Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 20 //My Entry

in #teemmonsters6 years ago


He had already worked many hours in the fields before joining his girlfriend. They headed to church. Once inside he could tell that his smell annoyed a few but it could not be helped. He listened again to the word of the lord. That if one worked hard in his world and did right he would get a might reward in the afterlife. He believed those words with all that was in him and he would keep working hard. The collection plate was passed around and this week like most he could not donate he did when he could but pay had been cut and he was just keeping a roof over his head and he could have a child coming soon. He thought he saw unpleasant look on one of the ushers faces but the man looked away before he could be sure. Yet he left that day like each other ready to face the world and finish his work.

After saying goodbye to his girl he headed back to the frields to finish his work. That night he went to the mead hall to get some dinner like most Sunday nights it was a treat. He was alone tonight his girl worked in a house and she had to watch the kids tonight. In the hall he saw a few of the ushers drinking and flirting with the girls. He never like to see that these were men of god and they should act better. He was finishing up and getting ready to leave when he saw one of them reach under a girls dress she shouted and pulled away but the man tried to grab her. He stepped in pushing the man off her and she ran away leaving the hall.

“She didn’t want your company anymore.” he said plainly and turn to leave.

“Well if it isn’t the Pope from on high to mix with us common folk” said the usher who toss a piece of bread at him.

“I will forgive your words as I know you have been drinking” he said as he walked away.

There were a few chuckles from the usher’s friends he heard the man curse him as he walked away but didn’t care to look back. He felt safe enough they were men of the cloth they would sleep it off and all would be forgotten. He had seen things close to this happen before and always he stepped in and things worked out the next day. It was a dark night out he noticed as he headed home. Work started early and he needed to get to sleep. He decided to take a short cut by the marsh not many went there but he knew the way.

“That is the last time you are going to embarrass me farm boy! Shouted the usher who had been following him it seems.

“I did not mean any harm you are not yourself tonight sir ….” he hard start to talk when he saw the weapons in hands and fell short. The usher had brought some friends and the had clubs and a short sword.

“We can work this out tomorrow” he said backing away from them.

“No I am done talking with you!” said the usher as he rushed him with his friends.

God protect me he taught as he tried to fend them off. He was doing okay till a club caught him in the left eye. Then another on his back and he was down on all fours and a kick to his midway flipped him to his back. He looked up at them with his one good eye and still expected something to save him. The sword came down towards him he raised his arm to block. He saw part of his right arm fall on the ground next to him. He started to fill the life leave his body. The men with the clubs ran off leaving the usher with the sword alone with him. The usher pushed his body to the marsh and went to leave. He reached out with his good arm and grabbed at his sword belt pulling it off.

“Don’t leave me I can live you can be forgiven.” he said

“Oh just die poor farm boy no one is going to miss you” said the usher as he pulled away and left.

As he sunk into the marsh he could feel the mud blocking the wound and though weak he was alive and would wait they would come the people would find him he held onto the sword belt he had took the would know who did this to him. The night was hard as he passed out but he heat of the sun brought him back. He waited surely someone would come looking for him soon. He said he prayers and waited. His strength started to fade as the hours passed and she sun began to set. He was so sure they would come any moment. He wasn’t even deep into the marsh. Someone would come. But no one did his mind began to fill with hate. He had lived like they told him he had worked hard. Yet god would leave him to die like this in the marsh. His life faded away that night but the anger and hate for those men stay and it grew.

“Why are we here Zintar?” ask the priest

“It is not your place to ask me questions but don’t you feel that hate? There is someone here and want us to find him. That isn’t happy that he is dead. There in the marsh do you see it now help him up priest.”

“Yes I feel it now that is a strong hatred for life.” said the priest as he began his prayers to the darkness.

His mind started to clear a bit to remember why he was so mad. They usher had been right no one cared he died. He felt a strength return to his limbs. A strength greater than he had before. He stood up and looked around. A few feet from him stood to figure in robes blue and orange on one and black and red on the other. A green glow came from the ladders eyes yet he didn’t feel fear anymore.

“I have come to bring you back so you can help me drive men from this world” Zintar said

He words had a pull to them. They seemed to fill him with even more power. This was a god that showed up he taught.
“I will help but first we must visit a church near here there are people that I must punish!” he said

“That should be fun lead the way. Lets see what you can do” Zintar said

The headed off for the church and by the time he was done they had left so many bodies behind he lost count. He felt some joy in watching them die. He would show this world that their god was a lie.

Short Form
Betrayed by men of god
He returned to punish them


Zombie Steem Monster. Awesome. Here is an upvote.

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