Hi Australia! May I Join Your Team?

in #teamaustralia6 years ago (edited)
Hi Australian steemians! Hi @choogirl 👋🏻. Here’s a little (way, way, way too long) post about my connection to Australia. Though American, I would love to join Team Australia on Steemit. ☺️ The more people you meet on Steemit, the more fun there is to be had. Thanks in advance for the read. 💚💛🇦🇺🐨🏏

Like many young Australians, my first adventure overseas was with a tour company called Contiki.

Me, some other people, and like 30 Australians.

But wait! I am NOT Australian. 😐

Let’s back this story up.

In early 1998, one of my besties and I decided we were going to back pack around Europe. We were just a year and a half out of college (aka university) and not particularly committed to either of our jobs. (At the time I was working as a tour guide/bar tender for a local Seattle tour boat company.) Getting out of the USA sounded like a grand adventure.
My friend and I bought ALL the guide books (because the internet was barely real) - Let’s Go, Lonely Planet, Berlitz. With guides in hand we began plotting our Euro escape.

But then my friend got a real job.


My travel plans would not be thwarted. I decided to do the trip by myself. So, I was off to a travel agent (again, no internet) to book my flights.

My parents were concerned. I am an only child, so they were slightly worried for my safety in the big bad world. However, stubborn me was full speed ahead. Until my travel agent suggesting taking a tour.

A tour? But only old people and losers take bus tours...

My travel agent assured me that this company called Contiki was great. English speaking young people (18-35) from all over the world. I would have a great time, see the sights and make good friends.

I still went to Europe by myself, but joined a 39 day tour to EVERYWHERE.

Two of my first Australian friends.

This trip changed my life.

Seeing Europe was a dream come true. Making life long friends was priceless. Out of 50 people on my tour 30 of us are still regularly in touch today. We are scattered all over the world, but 20 years on when we meet up it is like no time has passed.

I came home ready to keep traveling. With tour guide experience under my belt I applied to be a Tour Manager with Contiki! The same company I traveled with through Europe.


After a two month training trip, I was ready to lead tours across the USA, Canada and Mexico. (Contiki runs tours all over the world.) My longest tours were 24 days and the shortest were 9. Our clients mostly came from Commonwealth countries, with Australia providing 50% of the passengers on each trip.

Me and a bunch of Australians at the Grand Canyon. ☺️

Wouldn’t you know, three tours into my new job I met a guy.😍

Lower right.... me and “the guy”.

He had just turned 24. I was almost 25. I thought he was HOT (and kind and smart and funny). By day 9 of the 24 day tour we were a couple.

Oh and of course he is Australian

After his trip ended I had a week off between tours. We visited Disneyland and San Diego together before I had to head across country on my next tour. We farewelled early August 1999 and comitted to dating long distance. In December that year I headed to Australia!

🇦🇺 🐨 Down Under 🐨 🇦🇺

Back in the day you had to make a scrapbook for all of your vacation postcards and photos!

My first trip to Australia was planned before meeting THE boy. I was going to stay with friends from my Europe trip and take in the new millennium in Sydney. I ended up staying for over two months to fit in ALL the things.

Literally partying like it was 1999. NYE 12/31/99 Sydney. Remember how we worried Y2K might kill all of the world’s computer?

On this, my first visit to Australia I went so many places. I traveled from Victoria’s Great Ocean Road, to Melbourne, Ballarat, Canberra, Mt. Kosciuszko, Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Jenolan Caves, Newcastle, Gosford, The Entrance, Port Macquarie, Port Stephens, Byron Bay, Coff’s Harbour, the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Noosa and Fasier Island.

Beach camel ride in Port Macquarie.

The Big Banana.

Top of Australia - Mt. Kosciuszko

🇦🇺 🇺🇸 Long Distance. 🇦🇺 🇺🇸

The boy and I continued to date long distance for the next two years. We frequently travelled back and forth across the Pacific to see each other. In 2001, while visiting Melboune’s Royal Botanic Garden, the boy popped THE question. We were sitting on a bench, by a pond not too far from the Magic Pudding statue. There were probably 100 or more giant fruit bats in a tree overhead. 🦇 We were engaged a little over a year, but finally got married in Seattle in 2002.

💛🇦🇺💚 Immigrant Life 💚🇦🇺💛

I moved to Canberra, my husband’s home town, two weeks after our wedding. It took three months for approval of my work visa and later I became a permanent resident. Canberra life was a big change from Seattle life, but we settled into a nice little routine. He worked for the government and I ended up at The Cancer Council organizing fun events like Relay for Life, Daffodil Day and Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. It was a great way to feel better connected to the community.

View of Civic in Canberra from Telstra Tower.

Back to the USA

In early 2007 we left Australia to try out life together in the USA. We’ve been here ever since. Despite countless similarities between the two countries there are many aspects of Australia I miss.


Australia has amazing birds. Some can even copy the sounds of mobile phone rings!


Marsupials! Australia’s marsupials are so cute. Kangaroos, koalas, quokka, you name a marsupial they all are darling. Even Australian possum are cute. In Canberra we were lucky to just have mobs of kangaroos hopping about. I never tired of seeing them laying out under the sun.

The BEST marsupial:

Speaking of marsupials... the wombat is 100% the best animal ever.


We have Easter in the US, but it’s not the same. In Australia it is a very family focused four day weekend. My mother-in-law would always serve roast lamb, and those hot cross buns from Baker’s Delight (I am talking the chocolate ones)... Delicious! My in-laws put a bag in their freezer for me in April 2017 so they would have them for me when we last visited in November 2017. ☺️ I also miss buying chocolate wombats and bilbys instead of bunnies.

The Music:

I love this song. It always makes me feel so “Aussie” patriotic. Remember when a version of this was used for Telstra commercials in the early 2000’s?

And let’s not forget my Aussie Spotify playlist. Whenever we fly back these songs get a heavy listen.


Meat pie with sauce and chips!!!😍

Jeez, this list could go on. I already mentioned hot cross buns, but what about all the delicious Greek and Turkish and Lebanese food in Australia? I could go for a zucchini ball or pide or even an Ali Baba Kebab right now. I like that Australian portions are smaller. I also like that mall food courts in Australia have so much variety. Last time we visited I saw Portuguese, Lebanese, Greek, Italian, burgers, crepes, Mexican, salad spots, Japanese, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Chinese, sandwiches all in one moderately sized shopping center. I also love a good Bunnings sausage sizzle or a battered sav from the takeaway.

My husband obviously misses Weet-bix. We brought extra suitcases to bring this all back to Seattle after our last visit to Australia!


That time last November when I got on Sunrise

I miss Australian TV. Australia has an abundance of crazy home improvement competition shows like The Block. I always liked Big Brother Australia more than the American version. Remember The Panel? That was a great show. I also liked Rove and Spicks n Specks back in the day. Even Neighbours is strangely addicting. When I lived in Australia Chris Hemsworth was still on Home and Away! How things have changed...


My three favorite Australian words/phrases:

  • Whinge
  • Stroppy
  • F.I.G. J.A.M.

Nothing in American English compares and these so perfectly embody their meanings.

Friends and Family

It is great to be half way around the world but still be home. Home isn’t the place of course, it’s the people! I have been lucky to meet so many wonderful Australian people - on Contiki trips, through my family and even here on steemit. ☺️

For some random facts about me pop past this old post HERE
For some past posts about Australia visit HERE, HERE or HERE


All photos excluding the Contiki Group photos were taken by me or with my camera.

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You're a shoe in, trust me 😎👍

Thanks @goldenarms! ☺️🇦🇺 🇨🇦

I don't have the power to make you a member, but to me you deserve and you are part of #teamaustralia.:=)

There is a group that writes in Portuguese, composed of Brazilians and Portugueses. I don't know if there is a #teambrazil. I think there is not.

#teambrazil party of one = @ronaldoavelino ☺️🇧🇷

Lol. This is hilarious. Those weetbix and that wombat! Even though you spelt Neighbours wrong (the American way), I'll let it slide. I'll put on the list for the next update.

Thank you! I saw the Neighbours thing but hadn’t edited it yet. Lol. Switching between spellings always catches me. ☺️

Here is a random thing. One of my first visits to Australia Bud Tingwell helped me use a pay phone at the Sydney Airport because I couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t realize who he was at first. Then other people started to notice him. Finally I realized it’s the guy from the Castle! ☺️

Hahaha this is an awesome intro, I enjoyed it much 🤣

Approve her in, Choo!

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Thanks @janne. I have been here awhile just never did an intro. Thanks for the welcome though. Very kind. ☺️

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