New Toy! For (My Mom to Use) Me to Test!

Hey all! Yes! You've seen it! It's a new toy I am going to test on today!

Photo 03-05-2018, 10 58 31 AM.jpg

And yes... it is for my mom. Her birthday is next week which is also very close to Mother's day; morever I am returning home to vote for our upcoming #malaysia General Election 14 and this will be a surprise for her.

But first, I get to QC it!

That's the cool thing when you are doing for your parents. heh heh...

Ahem. Back to checking...

Based on the [review]( of this particular phone, from Leagoo, which I am not familar with, is supposed to be a super lightweight phone with only maximum 3G bandwidth capacity.

So for those who are looking for 4G / LTE version, this phone is not for you; despite of its lure of Dual lens for both front and back oh the phone.

I actually spotted this earlier from Shopee month end sale last month and it came with a really affordable price: less than 50 USD as starters, and it seems to be one of the most competitive low cost phones in the market at this point of time.

Being such a cheap price the vendor still enclosed a universal converter and a soft based cover just to protect the phone, although it did not include tempered glass. But I guess that's already quite a good bundle and I'd probably will be able to look for a near compatible tempered glass for my mom for this phone.

Size wise: It looks very close to my recent iPhone 6S, which is not too big nor too small for my mom. She's currently using a Samsung Y which is so much smaller so I guess this should be a good comfortable upgrade for her.

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I was hoping it came with the blue body but I guess they ran out of that color (the vendor mentioned be ready in case it doesn't have enough stock for the color requested) , but I think it still looks sleek for gold-ish brown colour and suitable for women.

Apparently it also comes with finger print recognition, which I am not certain will it work well, but let's give it a try later! And if it does, it certainly act a great feature for security!

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Up close at the front side of the phone, yes, it does have 2 lens, but there's something missing, an LED light indicator; which is already written in the review, and probably the only negative review I have read in there because for those who relies on LED notifications, then they will miss out a lot of messages.

But I suppose it is a blessing in disguise if you would want to be totally disconnect the mobile addiction and only check your phone when there's a sound notification.

What a n00b I was!

When it came to charging. I was happily trying to charge the phone and after 30 minutes as I was just wanting to switch it on, I was not able to!


Forgetting that the phone, like the Lenovo earlier ranges, where you can detach your battery from the phone and you have to open to cover to slide in your memory card and sim card, I was left dumbfounded for a few minutes before remembering that.

And behold, it came with a protective tape so that the phone's battery will not be drained on its way shipped over, and I do appreciate that because phones unable to take the battery out is not a good thing for me personally.

However because it is still quite new it does take precaution to open the super thin cover and avoid breaking the latches.


Finally after recovering from my n00b-ness, I have managed to get the phone charging. And I will look forward to test this baby out; also in hope that I could set the whole phone up remotely without the sim card so that no time is wasted for my mom later.

So what do you think? Can this underdog be able to capture any good photos? Do you think you would consider getting this as either a backup phone or for less techie parents (or kids) to use?

Share your thoughts and comments! I will look forward to post this more when I get it fully charged and running.

Until then

Thank You for Your Time

Please click on the logo to read why I have this project of 1000 SBD at the first place.


Woah, such a filial person, hope your mom will love that new Leagoo toy :D

Aw thank you @wilhb81 . That's really sweet of you.
She has been using that tiny Samsung Y since 2014 and I think it is time for her to get an upgrade otherwise it is hard to teach her how to use the GPS for my dad to drive around.

Besides, the front and end dual lens intrigued me. My parents used to love taking pictures. This could be of good use to them.

It's good for your parents to learn new things :D

My dad is less because his hands are not very mobile. My mom, she's always open to learn new stuffs. The first in my family to wear denim, and we all followed. lol.
Probably I learned the trend setter attitude from her.

I see, then you're quite a fashionista I bet :D

Nay. Because I am not a common person. LOL.
@elizacheng would know that. ROFL.

Based on the things you've posted - I bet you're extraordinary :P

Sound like a great deal you got there! It's pretty cheap, but still offers everything that is necessary, especially for your mother! It's always fun to get new devices and even if you can just install it and then have to give it to someone - it's still exciting and enjoyable! Great present, I'm sure she'll love it! :)

Well I do hope so! It's her birthday around the corner and this could entice her to be a good girl, stay healthy for the surgery, and get well soon after her eye surgery so that she can enjoy the phone more. haha.
(What a way to treat your parents to behave )

Apparently it is quite a hit in the UK, and although it doesn't have a proper support in Malaysia, I think it still worth while testing this toy out.

I might even try to teach her to take some pictures for apps like Steemit using Steepshot. Now that's practical use!

That is, if this Quad core could handle it. haha.

I wouldn't mind having this phone as my spare office phone with minimum function. Also another phone to do some selfie too... LOL... oops!

I think you might like it @roselifecoach . I just tested the camera features. Although as most phones noise (under limited light) doesn't work too well, and its basic camera settings is not friendly for certain apps (which is minor), the beautify feature and bokeh (because it has dual lens) is impressive enough even for just a quad core processor phone that supports 3G.
If only for taking pictures for Steemit, I think it could worth it even hahaha. You'll get your capital back in no time!

Seems like an ideal phone without paying much for it!
Smart of you to link it back to Steemit! :D

Well, you never know, this is a great place to not only write, but also a platform for great returns; from financial to a great community ;)

I'll agree to that! Steem on!

Awesome post!! Keep it up and check out THIS POST as well as I have something similar.

Good writing! I think you have very good potential here. Check out my post as well

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