Spiritual Sunday #3

in #tarot5 years ago (edited)

Spiritual Sunday is a brief reading and bits of advice from the Tarot about a situation you may be dealing with as the week begins -- or one you will soon meet as the "highlight" (or "low-light" maybe) of the week ahead. Essentially, it forecasts the coming week's conditions.


The accuracy of this is getting spookier by the minute.
I'm not the only one who's said so.


This week's theme

Karma Rx = You're dealing with something unfair, unjust, unbalanced. A lack of accountability. A one-sided situation with possibly serious consequences ... even serious Karma. This situation may contain dishonesty, self-serving behavior (yours or someone else's), infringement of rights, a lack of integrity, broken promises, etc. Abuse of power and trust. Illegal or unethical behavior.


This week's personal issue

9 of Fire Rx = You're not defending yourself properly,

You may be unable or unwilling to do so -- or unaware that you are being harmed, mistreated, taken advantage of, perhaps exploited or cheated. You have been through considerable stress and turmoil lately. You may be overwhelmed, exhausted, dazed, in denial. (It's even possible you are in shock and don't yet realize the extent of the injury -- or offense.)

This isn't defeat, but it's also not the end of the struggle. You need to pull it together and get back in the game. (It may not feel or look like a game at all, but you know what I mean.)

The challenges may seem relentless -- and you're about ready to give up. You may question whether you can cope with all this -- or whether it's worth it, or if there isn't some easier way. (You may be at the point where almost any alternative is worth considering!)

Finding your resilience, courage and "fighting spirit" will take some effort. (You probably didn't expect this kind of trouble ... or this much trouble when this all began. But it certainly has dragged on. No wonder you're at the end of your rope.)

You can still prevail in this conflict, but you may not have the support you need (or deserve.) Your own attitude may be a problem. You may feel paranoid, defensive, victimized, punch-drunk, undercut, abused. The longer you focus on what happened, what was done, how you were treated, etc., the longer it will take to get back in control of yourself, your resources, your situation.


This week's emotional issue

Father of Water = The highest expression of emotional maturity / inspiration / creativity.

Stay in control of your emotions. (For sure stay in touch with your intuition!!) Don't allow your hurt feelings and sense of outrage (no matter how justified they may be) get the better of you. This is the time to get a grip, be mature, practice stability and detachment. Don't get tangled up in a lot of drama. Take a calm, balanced, objective approach to your situation. Most of all, watch what happens. Read the story behind the story. (This is where your intuition comes in.)

Don't let anyone pull your strings, get under your skin or provoke an outburst. Occupy your emotional center. Master your own inspiration and creativity. Above all, don't become "part of the problem." Whatever you're going through, there are positive ways to respond to and use this. Make it your mission to find them.

Be calm and level-headed in your choices. The situation may be highly emotional, but don't let your feelings cloud your judgment. Be compassionate and understanding in a way that provides an example others can follow. Above all, stay true to your feelings -- and trust your intuition. For now, it's your best ally in dealing with this.


This week's intellectual issue

2 of Wind = Wait, watch and be objective. Collect more information; remain still and calm.

The situation you're coping with may be very new, very nebulous, confusing or "still developing." Recent, ongoing or upcoming changes may make a big difference in your final decision about what to do, how to react, etc. Keep your eyes and ears open. Maintain a neutral, impartial point of view -- while you get all the information you need about what's going on. You may not know enough to make a solid determination yet. You don't fully understand the problem -- or have a good (or the right) solution.

Don't prejudge anything and don't jump to conclusions. Set your biases aside -- at least until you know enough to confirm or dispute them. This is not a time for action. It's a time to get your thoughts together, talk things over with people who can help educate you, figure out what the truth is and what you can believe -- or count on. Appearances may be deceiving, so don't take things at face value -- for a while.

You may change your mind several times as you assemble more facts and as more of the story is revealed. As long as you keep your options open, you haven't done anything you'll regret -- and you'll be in the best possible position to take action and make some final decisions ... when the time is right and you're sure you have the whole story.


This week's practical issue

2 of Earth = Make sensible use of resources. Stay balanced. Manage your financial and material life. Concentrate on "making it."

Set your priorities and stick to them. Manage your time, talent and resources carefully. Meet your responsibilities. Take care of those who are depending on you. Stay balanced. You may be "juggling a lot of balls" for a while -- but you can manage this if you focus. (So do that!) Be adaptable.

You have a lot of pieces to work with and fit together. It takes some skill to do this -- especially to do it well. Self-care is essential. (You are your most important responsibility and resource, after all.) Stay organized so nothing slips through the cracks. (This may be tricky and there may be a lot of cracks. This card indicates "there's a lot going on" ... and coping with it all is a challenge. But it's manageable.)


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Be adaptable.


You may be "juggling a lot of balls" for a while -- but you can manage this if you focus.

Good advice, stay focused & not be overwhelmed! Will remember that!

Controlling my emotions and balancing everyone else's has been a tough struggle for me... Being true to my authentic self is hard when I still am not sure if those around me are being completely honest about how they feel and what they want. Sometimes I do not know if I am taking off into the sky or plummeting into oblivion... I only know how I feel.

The last couple of weeks especially have been a real trip! And it's not just you and me!

Feel free to elaborate if you feel a connection.

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