Tattoo contest results!

in #tattoo6 years ago

Look at that! I have received 8 entries! 8 entries of amazing tattoos, 7 of which were amazing posts with some very heartfelt stories, and some with such adventures. It is hard to think that what people have tattooed on them is not carried deeply in the heart. Actually, all tattoos, big and small, little story, big story, it all carries a piece of our heart in it as it all has a form of memory embedded in our skin. Sometimes those memories are created only when we do get tattooed. You know, those ones that are spur of the moment tattoos?

I have one of those.

I can't just go on telling you who the winner is in this post without sharing with you all the amazing content they shared with me for the contest and with their followers. That would be highly unforgivable. Are you ready to see it? I are you excited about it just as I was to receive them?
It's like buying that new tat magazine. Excited to get home, so you hurry up to finish your errands, run home as fast s you can, kicking of those shoes high into the air, hoping they land without breaking something. Rushing to the porcelain throne and just sit there, magazine in hand, gawking at those sexy legs with tremendous amounts of beautiful art. And that ass... Or... you know.. those biceps... butt.... that chest... ok... I'm done... or not... Will see. 🤪😜😝

Let's start with the first entry I received.

@plantstoplanks shared with us a tattoo that expresses her love for family, showing and proving to us how much of a big heart she has. With her heart in the right place she went through great pain to get some ink tattooed right on her ribs. That there is dedication. I don't want to say too much about her post because I want you all to go see for yourself and show some support! Click on the image to be sent to her post. Show some love!

2nd entry to report in is from @dandays. Apparently he has a thing for ink and has quite a bit, but only shares a tiny bit. What a tease, that bugger! So jelly of you. 🐬 couldn't find a jelly fish emoji. Dan here... Can I call you Dan? Shows us his love for some underwater creatures and he shares with us his adventure of pain. If you are thinking of getting that first tattoo, well here is a story that just may spook you away from getting it. At least if you are going big for the first time. Click the image, read his post, show some love and support. It's worth it, I promise. Click on the image to make it worth your while!

3rd entry is from @intothewild. He shared with us a post from 2 yrs ago, but that never stopped him from the love he still has for his tattoo. And wouldn't you know it, it is probably the first Steemit tattoo ever! The tattoo itself is pretty awesome, telling us everything... I mean if you look, it's got the fish, the logo, the moon..... Well, just go look! It's a dream for all of us I think, in some ways. Dream away and click on the post!

3 days ago, @amy-goodrich shared with us a heartfelt story that go with this tattoo. One that many of us has gone through in one way or another. Something we can all feel for, so I implore you to show her some love and support on her post. A bonus, she shares more than one tattoo in her post, so there's a little more clickbait for you there. 😉 Click the image :)

I'm not sure who entered first with these next 2 so let's just jump to this one first, @jlsplatts@. What a fun guy! Reading this man's post is enough to make someone want to meet them in person! It even shows how fun of a guy he is in his tattoos. But it also shows how hard this guy works to get what he wants. And his tattoo is a tribute to his work. He also shares a bit with us his pain felt adventure. It gives us a good few pointers of what not to do when we have a fresh tattoo.
Click the image to check it out!

The next is @mermaid. She shows us how a small tattoo can actually be immense. She experienced loss in 2 different ways yet she holds strength in her as she carries these 2 symbols with her for life. Read her story by clicking on the image. Please share your support too ^_^

The last post shared with us is from @ireenchew. She shares with us a whimsical tattoo that carries her love for her family. Keeping them close to her heart by having them tattooed on her. Her choice of tattoo is explained in her post and it all makes sense. And I think it matches her bubbly personality too. I hope that one day you do get more my friend. It's totally worth it. Click on the image to be sent to her post and see why.

Have you ever thought that a singular letter can have multiple meanings? Not a word but just a letter. @yogajill shares with us just what that letter is for, and not just for one thing of the same. The only common thing is the letter itself. That and she went to a tattoo festival! Freaking lucky woman!
She didn't write a post to share with us but if you on my contest post and scroll down in the comment section, you will find her talking about her entry.

Ok fine people. This is the moment of truth. I have to choose who gets to win... Oh ... can I really do this?

As the contest post flew around on the Steemit platform, it fell upon the eyes of some quite generous people. @paintingangels has given 2 steem, @dandays has given 3 steem, and @jlsplatts has given 4 steem to put towards the prize pool.
The post itself has made a total of 1.03. And so I keep to what I have mentioned in my post giving 2 steem to first place and 1.75 to 2nd place.
Adding to what the others have so generously given, 1rst place 8 steem and 2nd place 5.75 steem.

I had the hardest time choosing. I really did. I spend this whole time contemplating, asking others that are not on Steemit (for reasons of not being able to play favorites), and even asking myself if those are good choices. It is really hard to seperate myself as a judge from your stories as a friend.

Come on! Can I just be a whale now so I have lots to give to everyone? I honestly didn't think it would be this hard. Even @plantstoplanks told me I would have a tough time choosing a few days ago. Oh my, Oh my. With those that I have asked the one that came out the most is the jellyfish. The other choices varied as they tried to decide as they too had a hard time.
You guys all make a fierce competition! A choice has to be made and I my fingers are fighting my brain to choose to not split everything up and give you everything I have in my wallet too!

It is almost one pm here and I started this post around 10:30 am. I still have lunch to make so I have to make a choice! GAWD!

Ok, ok , ok I got this... To help me choose I am going to go with the top choices that I also agree with.

After much thought and consideration, the 1rst place goes to @dandays! You bugger! LOL congrats to you!

Second place goes to @amy-goodrich. Congrats to you as well!

This was seriously difficult and has put some extra thought into whether I want to do another tat contest in the future. The last one I made was quite difficult but I have to say, not as hard as this one. Next time, if I do, I will ask for someone to pair up with me. But that says a lot! You all have wonderful and amazing tattoos that are such a part of your life. Your tats tell a big story, tells us about life in all corners. And I have to thank you all for sharing that with me. And by doing this post, I hold all of you in my heart. So much is felt in many different ways. Thank you for that. My mind and heart is more open than it has ever been.

Much respect to you all and much love as well. Thank you to the 3 generous givers as well! Making that prize more meaningful.
Making me feel blown away, I say to you, keep on tattooing! It puts a new meaning to wearing your heart on your sleeve ;)

Enjoy the day!!! xxx




Wow, those are some pieces of interesting body art there! I'm afraid I'm way too chicken to do it... Plus, I'd probably change my mind about what I want a week later...

Write a list of what you want lol.

It is a serious thing when getting tattooed. It can get scary when it comes to making the right decision.

Congrats @dandays, thanks for motivating me to enter this contest.
A huge thanks to you @foxyspirit for coming up with this fun contest. It’s pretty funny to think how much pain we Tattoo people go through for a good piece permanently tattooed on our bodies. Some call us crazy, but we find it worth it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Did you check out all of the other entries Splatts? Eh, I highly recommend it. None of them suck! You know how you get 8 pieces from someone’s curation and you expect two or af least one to suck—not the case here!

@foxyspirit, before I forget.. again. How did you make the images clickable? 👍🏿

I did manage to check out a few of them but not all. The ones I did look at, I am in total agreement with your statement.
I think if you put [ ] around the photo then the link after it in ( ) it should become clickable. Let me try just a second.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep it works.

When you get a minute, could you send me that in text form on discord? When you have time. Thank you!

Gotcha. Just sent it.

Sorry just getting this now. I hope it all got figured out ^_^

You are welcome! I agree with you, and despite we keep going. I'm sure you have been asked, I have been asked the old age question. Honestly it will be fun tales to tell. And who knows will probably still be getting more tastes as a wrinkly old prune lol.
I loved your post and tattoos. What I can say doesn't even fit to describe how much of a dedicated man you are. Keep at it. It makes you an amazing person!

!gif aw shucks
Let’s see what gif I get. Thanks, your kind words mean a lot. Cheers

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats @dandays and @amy-goodrich! And thank you for hosting @foxyspirit! It really was such a fun way to get to know everyone just a little bit better, and it got me outside of my usual comfort zone with posting. I definitely did not envy you having to make the decision, but with so many great entries you couldn't go wrong!

In return I thank you for participating! Glad you kind of came out of that comfort zone. It can be a fun adventure when we do!

There are no words to express how difficult it was to choose. I still feel how it was and its the day after! Only if we could be whales on here......

A fun adventure indeed! Looks like you'd have quite a few takers for another round, too! :)

Dang I missed this! Would have loved to take part

Posted using Partiko iOS

Keep a look out for the next one in a bout a week or so... maybe... Trying to make up my mind lol.

Great turn out for your contest. I enjoyed reading their posts about their tattoos. :-)


I thought the same. I was really blown away!

@foxyspirit. You did a really cool thing here, way to stir up some engagement girl, each of those articles you linked was awesome—not one sucked! Great idea miss foxy, eh, uhm.. 🤔 on behalf of the community, you can’t stop hosting tattoo tattoo contests now—no way. Look how much fun this one was, they’re only gonna get better. Like I say about every place we stay at, “wait’ll you see the next one.”

Thank you, foxy, and a big huge thank you to all of your extrenal help for voting my tattoo story into first place. I read each of the other articles, they were all so awesome you’ll have to do another one many.

Thank you @dandays! I couldn't go without sharing them.

The hard part is to choose the winners. It's like, you choose one but then your heart rips a bit for the other. You wanna choose that one instead, but then what about this one? Talk about feeling torn.

This contest wouldn't have been as awesome if it hadn't fallen upon the eyes of such grand people, helping spread the worth and donating towards the contest. So perhaps I will do another one because of how you all had so much fun! That is what makes it worth it, plus being able to give you guys a bit of lime light. It is much deserved. Thank you for being part of it ^_^ xx

That looks like a really good and fun contest you ran. You're so creative! Keep up the good work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah but all the credit should go to those that played. They are the awesome ones!

Hey @, Your post @foxyspirit, been determined to be Splat-Worthy!! Therefore You’ve been Splatted by the Splatz Curation Trail
Rewarding Your Original Work
With an Upvote
If you find posts worthy of a nasty Splatin’ feel free and mention @splatz in your reply to their post. Call me out!!

Thank you @splatz!!! <3 <3 much love and respect to you! xx

You’re welcome 👍🏻 Remember if you find original content that you feel worthy of a Splatz attack, just mention @splatz in your comment and I will come by shortly and give them a good ol’ Splattin’

Nice. Some great tats.

I'm the kind of person who can look at tats all day long. I love to admire the artwork. But I'd never get one.

I think is is amazing with the art we can find on a body. I know if I didn't have any, that I would still be staring at some lol.

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