Building colonies - Why Moon Soon?

in #technology7 years ago

Why moon?

Today we will be looking at colonizing the moon, and not just small bases, but real colonies. My focus today will be on the colonization and industrialization of the moon with thousands or millions of people.

The moon has a bit of a strange position in the discussion of space travel, it remains the only place mankind has visited in person but has been nearly half a century since we have been there, and only a dozen people have set foot on it.

It's hard to picture the moon and its surface, it's a big place having an area larger than Asia, so those dozen astronauts only saw a very small portion of it.

What about the craters then?

We tend to envision the moon as a great desert pockmarked with craters, but people tend to forget that those craters range from the size of a pebble and large enough to swallow most nations and deep enough to bury mount Everest.

We've got dozens of craters that could hold major metropolitan areas or even entire nations and you could quite easily dome over an entire crater and these would be large enough to hold entire ecosystems. Given the low gravity of the moon building structures, this large would be a possibility.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that all of those craters were formed by impacts. So building on the surface is always going to carry some inherent risk of damage, potentially catastrophic damage. The chances of a large impact wiping out your dome would be somewhere in the realm of getting struck by lightning on Earth however. So perhaps some kind of active defense system would be sufficient to maintain the integrity of the dome.

Wait, there's Lava too??

I also hear there are a lot of lava tubes on the moon, these tubes vary in depth across the surface and the low gravity allows them to get very large in diameter and in terms of distance can run for hundreds of kilometers/miles.

Building in the underground lava tubes would likely be the best first port of call. As the moon's day/night cycle is a month long and the light isn't filtered by an atmosphere so the surface is constantly bombarded by radiation or meteorites, therefore having a fair whack of ground between you and the harsh reality of space could keep you safer than building on the surface.

Plus it is likely you will have artificial lighting due to the day night cycle so you would not have to block out the two-week long sunlight in order to maintain a normal day to night earth-like ratio.

Transportation, Supplies, and Comms..

So in order to incentivize the movement of people and materials to the moon in a view of setting up a colony, we need to determine what the benefits the moon offers us. What is on the moon that earth lacks, what is on the moon that the rest of the solar system lacks.

Real time communication, the moon is close enough that we can send data in real time. Having this ability means we can cooperate with moon side experimentation and maintain a link in order to order supplies and so on. It only takes 2.6 seconds to send a message to the moon and back to the earth.

Being this close to earth means that if we needed to send any specialist materials or personnel it could be done fairly quickly. For example, a space going vehicle capable of 1G of acceleration constantly could make it to the moon in less than four hours. This is shorter than many flights on earth and certainly within the realm of possibility for a metallic hydrogen or fusion powered ship.

So, What else does the moon have?

Well, it lacks a significant atmosphere, but rather than a disadvantage this can actually be an advantage, the lack of a significant gravity well and zeroes atmospheric drag means it is very easy to ship materials from the moons surface back to earth, or out into the solar system.

So we could use the moon as a drop off point from asteroid based mining operations, pulling in highly desirable elements and minerals such as gold or platinum or even diamond from further out in the solar system and easing it down onto the moon ready to be shipped back to earth in order for consumption.

There is also the opportunity to mine the craters themselves on the moon, as they are created by those very same things we are thinking about mining, so we could easily trawl the surface or near surface for rare materials.

The moon also has a dark side, which will for a long period (2 weeks) is shielded from not only the sun but the earth as well, providing a perfect place to observe phenomena in our nearby neighborhood. No radio noise, no glare from reflection, and even more importantly no diffusion from an atmosphere.

We could also practice our terraforming, hazardous experimentation such as biological, nanotechnology, power generation. The moon being in close proximity to earth means if we require any additional information or materials and personnel for this experiments we could easily send them up there and try out all the things before we set out further across the solar system and move outside the safety net of the sphere of easy influence.

The moon has sources of water, which could easily be split with hydrolysis and turned into hydrogen and oxygen, large deposits of helium 3 which can be an excellent energy source in fusing reactors. The moon also has good amounts of potassium, uranium, aluminum, sulfur, magnesium and phosphorus all of which could be used for experimentation, power generation, or building.

The low gravity of the moon means you can build just like you do on the earth, a smelter on the moon will still work just like a smelter on earth, hot less dense substances still rise to the top, a distillery (we need that space booze) will also operate just the same. Not having an atmosphere means you don't have to worry about reinforcing structures to cope with those conditions, so building large on the moon is nowhere near as costly in terms of materials versus building on the earth.

Being that you have access to large amounts of raw and precious materials and the ability to easily move them from the moon back to the earth due to the low gravity and no atmosphere. The ability to create huge amounts of energy via fusing reactors or pulling in photons from the sun. You would be able to create a larger demand for personnel and offer a much higher rate of pay versus working earth-side.

This disparity in pay, opportunities to step out further into the solar system much easily compared to launching directly from earth, mining rights to rare materials and elements, engage in advanced science and cutting edge experimentation, ability to mass produce and ship back to earth plus the ability to build spaceships and much larger structures (for housing, science or manufacture) vastly cheaper and easier than on earth would all encourage people and organizations to take that leap out of the atmosphere and onto the moon and hopefully further out into the void.

I'd love to hear your thoughts any other things I might have missed in regards to the moon in the comments below.

Thank you for taking the time to read my simple words dearest readers, much love. <3



I agree a moon base is the logical next step although probably not on the scale you are talking about. Elon Musk recently talked about a moon base as a pre requisite for his planned trips to Mars:

And as everything else he touches seems to turn to gold, let's hope this (and the mars trips) soon become reality!

That's the exciting thing about systems, they tend to scale up over time.

Thanks for the comment, much love. <3

Let's do it! :)

What if it's already been colonized. What if aliens are already there. What if it's hollow and people already occupy the inside?

Then we shall battle for glorious right to moon. <3

I've thought about that too. People tend to assume that it is empty.

I'mm totally team-hollow-moon, also... project clementine tho. 😱

You were faster haha!

Oh, kool, cheap labor!

I agree with all your points. I never understood the decision to terminate moon exploration and possible exploitation thru colonization/industrialization. There are so many possibilities that are more easily achievable on the moon than here on earth. To the moon and beyond! ;)

Maybe we are waiting for a more reusable rocketry? Kinda hoping once spacex gets it together we should be fine to restart exploration.

To the Mhooooooooooon!!!!

Considering we've lost half century's worth of practical experience by not trying to exploit outer space via a workable space station and/or moon station/colony I'm not sure if a fatal mistake hasn't been made

I don't think so, we can always improve.

Science and fantasy often merge in my mind...
I once read a novel where after a few generations the colony on the moon physically adapted to the difference in gravity and other environmental factors. They ended up with ESP and other cool abilities locked away in our genetics. Living on the moon - I couldn't handle the artificial light or the cold. But I could love it after terraforming. An oasis of plants under a dome and control the temperature. Anyway great read. <3

I've always had a wish to explore the stars, but after the moon visit it seemed to just not be an interest so much for humanity. In regards to the artificial light, we have developed some materials that can capture and slow down light, so perhaps we could have long tubes of varying lengths of this substance, capturing real light and releasing it slowly over time for an ambient light level created with 'real' photons from the sun. The cold shouldn't be too much of an issue, the only reason it's so cold is the lack of atmosphere, by building beneath the surface we would retain much heat.

Likely to the point some of it would need to be dumped into cooling towers.

Thanks for your kind words and support hope you have a peachy day <3

I think that living in a lava tube with real photons stored from the sun would be okay!

Hey, sounds interesting... do you recall the name of the novel? I'd like to check it out myself too if possible... :)

Hmm...the title does not come to mind right now. But it was teen fiction - sort of spun off the recent trend of twisted fairytales. Honestly quite a bit of that book puzzled me...and I didn't care for most of it. The best part I took away is the fragment above. Makes me want to write my own novel with moon beings and that premise of evolution though! Maybe Sam can be my scientific advisor for it <3

Haha... be sure to send me a link if you do. :)

Subjugation by James Galloway...and no, my memory isn't that good, just remembered reading something similar and it bugged me enough to Google moon colony telepathy

Enjoy ✌️

Cool! Thank you @cryptologyx! :)

I hope we can grow lot's of peaches in the moon... lol!

Seriously the move to venture outside the earth is inevitable, the moon can be a terminal, a docking port area to transport us to other space destinations. I can have my Starbucks and Cinnabon there if I want, or an Sbarro pizza while I await for my connecting flight to Mars or wherever planet, moon or galaxy. Good read!

But what do we call the citizens of the moon? Mooners? Moonians? Lol!

This is a peach read! :)

Lords of the moon dancing peach appreciation society? seems pretty legit ti me.

Yeah I thought we would have already got there by now, I want me some of that moon cheese on my peach power pizza. haha

Thanks for the kind words and support. Much love. <3

Moonizens? :D

Possible. It would be awesome if indeed there are people/humans living on the moon in the near future. 😊

Totally! :)

Unit has voted and sends peach spirals. Much pinesol @sammosk.

Subroutine hug activated, enjoy peachy fresh pinesol janitor.

Great post once again that has got me thinking? I have thought a lot about how the moon could be colonised and used, though I'm not sure it provides the cost neutral investment to make it viable atm. I do believe that it will be the first stop for deep space exploration though.

Who will get there first and will a war wage over the rights to the moon? Only time will tell.

War will likely be a thing, unfortunate but true.

I'm thinking if there was some kind of orbital lifter to reduce the cost of launching, or a mass driver for raw materials for initial colony + laser driven spacecraft from a ground power source to lift the people cargo, this would cut down on the cost quite effectively.

Thanks for your support and comment, much love. <3

nice post seen your post on pal =D

Awesome! Thanks for reading and the comment. <3

Wow! Looks like you've really done some research work to come up with so much of interesting information! Bookmarking your page. :) A time will come when humans will start to seriously consider inhabiting the moon! Cheers! - @sandzat

Thanks for the bookmark and support @sandzat, I hope you have a peachy day and much happy times. <3

It took me about 4-5 hours to research and write up this post. Much reading and writing. :)

Thank you! You too! :)
It shows. And it's well put together too. :)

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