Weekly Cards are Up. Pick one and have some fun! by Sunscape

in #tarot6 years ago

Sunscapes Weekly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck


I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1

5 of Earth/Pentacles

Alternative forms of abundance, the illusion of lack, overlooked treasures.

All is not as it seems, so this is a time to look again at the circumstances that are surrounding you. Perhaps a change in perception can bring into focus the results you seek, just in a different form than expected. Not everything comes to us in the ways that we think they should. The universe is always full of surprises and it benefits us when we don't try to tell it how it should deliver to us what we are asking for.

You are being called to move away from thoughts of poverty consciousness and to open your eyes to treasures before you that are suddenly illuminated somehow. The illusion of wealth gives way to true abundance. For wealth comes in many forms, it is not always monetarily. When you seek wealth the universe feels your vibration and responds in like fashion as to where you are at energetically. There is no need to fear that the rug will be pulled out from underneath you, as you are the one that creates what happens in your life. If you are seeking what is best for you, then the universe will respond to that in whatever way it can.

What you draw attention to grows, so count your blessings and realize you have far more than you thought you had. Your wealth could come to you via your physical health, your personal relationship with another, a business that is about to take off the ground or your wealth could also be the increase in joy within you. You have probably come far in working towards building up what you have needed, yet even more opportunities for experiencing abundance await you in the future. So do not put the universe in a box any longer, as this is what has probably kept you in a stagnant state thus far. It is time to look at things with a new pair of eyes and ask for what you need with the highest intentions that you can muster. ;-)

Card 2

"Queen of Water / Cups"

Emotional security,
Self-love and Self-care

This is a card that came up in the recent past and I am going to repeat what I said about it then, as it is still very relevant to some of you today.

You are the Queen of your life, sensitive, romantic, gracious and kind. You live your life with great appreciation for the wonderful things that surround you. Are you feeling particularly contemplative recently? This card comes your way to remind you to evaluate your emotional responses towards others, as well as, to take a look at your current values.

You may be affected right now by those that you engage with. Due to your intuitive insights you may be trying to help others so much so, that your own emotional stability is affected. You may find yourself empathizing with them so much that you begin to carry the weight of their burdens on your shoulders. People may seek you out for advice because of your sensitive and compassionate nature. You are always so willing to help and lend an ear when needed, even if it has meant giving up something that you desired to be doing for yourself.

On the other hand it may also mean that you are not taking good care of yourself. Are you over indulging in things that are not too healthy for you? Perhaps not caring enough about yourself at this present time to even begin to take better care of yourself.

Perhaps it is time for you to be sensible and take a step back, assess yourself and re-align with your own inner truth. It is wonderful to help others when asked, but remember not at the expense of your own emotional and physical strength. You may have to begin to set some healthy boundaries for those that lean on you all the time. It is okay for you to say that you need some time for yourself, time to nurture your own emotions and physical well-being. Consider how you can let others know that you need time for self-healing right now. Be kind to yourself, take an inner journey through meditation to seek clarity on how to better be of service to others without loosing yourself in the process.

Card 3

Hanged Man


Sacrifice and surrender are necessary at times like this. Nothing in life is free, nor does everything happen according to your timetable. When this Major Arcana card appears, you are being reminded that a delay is in your best interest. That means that until all the elements are in place, you are meant to surrender to the greater will, for the highest good of all. Perhaps it is time for you to let go your attachment to how you thought things should, could or had to be. This card reminds you that you are called to surrender and wait to see how things will play out. Remember that the entire Universe responds to you according to the vibrational patterns that you are holding at this given moment. The more you tend to worry about something not happening the way you think they should, is exactly when the universe will deliver it to you in that particular way. Be careful how you are thinking to ensure that you get what your asking for in the way you really want it. Make Your "Intentions" Very Clear.

Any adversity that you may have been experiencing is the perfect opportunity for you to gain wisdom and understanding in how the universe works. This card also represents a time where you are seeking spiritual growth. As you let go of perceived imaginings and take a look from a higher vantage point, you may begin to receive spirit guidance, intuitive impulses, dreams or visions to help illuminate your way. These are just some of the ways that your personal guides, angels and your oversoul will try to speak to you. Often in a dream you may see one or two of your very close relatives with you. They are often helping your subconscious to awaken to what your soul would like you to understand. Perhaps you are just not clear on how that all works, but remember little steps and little nudges will take you where you need to go and also help to lead you to greater understanding. This can be a time of raising your consciousness to another level, so take life a little less seriously and have fun!. :-)

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Sunscape's Soap Shop


Card 2. Exactly what I need it and how I feel ♥

I am so glad! Thank you for letting me know, be blessed.

card 3 I think everything happens at the right time and when it should be. Happy week dear wanda

Happy week to you as well. Love and Light and many blessings to you.

The hanged man today. Thanks for your reading.

You are most welcome, thank you for joining us weekly. ♥

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Such beautifully illustrated cards @sunscape.

It's been quite a while since I selected one of your cards ~ They always reaffirmed something for me and today is no exception. I chose the Hanged Man and I've NEVER seen him look so beautiful before.

The message is very clear. There are so many avenues I wish to walk down ~ So many creative areas I've been exploring ~ And although the call to bring them together is strong, I'm still searching for the way to do that.

Surrender, total surrender to the guidance of the Universe is called for ~ I know it ~ Let it be. Much love and many thanks to you. !tip ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Thank you Ally, I am so happy the card resonated with you, but then of course it would have. Conformations are always in perfect timing. I too am feeling the hangman for myself as well. I think our creative minds never slow down, but sometimes we must sit still for a moment to allow the universe to unfold the next part of our journey. ♥ ♥ ♥

It seems to help when we know that others are experiencing something similar @sunscape. I like to think of it as lots of activity happening all around us, and we become involved in it, but our muse is just taking in what she needs and recycling it around so that when we are ready ~ Still enough ~ We will hear her once again. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

I so agree! It all comes together at the perfect time and all the pieces of the puzzle fit together beautifully.

@sunscape I wrote about how the message of the Hanged Man fits with how I see a few things in my life coming together and yet how it's still a time for much patience.

Ironically I should have been a bit more patient and waited till the morning to post, as I ended up posting it twice ~ And had to quickly do something with the duplicate post. Shame we can't delete posts here at Steemit. It was way past midnight and I'd promised myself an early night. Love how the Universe teaches us. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


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