Taxes destroy all of us rich or poor

in #tax6 years ago (edited)

Steem has a big stumbling block potentially standing in the way of scaling up to millions of users (at least in the West where the people pay income taxes), because users of social networks aren’t going to want to hassle with taxation just to use a social network. If the tax authorities begin publicizing example cases of where they have jailed (c.f. also) or fined people for not reporting their crypto income, that could potentially have a chilling effect on adoption of Steem. Most of us are not yet paying our taxes.

Prior analysis concluded (c.f. also) that Steem’s rewards are taxable as income, at least in the USA and probably in most nations. Every time we receive some tokens in our wallet, we have taxable income! This creates a tax reporting nightmare as explained by Coindesk in A Hobbyist Crypto Trader's Life in Tax Hell. The Steem FAQ states that taxation is each user’s problem.

Note Steem also has an insoluble problem with it’s rewards design and distribution being corrupted. I suggest all readers inform themselves about this issue. But that is not the focus of this blog.

Taxation destroys both rich and poor

My prior blog included a video which explains how the politics of ignorant egalitarianism causes people to think incorrectly about the benefits and problems with taxation.

What the poor don’t realize is that when they vote for more taxation of others such as the “rich”, what they actually do is steal from the productive upper middle class thus destroying what makes society prosperous, and those taxes ends up in the pockets of the most ruthless powerful tycoons who control the power vacuum of democracy. The people get debt and debilitating (i.e. moral hazard inducing) social welfare which collapses the economy eventually. With this control the tycoons (who will never pay taxes because they will always control the government from behind the curtain) fools us into war and divide-and-conquer us and incite us to fight against each other whilst they surreptitiously walk away with all the profits from our works. Really folks, you need to read my linked blogs and educate yourself about what really is causing the problems for humanity and stop falling into their trap of the two-headed beast consisting of a false left-versus-right political divide.

The Deceiver

How ironic that the analogous surreptitious theft is happening now with Steem’s corrupt reward system, but most of you do not even realize it.

Taxation is a winner-take-all paradigm

Every time we spend our money or tokens (or vote to reward tokens to others) someone receives an income. Thus every time some money moves then the government taxes it as income, unless it is being invested or loaned. That is very regressive because if for example we start with a money supply of 100 tokens, then if the tax rate is 25% then after the money has changed hands 5 times then the government will have received 76 tokens or 76% of the money supply in form of taxation!

(a=0.25) + (b=(0.25 × (1 - a))) + (c=(0.25 × (1 - a - b))) + (d=(0.25 × (1 - a - b - c))) + (e=(0.25 × (1 - a- b - c - d))) = 0.763

b = 0.1875, c = 0.140625, d = 0.10546875, e = 0.079101562

WTF!!?? So the bastards who control democracy from behind the curtain end up with eventually 99% of the money supply while fooling all of us getting us to fight and bicker with each other whilst they’re robbing us blind from behind the curtain that we’re too ignorant to see. Eliminating the centralized control over inflation of the money supply won’t solve our problem if we don’t also eliminate taxation.

Can you understand why they think we are just sheep or cows for harvesting because not all of you are aware.

Taxes are entirely unnecessary

The EU and Federal Reserve central banks have been creating money out-of-thin-air to buy the debt of the governments thus funding the spending of governments. But instead of only creating money out-of-thin-air, they loan this money to our governments creating a huge interest payment that has to be paid back to the central banks. Instead the treasury departments of the governments could create the money out-of-thin-air the they need for spending, instead of issuing bonds and indebting the government.

The indebtedness of governments is sham that is foisted on the people by the tycoons behind the curtain who surreptitiously control the central banks and the government. It is game they created to fool us.

The government does not need to collect taxes. The government does not need to issue debt and go into debt. The government has the authority to create the money it needs for spending. We the people give the government all the authority it needs.

Taxing tokens as property is blasphemy

Those nations who tax tokens as property rather than classifying tokens a currencies should be warned that they’re going to lose this war they’re waging against the people of the world.

It’s ridiculous that they tax the money received as income whilst also forcing us to track every expenditure and pay capital gains tax on the appreciation (i.e. increase) in the exchange value of the tokens. Imagine if we also had to track the changing foreign exchange value of the dollar, peso, or euro every time we spent those currencies. Crypto tokens are global and have their own independent value (i.e. unit-of-account) relative to the global economy, as dollars have relative to the U.S.A. economy. Crypto tokens subsume and supersede the jurisdiction and economy of nations!

So the warning is very simple. Those nations who tax tokens as property will find that the global economy leaves their jurisdiction and moves to jurisdictions that do not take tokens as property. Somebody should send a copy of this blog to the IRS and tell them to wake the fuck up before they destroy the U.S.A.. even more than they already have.

Improving the tax problem of Steem

There is a solution to this problem achievable with a different design for the reward system, so that nations will not be able to tax our token rewards as income. I will detail this in a future blog.


Without taxation, fiat cash will devalue much quicker, which means that instead of buying at stores, you will have to go to a marketplace and try to exchange goods at a barter.
Do you have the time for it?
Does it seem more efficient?
Or do you think digital currencies will solve it for you?
Order everything online and/or pay with digital debit cards?

I do expect crypto tokens to become ubiquitous but I don’t know how many years or decades from now that will be.

So you should acknowledge that fiat cash is still necessary, and its value stems from taxation, unless it is a guarantee for a certain amount of a certain commodity, or service.

Fiat’s value is maintained not only by the demand for fiat to pay taxes (which I think is actually a small and insignificant factor these days) but also and more significantly due to the fact that the government says it’s the only legal tender for contracts enforced by the courts. If you make a contract denominated in gold, the contract can’t be forced to be paid in gold. The payer can also choose to pay in legal tender, else the contract is invalid. And more over the value of fiat is because everyone has confidence that it is the most liquid money. Liquidity is a self-fulfilling phenomenon but it is also created by a deep, liquid sovereign bond market. The USD has the most liquid Treasuries because there’s no restrictions on who can deal in them (unlike for example Japan which requires approval from the Finance Ministry) and the dollar has never been cancelled unlike all the European currencies (even the UK recently cancelled some pound notes and India also did recently). This combined with the USA being the consumer for the entire world is why the USD is the reserve currency. But this is beginning to shift and will entirely shift by 2032.95. Much of this information originates from Martin Armstrong and I highly suggest you read deep into his blog archives going back years.

There are many factors that play into the confidence of money and you’ve watching too many Bill Still videos. :) I watched them too.

Thanks for your comment and instigating me to write a detailed comment on the issue.

I do not know who Bill Still and Martin Armstrong are.
I watched a lot of Michael Norman and a little Warren Mosler whom is the source of Michael Norman's knowledge.
I also watched "Century Of Enslavement" by the corbettreport, "The Hidden Secrets Of Money" by Mike Maloney (a POS, but it is a good series) , Eustace Mullins' (a holocaust denier, but he says the truth about other issues) talks about the Federal Reserve and more.

edit: Sorry, I watched Bill Still's documentary about the Federal reserve recently and loved it.
I did not remember his name.
This was one documentary which I forgot its name.

Mike Maloney is reasonably astute but again he and Bill Still (who did a video on the history of money and central banking) are out of touch with a more complete understanding of money, formation of civilization, and how it relates the epochal shift underway with Bitcoin. See my recent blogs (and the comments below the blogs) on Bitcoin rises because land is becoming worthless and my two blogs (Part 1 and 2) on Geographical Cultural Ethos → science is dead. Also I suggest my blogs from last year Get Ready for a World Currency and The Golden Knowledge Age is Rising. After reading all that you will be more up-to-speed on my macro economic thesis and I cite numerous Armstrong blogs so you will hopefully gain some insight into his contribution.

See my edition to my previous reply to you.
So I did watch one Bill Still video and liked it before my previous reply.
Martin Armstrong I never watched before, and after I checked I found that he was interviewed 2 days ago by Greg Hunter, which is as bad as being interviewed by CNBC.
I caught him lying here:

steemit is garbage, and unlike fecebook, does not play video at current time when given the link for it. it plays from the start.

He said the ECB will not be able to buy all the bonds.
The ECB can create as many Euros as it wishes out of nothing, so just like James "CIA asset" Richards, this self proclaimed insider (similar to Richards in this too) builds an entirely articulated set of deductions out of one false assumption, and just like Richards' predictions are wrong to follow, so are Armstrong's.
I caught him lying again here:

A woman in France told me the exact opposite (twice) to what he said:
They buy real estate properties in Europe (and entire streets) and they buy actual real estate instead of (or at least along with) stocks.

These people are dangerous and at best waste of time to listen to.

You should listen to the health channels and videos which I recommended before, and remember my reservations about some of them, because health should come first.
I am not able to intercept the rewards of one automated spam bot, and can not afford to upvote people generously, especially since no one helps
me with fight spam.

Incorrect. The EU will not be able to buy all the bonds forever. They are bankrupting the pensions by doing that. They would then need to bailout the pensions. After that they will have to bailout everything else they destroy with ZIRP. After a while, they will be the entire economy, which means economic devastation and flight of confidence.

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Hi @anonymint!, came across your articles this friday, been reading a lot this weekend, during the readings i found out about Martin Armstrong too, last night i was watching The Forecaster Film :)
Nice to know you and lot of reading to do!
Have a nice day!

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The IRS already knows about this problem as I've explained it to my tax accountant exactly how Steemit works and how those bots doing 100K transactions / day are generating income that has about 20 rules each per transaction that must be done by hand because there's no software to calculate. My tax accountant said that she thought that only transactions that leave the platform should be taxed (that's not what the rules say though). Some at the IRS already know that it's impossible to be in compliance by the old rules because to do so would be like reading the entire contents of the Library of Congress in one night. My tax attorney said not to worry, that the rules will be rewritten so that compliance is possible.

There's no guarantee that some won't suffer from stupid knee jerk reactions from IRS employees who don't fully understand the problem, but the responsibility will have to be on them to be reasonable, because if they aren't, and word is sure enough to get around, there will eventually be a real perceived credibility problem (this perception can't come from those of us who say "taxation is theft" because most of the population has submitted). But once those who obey every letter of the law realize that it's no protection, that's when it's game over for the IRS and they will lose legitimacy. So, relax. They will rewrite the rules to save their own butt.

PS - the cumbersome nature of the tax issue here actually helps Steemians. Remember that there's great power in numbers. It shouldn't be on Steemit to fix the tax issue. Instead the IRS should rewrite the rules to reflect the reality of the world (including that all taxes should be voluntary to have legitimate moral authority - such as is the case in Liberland).


Wonder what your contacts in the IRS think of this corruption that was never prosecuted?

P.S. I accepted your buddy request on

I agree! Taxes are a joke. And if anything, There should be a flat tax. Thats no higher than 5% EVER!
I'm realizing this as I work harder and harder, Moving up those brackets. It's almost like I'm being punished with that higher tax rate.
So instead of wanting to get EVEN HIGHER. It almost makes me not even want to work hard. Because so much went to the IRS this year.

And the crypto thing is a joke too. I can't believe they expect us to pay taxes on something when they gave such vague guidelines.
So you are forced to guess and hope you didn't screw yourself somehow.

Governments do not need to tax us. The government could print dollars for all the spending they need. In fact, the central banks are buying the government debt, so the government is printing dollars to pay for the spending. But instead of just printing them, they are loaned to Treasury by the central bank which is controlled from behind the curtain by the untouchable, unnamed tycoons who run the world.

So on top of that, they charge us unnecessary taxes and still can’t balance the budget.

They can entirely eliminate taxes and just have the US Treasury print the dollars they need. But they won’t do that, because we would no longer be their slaves. I would be happy if they printed dollars instead of taxes. They can have their dollar and we can have our tokens. But of course, they do not want that, because we would not be their slaves.

The poor don’t realize that this affects them even if they never work and never pay taxes.

We are funding for example the war machine that is about to take us into war with Russia. When the USA economy collapses due to all the debt they foisted on us, then the poor will receive no more help from the government and will be slaughtered. This megadeath repeats every time throughout human history because the poor do not understand and never learn.

A great aspect of rewarding tokens to millions or billions on a social network is that the poor will suddenly realize as you have, that taxes suck. But we need to award those tokens in a way that the poor don’t just sell them and walk away. We need for them to become invested and become productive members of society. As I stated in the last section of my blog, I have a design for how to achieve this.

P.S. thanks for commenting because some people will upvote you but not upvote me. So it helps me to see that others appreciate the point of the blog even if maybe they don’t like me so much or have other reason for preferring to upvote you only. 😁

Germany repeating the insanity of the devolution of the socialist Wiemar Republic which lead to the rise of Hitler.


Armstrong wrote in SPD to Impose Marxism on Germany:

The SPD in Germany is a left-wing socialist party that still believes in exploiting the rich in true Marxist fashion. Now that the SPD gained power in a coalition with Merkel, the German economy is in perfect alignment with our Economic Confidence Model pointjng down into 2020. The SPD leadership has made it very clear that they will raise taxes on the rich out of fairness as they see it for everyone should have the same net income at the end of the day. They call this “fairer financing of state tasks and a correction of social inequalities.”

The SPD will now push its tax policy ahead to the detriment of Germany and Europe as a whole. Despite all the historical evidence that raising taxes reduces jobs and economic benefits for the people, they just cannot escape the idea that someone has more than they do and to hell with the studies. They will also go after not just high incomes, but are looking at asset taxes and of course their most hated practice of all – leaving something for your children. They intend to raise inheritance taxes to fund state tasks which is really a code word for state pensions.

Ever play Myth II? One of the greatest and most ahead of it's time games ever, brother!

Thought of it instantly re "the deciever"

hey, sorry to come to you via this way. I can see that you are a fan of smartsteem and that you are only voting for therealwolf as a witness. would you possibly extend the same courtesy to one of his team? we are starting a witness @swisswitness but are short on votes and you would really help us a lot further and it does not cost you a thing
thanks in advance and good luck with MythII

Sure can you remind me how to do it?

no problem,
you can do it through steemconnect, just follow the link
much appreciated

I wrote in §The DAO Reconstructed of In T̶h̶e̶f̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e̶s̶ᵀʳᵃⁿˢᵖᵃʳᵉⁿᶜʸ We Trust:

(But note the IRS forces Americans to take a fair market value salary, so they already sort of made this option only available to the wealthy who earn more on their passive investments than their active work. However, if we create tokenized systems wherein our participation such as blogging on Steem increases the value of the tokens, then those tokens increase in value as investments not as salary so in this way non-wealthy individuals could delay taxation!)

Governments hide the fact that they increase taxes on the working class while pretending to be increasing taxes on the wealthy:

Taxes Alter Behavior

I was in Australia when they were proposing the Luxury Tax. They got the people to vote for higher taxes by lying to them. The slogan was they were going to tax the rich with their “Ferraris, Fur Coats, and French Wines.” Everyone cheered – ya! Get the bastards! When the tax was passed, suddenly the dumb public discovered ALL electrical products were included. You could not buy a clock radio without the Luxury Tax. People get what they deserve from government – lie, lies, and more lies, and empty pockets to show for it.

Milton Friedman on Capitalism

Most of the wealth earned by the 1% is from INVESTMENT, not wages. So why are the 99% oppressed? Largely taxes. For example, Social Security is a simple tax. That money is not invested in your future. The government robs from Social Security and stuffs it with government debt, which they then move toward negative interest rates. This deprives the average person from earning anything on those funds that were supposed to be for retirement.

The Cadillac Tax – Obama Will TAX All Your Benefits as part of Obamacare

OBAMACARE was perhaps the most toxic enactment ever to be implemented by the Democrats using the poor to raises taxes on the working class – not even the “rich” […] EVERYONE who gets healthcare as a benefit, including retired persons who have worked for the private or public sector, will wake up and find that those benefits are suddenly TAXABLE income. Yes – that is correct. If it costs your employer $1000 per month for your healthcare, that will be taxable income. Hence, you will pay about $4,000 more in taxes for benefits worth $12,000. There is absolutely NOTHING the Democrats will not tax. Everything you get as a gift, benefit, or find in a parking lot, will be taxable income.

Governments Going Insane with New Ways to Tax People

In Ireland, a reader has sent this gem in. The Communications Minister Denis Naughten is so proud of himself for changing the definition of a ‘television set’ to include your laptop in order to extend the TV license fee to be applied to computers, laptops, and large tablets […] In Sweden, as of April 1st, a new tax will be applied to ALL electronics. Are you ready for this? The reason is of course not to raise money, but to protect people from electronics; including everything from the fridge to tvs and laptops. On April 1, Sweden will impose a new so-called “chemical tax” on electronics and appliances. The purpose of the new tax is said to reduce the amount of hazardous flame retardants in our homes.

Totally agree. Also the way taxes are spent are never justified. They keep killing the middle class to make the extremely rich even richer

The tax fraud goes back 100 years when the Constitution was effectively set aside with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Income tax. Of course if anyone thinks GrandPa was stupid enough to allow the government to tax his paycheck I have a bridge in New Yourk you need to buy. The book "The Creature From Jeckle Island" explains how 6 men who controlled 1/4 of the worlds money wrote and then bribed Congress to pass the Fed. The Fed is a private bank that can create money out of thin air and then loan it to the U.S. government. The chairman can be chosen by the President but only from a list that the Fed gives him. The regional directors cannot be selected by the President (as Ronald Reagan found out). The fed is totally secret and has never been audited. Ron Paul and now Rand Paul have tried but have continually been turned aside. The Income tax was ruled Unconstitutional so they came up with the 16th Amendment scam and claimed it was ratified, not true as "The Law That Never Was" by William J. Benson and Martin J. "Red" Beckman proved. Both schemes are right out of the Communist Manifesto.

The book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” explains how 6 men who controlled 1/4 of the worlds money wrote and then bribed Congress to pass the Fed.

I used to believe that, but Martin Armstrong has written three blogs which challenge this presumption:

It appears that the Fed was set up by private banks to buy corporate paper only to prevent the total collapse of the economy as had almost occurred but was prevented when J.P. Morgan bailed out the entire U.S.A. banking system.

J.P. Morgan was dragged in front of Congress and ridiculed for the great service he had done for the nation. It was this vilification of the private banks that caused the mindless mob of democracy to vote for FDR, the New Deal, and the abrogation of private Fed turning the Fed into a Marxist corruption that was forced by Congress to loan money to the government.

So please refer to my point about democracy is totalitarianism because it is a power vacuum. Most people never seem to learn this concept.

Taxes are really unnecessary!
We are all slaves to the Mafia called government, extorted at every turn. But the question is how can we avoid this ?
They already got into crypto, the drug dealers are the only ones not paying taxes

But the question is how can we avoid this ?

I have an idea for a design, but I will not discuss it publicly yet.

Get involved politically, or not, but we the people have more power than we think and government is scared of us. We fight back by investing in cryptocurrencies, other things, and as we become more independent, off the grid, able to take care of ourselves even if there is hyperinflation of the dollar which can happen before 2030 which could help decline fiat currencies globally by 80% or more in the next few years and the shift to cryptocurrencies have been underway for the past decade and it will only continue. So that is what we do. We do that. We talk about it. We red pill people. We just ask people questions to get more people involved.

John McAfee argues that cryptocurrencies should not be taxed. Let me repeat, I say should not be, but China was trying to, other countries try to tax us or much worse. I am aware of what governments do and what they try to do. In 2017, on my way back to America from Vietnam, I was given a survey or form for U.S. customs. They wanted to know how much money I may have. The form may have suggested or demanded that I including anything that exceeds $10K USD each or in total. I only had about $1K worth of Bitcoin. But even if I had over $10K I wouldn't include them in the form because I believe in the 4th amendment which may have something to do with privacy of persons which may include money, papers, things on computers, private property things, or at least that is how it should be.

Bitcoin is neither here nor there as it is resting in many many servers in many countries equally or potentially equal enough to say that Bitcoin should not taxed as it is a physical thing. And Steem should be the same as Bitcoin. McAfee made great arguments about Bitcoin which I agree with. I believe governments are not allowed to tax us or jail us or punish us for having cryptocurrencies because they are not the same as fiat or the digital forms of fiat currencies. If governments know how much cryptocurrencies we may have, are those governments then not therefore violating our privacy in the same way tech companies like Facebook and Microsoft and Apple and Google / YouTube / Alphabet and Twitter and others do?

I refer you to my discussion with @zoidsoft on this blog. We agree.

Will I find the discussion on his blog? I will go look. Thanks.

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