which is good, I told her I didn't want things to get messy, and she knows I clean things up pretty up well.

Can Lead a Dog to Water

But I couldn't make her drink. Somewhere in the 80 pound, bruised and beaten, meth-boil ridden body, her heart have to had heard me. I lectured her on choices, and how she is the only one to blame for anything, which made her cry again. I preached to her about her kids and how they must perceive her, because they aren't getting any younger. Your daughter is 8 now, she knows what drugs are and knows you chose to be the way you are by your own volition instead of choosing to 'grow-up' and be responsible for them.

Sometime in that 3 hour fiasco, somebody had called the police. My suspicion is it was her delusional boyfriend trying to get her popped for the jacked pieces. Was odd, they pulled up, stopped, looked at me, nodded, looked away, and drove off. All black business get-up, fedora, mirror shades and an aura of 'I got this', must have changed their minds about making my day more difficult than it already was. I just hope something I said resonated. I left her in her misery and refused to give her any money for obvious reasons.

Sad, Really

It is a sad situation she has placed herself in. I tried the best I could to get her to cut her losses and let me get her the help she needs. I really don't understand it. I've been in some shit, no lie, and I guarantee, I had it worse than she ever did. All of her kids are healthy and breathing. Try having one die on you Sis! The fuck, you think you the only one that ever had anything bad happen in your life? You are the maker and creator of your destiny. As I am mine. I have chosen a different path, I hope you do the same. So, this is why I was nowhere to be found yesterday. I had some 'real' things to do. STeeM oN my peoples!


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png
sources - gif1, gif2, gif3


I will refrain from commenting, I <3 your spirit @enginewitty
you are needed in many ways, you can not save everyone nor should you or I....
that is all

if you have a right hand man, it's me, who is a woman
in time you will see what I mean......also, WE need you if available for a show on the good that is actively working vs. other things at 2 EST if you are available, You ain't the only one felt knifed before on this platform, stay are loved

Good on you brother. Glad you try even if it ain't easy.

The wolf has always played a big part in my life. Through scouting/OA my family earned some nick names. They are in a native language but they roughly translate to: wolf tied with hair (my grandfather), the deceiving wolf (my father), mother wolf(my mom) and the second son of the wolf (is my brother).

Super cool. When I lived on the rez and did my 'vision quest', I was led by all three spirits, but ultimately chose the bear. I can tap into any of the three 'spirit guides' though ;)

I'm sorry that your ability to tell a story powerfully is used for such a sad story. Man ... I can relate to this on so many levels from both sides of your conversation with her.
But you're right. You can lead them to water, but you can't make them drink. And often, they're pulling against you even leading them to water. If it was just my sister I'd say fuck her, she made her bed and she can lie in it. But there are kids involved, and you're a fucking super-hero for doing that because they're the ones who pay for her fuck-ups in the long run.

Thanks hun, and that's really what my 'intervention' was about was my nieces and nephew. They don't deserve that shit. Pains my soul.

is there a way you could foster them ?

If they had been thrown in the system, yes, put our names on the list already if anything like that happens where they get pulled from the home again.

might be time to be stone cold and have them pulled, or offer them money to sign over custody. If no one gets those kids out of there they might repeat the same patterns :(

I've already been stabbed in the back enough by some ...... I washed my hands of some ages ago and wish and pray the best for them,,,,,meanwhile I'm making sure with OTHERS that things go smoothly in a direction of positive growth, mic drop

couldn't have been easy making those tough choices @enginewitty ... but they were the right choices ... you can offer a shoulder to lean on but she has to be willing to stand up and do what needs to be done.

Yes she does, the thing I was getting most, and you could see it in her eyes, was 'I don't know how'. It is just easier for her at this point I suppose, to stay where she is, than to stand firmly on her own two feet.

Decades ago I had to walk away from my family and their incessant problems, too. I don't envy you such moments one bit. Bless your heart. Sending you love and prayers -- in case they do any good.

Many thanks E-Spirit. Every little bit of energy the right way helps on some level.

You, as you know, did the right thing. I'm sorry you had to do it. I have been in many of the same kind of situations over the years.

My life would have been very different if people could have seen what drugs were doing to them. They never did.

You have your family and to protect them is always first.

but unfortunately, Love is not enough to fight the call of drugs in any form.


Thanks doll, was not a fun day yesterday. Between the dismal emotional outcome and rainy weather, I would like to just forget the whole day circumstance would have it...not happening.

This is a bummer. We, too, have some family members that make poor choices, much to our chagrin. But more than that, it makes you feel like you're helpless to help.

You've done exactly as you should.

The world needs more strong, tough love.

Hang in there. Keep on your path. The best outcome will be that she follows.

Hugs. ❤️

All I can do now is hope she 'sees the light' and starts making the tough decisions. Told her it'll be the hardest shit she ever does, but by far, the most rewarding.

Again you show your big ❤️ and you did the right thing even if it's a tough choice to make. When it comes to family it's never easy and sometimes the heart says one thing and the mind another.
It's never easy when they can't se what drugs and such does to them.... And to all around them. You can't help those who doesn't want to be helped, or more like can't se clearly.
So sorry you had to deal with this. You do so much for others and you can't do it all... You are loved and my heart goes out to you ❤️

I know and the best one 🤗

So sad, but you know you did your best and sometimes the best love is tough love! She won't be ready for help until she wants it, but then she will remember that you care!

I sure hope so. I had to stay there long enough and repeat myself several times because she was high as all get out when I got there. :(

So sorry to hear that it did not work out, but maybe you planted a seed in her head that will make her want to recover! I sure hope so!

it can be frustrating to see people fall apart for seemingly trivial reasons when one had to tough out things that were a million times harsher. That being said I have learned that the more crap you go through and survive the higher the threshold so i am never sure if I am being unjust at feeling miffed at people. In the end I guess it does not matter what matters is if your are useful to a situation and sadly it seems that in this case you are not, as you are talking to a brick wall. As painful as it is walking away was the right choice at least for now ...

Brick wall indeed. Then again, some people don't learn. I've had friends die from the same kinds of things thinking they could handle it and 'it wouldn't happen to them'. Time will only tell her fate.

been there, sorry you have to go through it :(

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