Drug Use And Human Rights

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Let's talk about drugs.

The drug war has been going on for decades now and it has been nothing but a total and complete utter failure in the way of trying to prevent people from obtaining, doing, or cutting back on drugs. Yet those in power want to continue with the farce; at the expense of the people.

There are many folks who claim that they support basic human rights, but they also on the other hand will support initiating violence against people because of their personal choices that they don't agree with; like their choice to do drugs. This appears to be a clear contradiction.

Drug users and drug sellers do not deserve violence to be initiated against them.

When it comes to drugs, most people think of cocaine, heroine, crack etc. But what about those other drugs? Like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine etc? Those drugs can just as easily promote addiction and cause health damage, which in-turn places a burden on health care systems. They can also be a trigger for fueling conflict and violence, especially alcohol which has been a factor involved in many deaths.

For those who believe that cannabis users, cocaine users, and heroine users etc, deserve to die because of their personal life choices, then perhaps you should also consider incorporating other drug users into that life view as well.

But let's be honest, they aren't about to do that because that would include pretty much everybody into their anti-drug view.

The war on drugs is more accurately described as a war on individual choice. And because of this war, tens of thousands of people have unjustly lost their lives. To add insult, drug use in the US has increased overall since they first launched their anti-drug war campaign.

If you own your own body then you get to decide what you put into it, that is an extension of your freedom. And for other people to think that they have a say in what you should or shouldn't put into your body, is a direct violation of a person's natural rights.

Trying to impose heavy costs on other human beings in order to try and protect them from their own life choices has certainly caused quite the violent mess over the years. Many drug users engage in an act that we might not personally agree with, but they are often doing something that hurts nobody other than themselves.

Taking individual drug users who are not harming anyone other than themselves, and then turning them into criminals or even worse killing them, is absolutely disgraceful.



I don't own you. Unless you are initiating coercive force against other people, what you do is exactly zero percent my business.

This sentiment is called "antisocial, uncaring, and violent" by many people for some reason.

Amen, good on ya Jacob.

  • have a good week friend.

The opiate epidemic is getting out of control. I'm a recovered heroin addict, the news can't articulate how widespread and devastating it really is. the drug war is only making things worse.

Bullshit! Epidemic? Because people's choices are endemic. Then you go about "the news can't scare you shitless into how bad this epidemic really is" fear mongering. Shut the fuck up, if you cannot own your actions and use your "recovered" status to push fear mongering you're what's wrong with the world, not the "epidemic". Tying in your propaganda fear mongering into a post about basic human rights is despicable.

Who said I can't own my own actions? Personal responsibility is a huge aspect of recovery. I'm not blaming anyone but myself for my drug abuse.

I did, I said that you cannot own your actions.

The opiate epidemic is getting out of control.

Cannot own your actions, it's an epidemic and it's the problem.

the news can't articulate how widespread and devastating it really is

Here it is ONCE MORE, and lets blame the news.

the drug war is only making things worse.

And things, once more get the blame.

Shut The Fuck Up.

End of thread :))

Shut the fuck up :P

Morning @baah ... best get to that coffee machine old chum!

I might be on my man period, so steer clear of my wrath.

I was never implying the news did something wrong, only that you can't understand how widespread it is unless you're a part of it. That's why I said the news CAN'T articulate the issue not that they're refusing to. Yes the drug war only makes the drugs more dangerous and profitable, and it brings violence into already sensitive situations. I really don't understand what you're trying to say or what you're upset about.

You weren't implying?

the news can't articulate how widespread and devastating it really is

Why do you need to be part of it to understand how wide spread it is? That's about as dumb as it gets, as if when you're emerged into something you can truly see how widespread it is, and even more so than someone that is a journalist and has a vested interest to uncovering such things, or more so in the case of uncovering would be just being overwhelmed by the obviousness of the situation.

What don't you understand about blaming your choices on an epidemic? Or painting people's choices as endemic. Or that you're fear mongering an issue of personal choice, as OUT OF CONTROL.

What exactly is your point? I don't get what you are arguing against

Bullshit! Epidemic? Because people's choices are endemic. Then you go about "the news can't scare you shitless into how bad this epidemic really is" fear mongering. Shut the fuck up, if you cannot own your actions and use your "recovered" status to push fear mongering you're what's wrong with the world, not the "epidemic". Tying in your propaganda fear mongering into a post about basic human rights is despicable.

Congratulations on your recovery! How long have you been clean for?

Almost a year!

Awesome! Best wishes in staying clean

My Brother was a recovering heroin addict. He was clean for years got married and had a child at 48 years old. Who'da thunk it. Life aint no bed of roses, and he got dealt some bad cards, it happens to everyone at some time in their lives… Well when the chips were running low, and his Marriage took a down turn, he went back to the big "H" and promptly died of an overdose.. His little boy is now Fatherless. I miss my Brother. I'm telling you this in tears, so you will be Strong when your time comes. inevitably life will kick you in the Balls.. That's when you need to be the MOST diligent.. Don't do it. take care of yourself..


Amen brother.

I was just reading this and saw you commented on a post of mine.

Have a good week buddy.

#Life #Liberty #Property

If you are not harming those things of mine, I wish everyone the best!

Agreed, the war on drugs is extremely hypocritical and fruitless.

Very good post!!. I would like to add that the word 'drug' is simply that, a word! I'd also like to comment that in my experience 'drugs' such as cannabis are used for mainly recreational and medicinal purposes, whereas drugs such as heroin are more indicative of the type of society we have allowed to be built around us. I would argue that the use of these drugs is as a means of hiding from a society they feel they cannot interact with and don't feel part of. It would be my sincere hope that if we were able to somehow wrestle our common interests away from the grip of those who serve their own self interests, the need for such drugs as heroin would greatly diminish.

thanks for the post

Just listened to bill hicks yesterday. Very interesting guy, I really like the way his mind works.

Agreed. All hail the late great Bill Hicks.

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