US Coast Guard Looking To Drones To Help Them Win Drug War

The US Coast Guard is using drones in order to get some more eyes in the sky when it comes to their ongoing battle in the war against drugs.

It's reported that there is an uptick in the amount of cocaine being shipped out of Colombia these days, and the US Coast Guard says that for every 1 boat that they capture, there are roughly 3 or 4 that they don't.

So they are looking to drones to help them improve their approach and address the alleged boom in production that's coming in to the US market. It's reported that the US Coast Guard confiscated at least 221 metric tons of cocaine last year alone.

This year marks the first time that the US Coast Guard has deployed fully equipped drones in order to assist them with their policing of the waters.

The one they used is referred to as the ScanEagle drone.

The ScanEagle drone has reportedly already been helpful in assisting them to locate at least $100 million worth of cocaine trying to make its way to the US market; it was about 700 kilograms. When it comes to using drones to help them do the job, they are just getting started.

And whenever it comes to US law enforcement and the drug war, I'm always brought back to thinking about this guy.

That's Gary Webb, he used to work as an investigative journalist and he eventually ended-up working on a story that suggested that the CIA may have been involved in knowing about and protecting those associated in the drug trade.

He ended-up “committing suicide” back in 2004, with two gun shot wounds to the head.

Despite the billions of dollars that they continue to funnel toward battling the ongoing war, the market remains more saturated than ever. And production of it (cocaine, opium etc) has increased in a number of areas overseas.

After decades of failure, law enforcement should come to terms with the fact that those who are determined to consume these controversial substances are going to do so regardless of the trillion-dollar battle that's being waged to try and stop them from doing so.

We can only imagine what the world would be like if they one day decided to reconsider the nonsense, and instead were dedicated to directing all of those countless hours of work and all of those funds (trillions of dollars) toward something else. For example, perhaps they could redirect that concern toward addressing and tending to crimes with actual victims.


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I watched a movie/doc. a year ago on Gary that you mentioned here, I was so grieved by that.... he seemed like such a solid guy, -- he was taken out like you allude to.

What a story that was.

Are you having any login or posting problems today, I have lost 3 hrs worth of work on 2 blogs so far earlier today -- others are having issues and you post a lot, so if anyone has a problem - someone that posts a lot has the statistical numbers that there would be issues on your end maybe.

What have you noticed or seen today?? Definite issues, you can even see one of the phantom missing posts here, ON my twitter! Which won't show up!

So I posted twice about THESE issues today.

US Coast Guard Looking To Drones To Help Oppress the Peasants More* (Fixed the title for you)

Very true. Governments don't like the competition right.

Heh, no they are really killin it as a monopoly.

Smokin the competition.

The drug war has been an epic failure in the united states. There are so many stories pointing to the CIA/gov being involved in the drug scene.

Prohibition has never worked. It's legalized racketeering.

let them keep trying though, it's not like the money is going to run out

And soon...even though it's all virtual currency. LOL

It was longed due to get that in place.

The so-called war on drugs a scam from the very beginningb and the lies are finally becoming too difficult to patch over and justify. If our leaders insist on peddling this bullshit after even the slowest Americans wise up, it will end badly for them.

Korea was a drug-cleansing area
Drugs are getting a little bit lately these days.

By the way, the Coast Guard helicopter picture is wonderful.

a.k.a.... taking out the competition lol

TWO shots to the head = Suicide? Duh...

it happens... lol

I do recall watching an FBI training film (I was a police officer in another life) which included a photo of someone who had tried to kill themselves with a .22 pistol...there were 7 bullet holes in her chest.

"training film" lol

It was a slideshow dealing with gunshot forensics...that photo (which I saw in 1964) has never left my memory.

Glad you are out.

I transferred to the Jackson County (Oregon, USA) Sheriff's Office in January of fired six months later after trying to get the district Atty to investigate the Sheriff's illegal activities. That was the end of my law enforcement period... too many felons running the show.

last sentence sums it up.

I've been followed, badgered and harassed for years and targeted for speaking truth after my city council run, at the police state in my city and province and country.

Sociopaths. Most of them in policing and governance.

It is the quest for money and power that drives most of these types, like I said, glad you are out and nice to hear a bit of your story.

My activism is public record.

i've seen all sorts of fun orientation videos, they sure get crafty :)

Law enforcements using drones is a necessity but the technology is also fairly accessible to people on the other side of the fence. It may be a bigger challenge in future.

but is law enforcement funded by coercion a necessity? ;) lol a discussion for another time..
drones are fun - i like when they're used for nonviolent purposes and to improve our standard of living. That doesn't apply in this case however.

OK, another discussion for you but I agree drones are fun and I like to have one myself.