New! Tarot Tuesdays

in #tarot7 years ago (edited)


I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #tarottuesday party! I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and help others with my cards!

I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

A Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring, (available here: is based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays which have general meanings but can also point to specific times of the year.

As you can tell from the title, it’s a fairy based deck but the unique thing is each card has a real mythology behind it. Some are so familiar, most of us will recognize them - others I’d never heard of before opening this book.

Over the years I’ve noticed the book’s interpretational meaning works in conjunction with the background story of that fairy/being/energy to provide more insight and definition. For example quite a few cards have to do with material gains however depending on which fairy it is it could mean money received through hard work, or luck, maybe a family inheritance.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding.

Here are the 5 cards I pulled for this week's message

Choose a card which you are drawn to!

( or 2 or 3 - or all of them - it’s whatever you want! )


Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy

these images I took

of the sunrise the other morning

while you scroll




1. Morgan Le Fay | Lady of Autumn

Book's Interpretation

She is the mistress of occult knowledge. She indicates wisdom and power gained from study and experience combined. Depending on surrounding cards she may indicate aspirations/ambition but also cunning and/or ruthlessness.

The Lady of Autumn may denote a real person: an independent woman who covets success. She is passionate, sensual and fond of possessions but capable of being manipulative and controlling.

My Thoughts

You are a person who is either well versed in the occult or has a strong, natural intuition. This is a strong card which asks you to look inward towards your motivations. Are you taking something too far? Are you being domineering in some aspect? This card is a reminder to use your power (which you have in spades) for good.

2. The Woodwose | King of Spring

Book's Interpratation

The woodwose represents the call of the wild, leaving behind the known for the unknown. He is a breath of fresh air and the rejection of established rules. A normal life overturned - however there is a sense of optimism in the air - notwithstanding unexpected events and circumstances.

The King may depict a real person: a mature man who is lively, energetic and noble but unorthodox and unconventional. He is a man who throws everything around him into chaos.

My Thoughts

This card is daring you to go wild - within reason of course! Or not, I mean maybe you're ready to live off the grid? There is a certain level knowledge gained from letting go of the rules and restrictions. Do you have an idea that goes against the grain? Try it! Perhaps you've met someone with that air of excitement and adventure? Is it time you try to incorporate a bit of that energy into your own life?

3. Unseelie Court | Nine of Winter

Book's Interpretation -Reversed-

The appearance of the Unseelie Court reversed points towards a low threshold of boredom and the desire to seek out novelty for its own sake. Points towards dissatisfaction, excess and pleasures that last only for a moment.

My Thoughts

The Unseelie Court whether upright or reversed it all about your external/social world. There is much wisdom in that old quote, "You are the company you keep." Reversed, this card warns against looking for gratification or recognition from outside yourself. Greatest happiness and fulfillment come from within not from material possessions or novelties.

4. Fairy Festival Card: Herfest | Autumn Equinox

Book's Interpretation

When the festival Herfest appears reversed it is indicating poverty, lack, loss, failure, unprofitable speculations, financial problems or bankruptcy.

My Thoughts

It can be difficult to accept cards like these because they sound like bad news. However realization is the first step to making changes so ask yourself: am I facing financial troubles because I have a negative attitude towards money? Am I handling my budget in a productive way?

*I will add to this, as I had an instant thought of cryptocurrency when I saw this card come up, check where you're investing - if you are - there is a lot of misinformation about trading and investing out there right now. Be cautious and do your research!

5. The Leprechaun | Two of Spring

Book's Interpretation

The Leprechaun brings material gain in the form of lottery, gambling, an unexpected windfall, competition prizes or gifts. There is a warning with this stroke of luck; whether the leprechaun's gift is large or small, you must be careful how you use it - or it may lose it's charm or disappear just like Leprechaun gold when the sun rises!

My Thoughts

Whether large or small, be grateful! Invest the gain wisely and you'll see it grow abundantly - hoard it with greedy intentions or spend it frivolously and watch it disappear leaving nothing to show for it.

I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you!

stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.



I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

Sharing is Caring

I'm a writer, artist and activist. My mission is to bring the little bit of knowledge and experience I have to my community through my art, writing and actions. I believe building real communities, based in mutual respect, can change the world person by person.

And We are doing it, We've been putting in the work. The Revolution is taking place and if you haven't noticed it in your corner of the world well, then you better stand up and be that in whatever way is right for you.

(Photos taken by myself, other images created by me using Canva and GIMP)


Can I join the Tarot Tuesday party too :-) I have been doing a Tarot Course but need to get it down to one day a week instead of 4 !

Hey, @sarahewaring - just followed you on the newly created @steemittarot account. 😊 I'm hoping to have an intro/explanation post up in the next few days. So happy to have you aboard!

Yey....following you <3

I still have a bunch of things I need to do, but for now, the coffee is on, the music is playing, and fresh cyber chocolate chip cookies are available. Oh, and the Tarot Tuesday Discord channel is open!

@sarahewaring of course you can! <3 the more the merrier! I love seeing the variety of cards out there. makes me want to go buy new decks lol

yey! What do I need to do, just put it in the tag ? :-)

Yep! This is my first post..I don't think there's any rules lol I kinda mirrored @traciyork and her post from last Tuesday. definitely use the hashtags tarottuesday and tarot :)

This isvery exciting.Thank you !

P.s I also am a fan of @traciyork so thats really cool !

So much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ for this! I adore your format (gorgeous pictures of the sunrise) and combining the book definition with your own impression is inspired! YAY! Wicked happy to have you about the Tarot Tuesday Train, @amariespeaks!

Oh, and for the record, I picked #3 and it absolutely resonated with me - well done!

thank you, thank you! so happy you liked it :) and even happier to deliver the message and that it resonated with you. YAY! <3

Most definitely!

I'm loving the variety of readings so far with the hash tag - I can't wait to see what the coming weeks bring!

By the way, the @steemittarot account is now active - I haven't ironed out the particulars, but I wanted to let you know that was me who followed you. 😊

Awesome!! I don't know how to get updates on here LMAO I can't tell when I get new followers... obv I found my replies/comments section but I don't get notified about followers or tags, haven't been able to figure that out ;-) I'm heading over there to follow @steemittarot <3 <3

I still have a bunch of things I need to do, but for now, the coffee is on, the music is playing, and fresh cyber chocolate chip cookies are available. Oh, and the Tarot Tuesday Discord channel is open!

lol :) awesome!! I'll definitely check it out. still learning how discord works lol but GinaBot has been a big help! thanks again for introducing me to her :)

You're very welcome - I found out about her from another Steemian, so I'm happy to pass the info along!

And I'm actually still figuring out Discord myself - LOL!

Coolness, @amariespeaks! Hey, I had the same issue until someone pointed me in the direction of GINAbot. She is absolutely AMAZING as a General Instant Notification Automaton. 😊

Here's her post with details of how to add her on Discord -

You're welcome! 😊

Hi @amariespeaks! Nice to see your blog and that you are participating in #tarottuesday!

I hadn't seen this deck before, but it looks interesting. I had a little trouble seeing detail in the photo of the cards, but the descriptions were helpful.

Look forward to following more of what you're sharing!

thank you! My cell camera isn't the best. lol I should have done a picture of each individual card with the meaning. I will definitely trt that for next week.

Oh yeah! I will really enjoy a zoom up on the cards! I love the images on the back with the golden rings.

Looking forward to your readings and happy I found you today!

You should try to connect with @brightstar and @blunderbabe . They would both want to add to a tarot community on steemit. @blunderbabe just gave birth though so she may be missing for a while.

thanks!! I will definitely check out their blogs and connect with them. I'm realizing tarot is much more popular than I assumed. it's awesome!

I got 3. Quite apt at the moment!

I like your style girl!! I do readings too. This was a great idea.

Thank you! I'll be sure to check you out! Feel free to jump into the tarot tuesday party!

Will do. I don't mean to pry. Some child/children around you need attention before this next cycle of business. In Cali there is a place called Busters look it up. You need to go to a fun place like that. Just a suggestion to make kid time not such a chore. Excuse me

oh thank you! probably my 11 year old, he could definitely benefit from fun. School can get stressful for him, well us lol that is so crazy because I have been realizing over the last few days maybe I'm being too hard on him with school. Thank you for that advice, I really appreciate your insightful and intuitive advice!

Aww. You both are alike. You'll have fun. I love your art. I am writing a book for regular kid on American Sign Language. I am on the second book of the series. My teen is an artist but he wont help me Lol. So ..yea. I'm working on him in the other direction! Lol

thanks! My mother did ASL translations for adults with disabilities for quite a few years - I learned a little bit lol taught my sons all the basics more, milk, please, sorry, thank you before they could talk. :) Good luck with your book! <3

Wow. Thanks. I may need your help later. Joy

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