The Star of David Hexagram - A Divination Pattern

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

Corresponding planets in The Tree of Life.
(Image from Pinterest.)

I prefer to use sacred geometry patterns for Tarot spreads. One of my favorite patterns to use is The Star of David hexagram where each vertex corresponds to a Sephirot on The Tree of Life.

The Star of David hexagram, where each vertex of the hexagram corresponds to a particular planetary energy that corresponds to a sephira on The Tree of Life in Qabalah.
(Image from Pinterest.)

Going clockwise starting from the top:

Saturn – Represents the influence of supernal Divine trinity energies above the abyss (the interplay between Kether, Chokmah and Binah.)

Jupiter – Chesed energies/Ideal situation or form/trajectory of energies/how the situation will expand.

Venus – Netzach energies/relationships/sexuality/sensuality/physical form.

Moon – Yesod energies/feelings on a matter/reflections.

Mercury – Hod energies/thoughts on a matter/strategy/communication/science.

Mars – Geburah energies/opposing forces.

Sol – Tiphareth energies/ego/personality/what is being shown.


I would love to see this spread in action... Have you used it here before? If not, please do! I love stars and would like to see how it is used! Thanks for the great introduction to a star spread!

Oh Amy I love this spread its one of the most potent I have in my Tarot toolkit. I think you should connect with it, and if you do not, give it a few more tries.

Yep, just one so far in this post right here for @intuitivejakob:

I did not go into details because it might have been too personal, but I am writing a post based on this spread right now that is quite personal because it was a personal question. It should be up later on today.

Wow, how cool! I'm going to use this spread this evening and see how it goes. Thank you for sharing @zero-infinity :)

That tree of life / planets artwork... 💖

Great breakdown, and your image is beautifully well put together. Looking forward to more posts from you. :)

Thank you for stopping by. :)

I have only had this blog for about a month. My introduction post might be of interest:

As well as the table of contents I organized for the posts generated during the first month:

Hello @zero-infinity I've been meaning to look at your blog since you commented on one of my posts and I'm very glad I did. You have some great insights .. I will say tarot is outside of my sphere of knowledge so it's personally very interesting to find a blog like yours.

The only interaction with any form of tarot I've had was just before delivering the eulogy for my best friends funeral. His girlfriend is proficient in the art and before we left to drive the funeral parlor she asked me to pick a card and it came up as strength. I was a nervous wrek before delivering the eulogy, but as I stood on that stage a wave of strength and confidence washed over me (almost like my friends parting gift) and it has carried me to this point. Indeed after twenty years of writing nothing I'm now blogging and sharing my thoughts on steemit. I'm now away for a week or so .. but look forward to catching up on your work upon my return.

"I was a nervous wrek before delivering the eulogy, but as I stood on that stage a wave of strength and confidence washed over me (almost like my friends parting gift) and it has carried me to this point."

THAT is an excellent application of Tarot - to help strengthen us as we pass through our ordeals.

Thank you for dropping by. My introduction post from a month ago might be of interest to you.

FYI this comment got included in today's Tarot Tuesday post.

I love this spread, too. I might give it a try in some of my readings. And like @whiteheart said, I'd love to see a post with you reading this spread, too!

Oh my! I must have missed this tag!! I'm going to go check it out! Thanks for this. Seems timely.

i saw your awesome tarot comment on jerrys post lol following u now, im into this stuff, i dont do tarot cards for myself but i look alot at astrology.

Welcome and thanks for visiting. :)

Also, if you are ever interested in asking me a question, you might want to read my intro post first where I discuss my approach to divination:

I have only had this blog for about a month. I organized my posts from March into a Table of Contents. Easier for new comers to know the kind of material that gets posted:

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