Tell A Story To Me Round Up #8 - Vote for a chance to win @steembasicincome

in #tellastorytome6 years ago (edited)


Win A Prize when you vote for your favourite story!

Welcome back to the second part of round 8, an extra chance to win, whether you entered a story or not!

Read the entries below, let me know which one you liked the most, and why, for a chance to win 1 @steembasicincome

The winner will either be the most well thought out nomination, or if we get a lot of good nominations, chosen at random from those. You don't have to have written a story to vote and win! Just tell me which stories you liked, and why, and which one was your favourite!

Authors Vote

All the authors have also been invited to come back and vote, their votes will be tallied for the Authors Choice Prize of 1SBD and 1 @steembasicincome share. This round, every author who votes, and take the time to explain why, will automatically get 1 @steembasicincome share!

Public Vote

If you didn't enter, you can still win a share by voting, cast your vote below for a chance to win 1 @steembasicincome share

The Entries

Here we have, hopefully in the order submitted, the entries to vote on! Cast your vote by commenting with the user who you think should win, let me know why you are voting for them to be in with a chance of winning yourself!

I am so sorry if I have missed anyone, give me a shout in the comments and I will update the post and anyone who has already voted

@theironfelix with Eleven-ninety-nine

@cyemela with Books of the Blackout

@seesladen with Books of the Blackout

@dirge with The Grand Quiet

@jackofcrows with Since The Lights

@gwilberiol with Ahab

@ediblecthulhu with Resurgence

@ebitularmbert with The Decenternet

Please cast your votes as soon as possible!

I am hoping to be able to release the results and next round over the weekend, so please get your votes in as soon as possible.

As a new addition, Every author who votes for a favourite story, and explains why, will win!

Thank you so much for the fantastic stories, I am so excited to start judging. I have made myself wait until all the entries are in and collated to read them, and it has been so hard to resist!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to enter - good luck! <3

Love, Sparkle, & hope to see you again in the next round - Calluna

By no means is anyone asked to resteem, but of course, if we get enough public votes, there will be another prize on offer for the authors!


Okay so I had two favorites here. I really like what @dirge did. I liked the cannibal clan and I liked the reveal. The characters felt real, Malik was kinda a punk though. But I give my vote this round to @gwilberiol. I liked the hunter character, felt like something I would make. Gave feeling to it at the end when he sits down to read...........and drops a classic

Thank you so much for voting! The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

I'll do my best!

Now time to scare some dæmons and ensure Lucy Boy be still on the Throne.

UwU Since I know that I cannot vote for myself, as a good lil’ human being I vote for @dirge in this round as an author. I certainly loved the aspect that the emp bombs didn’t fry the electronics of an underground vault society. Also the fact that the sheriff was heavily telegraphed to be a robot mid-story with the Jesus Ressurection and accessing of the vault. Finally, Cops vs. Indians - I had to do it ‘em, the may mays.
🤠 (Not because I want to build a nepotistic Bloc on Steemit, no sir-re!) 🤠

Cops vs. Indians

Lol. After I wrote the story, I was all, "Fuck. Did I just reproduce the white supremacist narrative of civilization vs savage?" I mean, there's a limited number of plot elements available for the story.

The townspeople could fight:
a. savage tribe of post-apocalyptic humans
b. other town
c. themselves via civil war
d. animals
e. mutants
f. aliens
g. robots
But I wanted to give it a Fallout feel so I chose the (a). I think its possible to not reproduce that racist trope

Great Khans vs Goodsprings. Let’s go! But no, I think you’ve just edged by alright.

Thank you so much for voting (and not for yourself lol) The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

Aye, will do!

Loved all the stories! My vote goes to @dirge for the engaging narrative and many rich details. This feels to me like a novel or movie skillfully streamlined into short story form. Props!

Thank you so much for voting, it was a hard round to chose! The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

I am very conflicted between @dirge's Westworld story and @ediblecthulhu's Fallout story.

I will go with @dirge. I loved the recurring dream slash danger alert idea, and the concept of a book burner as a social outcast. How many lives will the lost library cost, down the road? I'm guessing several. The characters are fantastic, though I wish the Light Men had lines of dialogue too. The plot follows a classic 'true grit' adventure to an open ending.

...I wonder how many of Eastrun's citizens are unknowingly robots. Maybe all of them!

Thank you so much for voting! The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

Thank you for liking my story and sure, I'll try!

My vote goes to @gwilberiol. The story really keeps books at the heart of it. Also like Hemp being incorporated in the story, since I'm invested. In the end you want to keep reading and find out where this goes!

Thank you so much for voting - hemp is of course the future! The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

OK. And thanks again!

Okay @gwilberiol killed it. I honestly don't know how he could dream up such a story. Superb!

But since he just may win it, my vote goes to @ebitularmbert. I like the tension he created, even though he could have done better with the end. Some stories just do not need a resolution. We would have loved to just hang with hunger. Lol

Oooo some fantastic reasoning there. Thank you so much for voting! The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

Super mad at myself for not finding time to finish what I was writing for this but since I finally had a day off I read through everything and I gotta go with @gwilberiol. It was really fun to read and I liked the value placed not knowledge of any kind be it print scribbled down on paper or locked up in someone’s head... also the moral dilemma of killing someone who could well be the last holder of a bit of knowledge because he memorized it is interesting to think about

Well the next round is out, plenty of time so hopefully you can make it! You got 1 @steembasicincome share for a well reasoned vote. Thank you!

My vote goes to @gwilberiol with the story, "Ahab". The descriptions of the book trader, the atmosphere of gloom and the harshness of the story all made for compelling narrative. Successful world-building. The plot had good pacing with intrigue and conflict/resolution. The punchline was an effective ending to the story.

Thank you so much for voting! The winners and next round are out, I would be thrilled if you found the time to enter again <3

My vote has to go for @gwilberiol. His picture of the present world was really well drawn, with just enough action and excitement without being overdone.

@ediblecthulhu's story was a very close second. I loved the little details like spending Centuras and drinking Dark November and the use of human circuitry to power computers was a great twist.

Thank you for voting! You got 1 @steembasicincome share for taking the time to stop by and read the entries.

If you would like to give it a go, the next round is out!

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