Swiss innovation: startup-companies that will change the world! (Part 4/5)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology7 years ago

Hello my fellow Steemians. Recently I read an article about young companies that do have the potential to change the world for the better. So I’ve decided to take a closer look at them and bring it to steem to raise the awareness for these companies! All these companies are based in Switzerland and they show swiss innovation in an impressive way.

In the fourth part we are going to have a closer look at “Gamaya”

World’s population is constantly growing. So is food production. In the next 50 years agriculture has to produce as many goods like in the last 10’000 years combined. Granted, this is only an estimation, but taking the growth of the worlds population into consideration, the guess is not that far.

Gamayas vision is, that the production of these goods is as efficient and sustainable as possible. Their two main pillars to reach that goal are: technology and knowledge. Admitted, they are for sure not the only company whose foundation is built on these pillars, so what makes Gamaya worthy of having a closer look at them?

When it comes to technology, they advertise as follows on their website:
• Patented ultracompact hyperspectral imaging camera
a technology which Gamaya patented and which gives the user valuable information to the wealth of its crop if analysed with the correct tools such as:
• Machine learning engine optimised for precision farming
Yes they built an AI which learns everytime it is used and gets more and more precise over time. It is able to translate the raw data of the camera into actionable information which is actually useful.
• Global crop intelligence based on agronomic insights
Detailed crop models and a database of the spectral signatures of different crop-affecting factors create local crop intelligence that scales globally.

The technology of Gamaya is absolutely unique as they bring together the latest technology such as the hyperspectral camera which is able to detect far more things that the eye can spot and agronomic insight by proven experts. By taking past weather circumstances into consideration too, they are able to give valuable information such as irrigation system status growth stage or even pests.

And because the AI is constantly learning by taking information into consideration that comes from farmers all over the world, the system gets better and more precise over time. One day the system might be even be able to tell you which crop will give you the most earnings on a certain field.

If you are interested in this project, please go and check out their website, which can be found here:

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If you have missed the first parts of this series, they can be found here:


Sehr nice :D
Ha bald was neues. Gib der denn bscheid. Upvoted.
Gruess Carlos

Danke fürs Upvote... Ich werde am NM auch noch Part 5/5 hochladen... Wie Du siehst hab ich definitiv Spass an Steemit gefunden... Der Account wächst langsam, aber stetig....

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