“Steemit Vision Quest”#7; Lucky and Two Kings.

in #svq6 years ago



Being lucky or having luck is a priviledge no human should ever take for granted, many lives balanced on a scale where only luck can save them, some are born lucky others unlucky.


I used to think i am unlucky, i felt bitter about myself and other people around me, this created a strained relationship with everyone i know...
But i asked myself if i am truly unlucky, how on earth did i find steemit.
Then i discovered being lucky is not receiving from everyone, but able to give, so since i joined steemit i am LUCKY myself.
I will quickly do a little poem on the theme then i move into the story proper, stay tune.
This is like a 2in1 entry into this contest, i don't know if it's accepted but I'll do it anyways.


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I'm lucky
I'm not buggy
I'm your buddy readily plucky
If you dig 🥘 shallow am not around

I'm not a trophy
I'm a gift with a pony
I don't owe you nothing
I choose with loving

If i choose you, you don't know me
If you know me, i don't choose thee
I'm a sea of greatness
I drop my purse with the courageous

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Once i embrace you, you are a star
Bursting out of a jar
With millions of shinning star
Polished by my aura
Be calm for i am with you, i am lucky

THE STORY: Two Kings


In a kingdom of birds ruled by the mighty and ruthless king called bagar, the king was a feared king because he will kill and eat anyone who dare to cross his part, people thought he was mad when he ate the little baby of his aunt just because she refuses to bow to him.
Everyone knows to run away when he comes around, new babies usually were kept away from his notice.
In a small town nearby the king wants to test his might, he went looking for food, when he got there he met a lot of chicken and rodents and he eats all of them but there was one hut he would never enter... Why?


The hut of banshee, banshee was also feared in the town because of his might and strength but he was not the king, but like every other bird he didn't fear the king.


The king always avoid him, the king would wait for hours to catch and eat a bird, but once that bird moves closer to banshee hut, the king would step back and look for another alternative.
Banshee was surprised and decided to go look for the king, he traveled 7 days and nights

Finally when he got to the palace, at first he was surprised the palace is empty, he went straight to the inner chamber of the king's quarter, there he met him laying on his belly.

Bagar was stunned to see banshee, banshee was a fool, he is riding his luck too much, he confronted bagar and bowed.
"King bagar, I'm banshee the first born of the great warrior bongai"
"Yes i know you, what do you want from me"?
"Why do you always avoid me my great king he asked"
"You have never visited my hut, i noticed"
Bagar was surprised and for the first time in his life a little feeling of fear crept into him..
"Eeerm do you come to fight me"?
"No, my great king replied banshee"
"What then do you want? asked bagar"

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"I come to seek an audience with you my king"
By the tone with which banshee is talking to bagar he was almost sure he didn't have any bad intention against him, so bagar relaxed but still afraid of one thing.
"Well, you have it, now tell me what bring you here and be done with"
"Why don't you take me in as your 2nd in command, banshee begged"
Right there he sold his power and luck left him because he didn't show the spirit of courage.
Bagar, couldn't believe what he heard and ask again.
Banshee insisted that he really wants to serve him.
So bagar asked him this question.

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"You want to be my 2nd in command so as to get close to me and burn me with the fire on your head"?
"Banshee laughed and said, my king this thing on my head is not a fire, its pure meat"
Bagar surprised and asked banshee to move closer to him, he touched his head with a dry leave to be sure its not a fire, that moment banshee lost every respect and fear bagar had for him.
"With strange laugh, bagar said to banshee you are not my 2nd in command but 1st in command and to proof your loyalty, i have just one task for you.
Foolish banshee was so happy and asked, my king, whatever you say i will do.
Bagar told him, go to the whole town and gather all the chicken and bird to my palace and tell them i am a good king, that i have prepared a great feast for their enjoyment.
Banshee now the fool went into the town and break the news, he didn't know he was being deceived.

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With banshee reputation he was able to gather a lot of birds and chicken to the proposed feast, little did he know that bagar plan is to eat all present at the feast and eat banshee along with the rest.
As soon as they were all in the palace hall bagar bolted the door and slam shut the windows so no one could escape he blew off the candles and his feast began.

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LUCK is a wonderful privileged do not misuse it, be content with what you have, lest you make a dangerous affiliate and sinks your portion of God given LUCK.

I am LUCKY today because i found this contest. Thanks for readin.
You can also check some of my work here


I remain loyal, i remain untalented me, i remain (datclownguy) @deeclown


@deeclown... This is beautiful, shine on bro11

Thanks bro, looking forward to your piece..

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

Thanks for the encouragement...

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