Raising Tadpoles (Day 103) - A Tank Undivided

in #tenkminnows5 years ago (edited)

First Day
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Day 103

Since there are no more juvenile frogs in the main aquarium anymore and won't be for a very long time (assuming I even do end up having to move any of the young frogs now that the 20 gallon is about to be available) I removed the tank divider during the feeding clean up today. A tank divider is helpful for the short term, however, in the long term, it results in one side of the tank being subjected to a much stronger current from the filter and the other being unable to get rid of larger waste matter, it's good to give the adults a well deserved break. Unfortunately, some of their decor is still being used in the froglet tank and will be it will be quite some time until the main tank no longer looks barren. The decreased current and more room to move should lower their stress and for the first time since the divider had originally been installed, I could even hear Scout singing.


In order to celebrate their renewed freedom of movement and no longer being stuck in a small space, they began to swim around for two minutes before promptly squeezing themselves into a small space in the other corner of the tank. Sometimes they really do feel almost human..

Now that things have settled down a little, I'll be testing the water of all of the tanks tomorrow, with an emphasis on the 20 gallon aquarium's ammonia level tomorrow, if the test results of the tadpole tank water show a drop to being near zero, then I'll have to re organize the setup in preparation for switching the tadpoles and froglets in the next few days. Personally, I'm anticipating the switch until the number of tadpoles has dropped to at least 20 though it's always good to be prepared. Since the tubes of the filter are already cut to size, I'll have to find something to place it on or else it'll be 10-15 pounds dangling from the size.

Current Totals:

15 - 10 gallon (Froglet Tank)
27 - 20 gallon (Tadpole Tank) [4 Froglets, 3 Near Froglets, 21 Tadpoles]
37 - Wholesaler

Next Day


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