Everything (Almost Everything) I like here in Steemit! / 我所爱的Steemit挑战或活动 Part 5

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

The past few days have been very busy and fulfilling. Today is Thursday and I already had three meetups with some of our awesome Team Malaysia members. Never in my life I have been so happy and excited and looking forward to all the meetups and yamcha sessions. Frankly speaking, I prefer to stay indoors in the air-con room with internet. But after I found Team Malaysia, I feel like I found my "playground", I have met so many brothers and sisters! Although we are not blood-related, but we are one BIG FAMILY! Love you all!!! 💕💖 💓 💗

过去的几天过得非常的充实。今天才星期四,但我已经和棒哒哒的大马队的一些兄弟姐妹们聚了三次。我可以说是个宅女,但至从认识了大马队,一切都变了。非常非常期待所有的聚会。虽然大马队所有的兄弟姐妹都没有任何血缘关系,但我们就好像一个大家庭一样!太棒了!爱你们哟!💕💖 💓 💗

First, me @karinzdailygrind @bitrocker2020 went to meet up with @littlenewthings on Monday. We had a great lunch at Vary Pasta. It's nearby Atria Shopping Gallery. This little cafe is being introduced to us by @karinzdailygrind. Indeed yummilicious and reasonable set lunch.

首先,星期一,我 、@karinzdailygrind @bitrocker2020 还有@littlenewthings在Vary Pasta享用了美味的午餐。这间店是@karinzdailygrind介绍我们的。别看它店小小的,一点都不起眼,但食物还真不赖哟!午餐套餐很好吃!

While waiting for @littlenewthings, our wefie master @bitrocker2020 went into action... / 在等@littlenewthings时,我们的自拍大师当然没闲着呢,来了张自拍。

Wefie by me with the same people... See the difference... My side it's not a angle... / 我也拍了张自拍,和大师比起来,有点差,我这边的角度没那么好,光线不对。

And here we have a wefie when @littlenewthings arrived... So beautiful and elegant! Thanks to our wefie master @bitrocker2020, have to page for him in our WhatsApp group in order to get this beautiful wefie... LOL / @littlenewthings来到了,好高贵漂亮哟!所以绝对不能错过,大师又来了张自拍。

The next time you are around Atria Shopping Gallery, do look for this little cafe... It's at the row of shops opposite Baskin Robbins. / 这就是店的招牌。就在Atria Shopping Gallery 的 Baskin Robbins对面的那排店。

My pumpkin soup / 我的金瓜汤

My lunch - yummy sausage / 我的午餐 - 好吃的香肠

We were having a great time NGOM NGOM NGOM... and then chatting about Team Malaysia, MyJuniors and DSES. Exchanging ideas. Time flies. And @littlenewthings had to run back to her meeting. So after bidding goodbye to her, the three of us went to Baskin Robbins where we had another round of NGOM NGOM NGOM...

我们边吃边谈。。。谈了很多有关 Team Malaysia, MyJuniors 还有DSES。交换意见,交换想法。时间就这样一转眼就过去了。@littlenewthings必须赶往下一场会议了。所以我们和她别了后,又继续到Baskin Robbins吃冰!

My ice cream - Lemon Mascarpone (Flavour of the month) so I got a free upsize... I forgot the other chocolate is which flavour... Dory's memory... 😅 / 我的冰淇凌

Wefie Master heard that I bought a Redmi Note 3 with SBD from @killuminatic... Quickly he took it and another wefie was captured... / 当大师得知我用SBD买了个红米Note 3,马上拿了手机拍下了这自拍。

On Tuesday, me and my colleagues meet up with @bitrocker2020 at @danielwong's Big Hug Burger at Setapak. Yup... The main reason for this meet up I will not reveal for now... But we had an awesome discussion and yummicilious Steem Paid Burgers!

星期二,我带同事到了@danielwong的Setapak Big Hug Burger 和@bitrocker2020还有Daniel会面。也吃了用Steem还钱的汉堡。详细聚餐的原因不好意思,我暂时还不能透露。等着吧!

Next, it's today's meetup. The main reason for today's meetup was to get the easel from @khimgoh for this Saturday MyJuniors | Come and Draw with Me. Since both me and Khim are working in KL area, we decided to meet up for lunch. And then since @aaronleang and @joannewong are staying near my office area... we decided to ask them to join us. So we spent a wonderful lunch time at Tom, Dick & Harry's Live (TDH) Pavillion. @aaronleang has written a wonderful post about our meetup too... HERE's his post!

接下来,今天的聚餐。是的今天我@aaronleang @joannewong @khimgoh在Tom, Dick & Harry's Live (TDH) Pavillion度过了欢乐的午餐时刻。@aaronleang也写了关于今天的棒哒哒的聚餐。可以到这链接给他一个赞吧!

Wefie time while waiting for our food / 自拍时间

When food arrived, most of us will feed our "camera" first... LOL / 手机先吃饭。。。

I am really blessed to be part of my home team - Team Malaysia! Thank you! And let's grow together!


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Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap


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Colorful hearts border is created using paint.net and gifmaker.me.


My Ending Banner.net-gifmaker (2).gif


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I'm convinced all these meetups to discuss about the great things you Team Malaysia does is just an excuse, and all you guys are really interested in is eat eat eat eat ........

Oops... You found out the main reason of our meetup... LOL... 😅😋🍴😉😁

Hahaha..very true indeed @livinguktaiwan. We, Malaysians just loved our food...

@elizacheng, nice message on your T'shirt! 😄

I did not notice that. I have to go back and read it and I agree. Such an observant eye you have.

Haha I noticed too!!! Such a nice tee, @elizacheng :)

@karinzdailygrin @leeart @happycrazycon Thanks!
My husband and my three girls and I all of us have that t-shirt... Short of like a family t-shirt... :D

Good stuff Team Malaysia and @elizacheng. Thanks for the post and photos

Thanks for dropping by!

Very cool "day in the life" post. I really enjoy these and watching you reach out to fellow Steemians is awesome. Checking out the Wow app now. I will let you know how I like it. All the best.

Thanks for dropping by! We really love the meetup sessions...
Sure... You can drop me a text in WowApp too. 😉

Nice pictures you got there. Looking cute.

I've been following your posts and the biggest advantage is that now I have started recognizing some of our Steemit friends who were just usernames along with a post.

The food images in the posts make me hungry!

Thanks for dropping by and the following!
Yup... The food sure are yummy... When I was drafting the post, it made me hungry too... 😅

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Camera makan dulu 😂

Haha... kenalah camera makan dulu... then we got more "bullet" to have our next makan trip... hahaha

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