TEAM GOOD (Category for Supporting Acts of Kindness and the People making them happen!)

in #thealliance6 years ago

#teamgood I have been sprinkling around and did in a post to see if it would catch did.

So now I am looking at the tag and will be dropping by to upvote and help initiatives and the Steemians running them. The hope is that this initiative catches on so people can have a hub on here to cross-pollinate random acts of kindness and hopefully find some comradery .

There is much to be said about the responsibility some people feel to pass along support. Loyalty and generosity that has been extended to many of us can branch out in ways that are incredible to see come into fruition.
I have found a comfort zone and Middle Path niche for myself on here and hope to keep passing torches onto new users and O.G.'s for keeping the good stuff goin'! :)


(positiveforce,youtubecommonslicence, theonlythingconstantinlifeischange)


It has been exciting to see how steemit allows people to find their own ways to do good works. @lyndsaybowes "ophumanangels" and the work being done by @youarehope are two great examples, one just a simple note left for a stranger, the other a global effort to alleviate suffering. Steemit has some scope!

Hello , full upvote ........ YES, love this! I am "Security" in @youarehope run by @sircork and will have to look into the other cause, first I heard of it...AWESOME
#teamgood is support for the support ;)

Thank You. @lyndsaybowes is an awesome peace and love activist I think you will like her. Please note I mis-spelled it earlier!

this is turning out well, the infohub and cross-pollination looks to be working

Haha! That "cross pollination" sounds a little kinky...

a global effort to alleviate suffering

Wow. I usually need to fumble through a lot more words to explain it. Drop by @YouAreHOPE discord at

I like the cut of your jib, sailor.

#teamgood = good vibes for the soul. Dancing to your initiative @battleaxe

Behold #teamgood Mascot, the Majestic Alpaca!

confirmation of trademark statement :)

LOL it kick's the Drama-Llama's A$$ :D

Thanks. I like what you are doing too. I will try to be by discord soon. Have a great day.


Love that message

I too like to spread the love! I will check out the tag - thanks for bringing to our attention xxx

Hey hey hey, yeah hopefully it's a helpful infohub, that's it in a nutshell

Is the tag an Infohub? Oh man, I'm pretty hopeless.

a few months back did a post about TeamGood and then started using it as a name for well....a ton of different people doing good or their groups/initiatives...whatever
noticed a few of my friends using it so , decided to do a post

I got me learnins for 2day tank you. :)

Passing the act of kindness from one person to another is like creating a better world each day. Imagine if all people are doing a good act for others and vice versa, Hmmm! It will be a great world alright.

I will also go and check out the tag its a great idea

That's an awesome initiative! We need more like these!

My Cross-Pollination Info-Hub is for the awesome Initiatives..... thanks U <3

You never cease to amaze me. For as long as I have known you, you have been that kind of person who will always put herself second no matter what to help someone else.

I'll never forget that time last year with the storm America had where you literally took people in because they didn't have a roof over their heads. To say I was blown away ( no pun intended ) by what you did would be an understatement.

We can all learn from you and your good nature, myself included. Don't ever change @battleaxe, don't ever change. You are just perfect as you are!

thank you for everything

-> <-
seems like a nice genuine married lady.
i left some links for her on her last post.
if you happen to know of any other helpful links
to help her get a start. thank you and teamgood.
Maybe even just an encouraging hello.
She might be someone who gives back to a #teamgood
(please and thankyou no need for comment upvotes)

well I upvoted anyways @jacobts and cool to know, hope to get this cross pollinating infohub thingie for good up and running soon enough
is "Support for the Support"

#teamgood has been percolating a Long Time, now it is growing and will reach Critical Mass ;)
People need to extend their view beyond their own little world. I saw an explanation where it was made clear to me that I need to look OUTWARD. I could give maybe $100 or more to someone with "first world problems" and it may or may not make a difference. These types of givings are good, do not get me wrong. BUT:

if we look out far enough we just might see a situation where even a small donation can clearly do SO MUCH MORE.

YAH had that Malaria Alert and the whole problem could likely be solved for a rather small amount by US standards. This is what the YAH Foundation is doing, and it's just one part of what we call


Found this through PYPT just a bit earlier :) I'm glad to find another positivity here in Steemit. This would encourage more to do good wherever they are. Looking forward to more TEAM GOOD! :)

yeah that's a great show run by @shadowspub , and gotta put up happy Alpacas because am happy to make some happiness

@topkpop, ...... I got your magical Alpacas right here!
Who want's to go chill for a picnic ...Alpaca lunch and bottle of wine!

First of all fantastic image. Secondly, the whole play with alpaca lunch made me laugh that I almost spit out my drink lol.

Alpacas are the New heard it here first

Awwww those are so cute and colorful Alpacas! And yeah this image makes them look like unicorns <3 Alpacorns? :D

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