A Life Changing Year on Steemit (A Million Thank Yous): Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #6

in #success7 years ago (edited)

steemit changed my life.jpg

Read all about it!! Epic journey on Steemit so far...


Steemit Journey Start

When I started on Steemit in November 2016, I was this housewife, who was very unhappy in her marriage and struggled with self-esteem issues and wanted to find some kind of way to make a living from home, instead of living from benefit payment to benefit payment.

I shared this unhappiness on Steemit and my decisions to make changes and received a whole lot of support through comments and love. I'll dig out a couple, as they really did get me through some dark days, as was quite isolated at this point:



To cut a long story short, as this story will be long enough. I asked my husband to leave on 20th January 2017 and have been a single mum since and my journey from them is completely interrelated with Steemit.

Although after all these messages of support, I went and disappeared for a few months, as life was hard with lots of threats and all sorts of not nice stuff, so I hid away and got kids to and from school and that was about it.

The results of this time of my life was a restraining order against my husband until 2022, so I came back to Steemit and started to find all the people I used to comment on and said 'hello, I’m alive’ again and it was genuinely nice to be back.

I also shared about my marriage experience and the lack of communication in it and some of the emotional abuse that went on and two people have got back to me and thanked me for that, as it has helped them save their own relationships. That really means the world to me, that my words could help people in this way.

What is the one negative experience in your life from which you extracted a positive lesson and used it to shape your life and self for the better?


For the Love of Poetry

There was always someone there if I was having a 'moment', although one of my solutions was to write a poem when in those moments to get it out of my head and onto paper and that got shared on Steemit.

Love is an Arse


Love is an arse
Love is a farce
Head and heart at war
'Being' entirely sore.

My heart is wrong
Head has no song
Accept it, move on
Love has gone.

It was never there
Stupid heart going spare
Daring to dream
Letting hope gleam.

Worlds apart
In more ways than one
Crazy heart
Head you have won.

No real reason for this
Heart on sleeve, imagined kiss
All crashing down around
Without making a damned sound

Come on tears, stop falling
All night you have been bawling
Headache sure to follow
Suck it up, buttercup, swallow.

No more believing in fate
A friend, never a mate
Not even that I expect
With words I have wrecked.

So fucking sore
Don't want anymore
Nowhere to escape
Dreams dissipate.

Love is an arse
I'll think I'll pass
Life is short
Love just a thought.

Want to curl up and disappear
Want to be anywhere but here
Head is reeling
Got that sinking feeling.

original post

It was just a moment (okay whole night) of feeling bleugh and writing the poem kicked me back into first gear.

I even ran a few weeks of a competition called Runaway Rhymes for rhyming poetry and a Pocalypse Poetry competition that along side @papa-pepper's Steem Pocalypse, that I hosted with @novaatebatman and @superbuckles . (Kudos to the people that made it the full 30 days @hypexals-spiral, @stinawog, @clayboyn, @improv and @zf3eddiev6 and the excellent poetry they produced every day.)

You can see all the winning poems here

(I hope a good percentage stay in for @d-pend's 100 day poetry challenge)

Haven’t written much poetry in a while. But I am determined to let some creativity loose very soon. Watch this space!


The Discord Discovery

I finally discovered discord in July 2017 and then I started finding and making lots of new friends I could chat to and it made getting through the year easier as I was not alone.

My first foray into the discord world was about 7 months into my steemit journey, and as it is for many, it was the PAL discord group, but it was a bit big for me and I got lost in the sea of conversation very quickly.

I became a member of the @ecotrain on Slack, which is an awesome group of people who write about making a difference in the world. They are an amazing bunch of people who write thought-provoking articles and I'm honored they consider my writing helps make a difference too.

And whilst on the lookout for a smaller, more family-like group, I came across the Unmentionables (no longer exists) and was asked to be a moderator on it, as I had a few comment conversations with one of the leaders.

That was a good few months, but that discord group ended being disbanded, due to a lack of transparency. It has now been replaced with the even more awesome and completely honestly run @thesteemengine with amazing stationmaster @ethandsmith.

But within the Unmentionables, some good friendships were formed.

Here I'd like to give a special shout-out to @awakentolife as his positivity and warmth radiate everywhere he goes.

One of these friendships formed was with @valorforfreedom, who invited me to help out on his own discord group, which I was happy to do.

This is when the real success story on Steemit begins. Up to that point, I had been posting really sporadically on Steemit and had no discipline or focus. Even though I had been there for a year, I had never managed the badge for writing for a whole month (from the 1st to the end of the month) on Steemitboards. So I made that my mission and to post twice a day every day and tidy up the formatting of my posts.

That was in November 2017, and as I did that my Steemit earnings starting getting higher and higher and the group evolved with an intense self-improvement mission and although no longer part of that group, I am grateful it has put me on the right path in terms of mindset and success.

On my 39th birthday in December and I set myself the FAB mission (become financially free, attaining aspirations and being beautiful inside and out) to be in an entirely different place by 40.


The Little January Surprise

So in Jan 2018, I posted a screenshot of my Steemit earnings in one of the few Facebook groups I'm left in, and this one is a paid membership (which shhh, don't tell anyone was going to cancel a few days beforehand but changed my mind) and one of my favourite all-time internet marketers Jeremy Kennedy @Jkennedy asked me did I want to write a product about it.

My answer…


So I wrote an ebook called Post 2 Profit, about how anyone can find success on Steemit by writing two good quality posts a day, commenting and networking and giving guidelines as to what is considered good steemit etiquette.

It was launched on 2nd February and has sold over 3000 copies since and thrown my name into the field of internet marketers.


And lots of awesome new people have joined as a result (or gotten a little extra help with existing accounts) - I will list just 10, like: @keciah, @sindore, @appent, @musicman99, @witnesslife, @solomonsel, @remelsy, @emergehealthier, @wealthydrop and @kezza


A Dream Come True

And now, on top of Steemit earnings, I have ebook sales and an email list, all things that have enabled me to change my life significantly, that wouldn’t have happened without Steemit.

I am no longer on benefits. I don’t have to worry about where money for bills come from. And in April I should be able to pay off all my debts with the SBDs I have earned and start from scratch.


New Goals and Continuing Steemit journey

My goal, after April and debts being paid off...

Buy a house in the country so we can have the pets we’d like and a chauffeur. Oh yes, and I’ll be paying for that house, cash upfront! (I didn’t say it was going to be in the UK though)

This journey has only been made possible by Steemit, networking, communication and the amazing people on here, with their support.

And I’m still on this amazing journey, onwards, upwards and meeting awesome people who have been here a little while, like @dobartim.

@dobartim has created the Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #6, for which this post is an entry for.


I love you all and a million thank yous.

None one this would have happened without communication and networking through Steemit.

Steemit rocks.


@hopehuggs <3

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Please do take a moment to check out some of the awesome writers on the @ecotrain...


Just WOW.
What inspiring experience!
You're so strong and brave not to give up but create a new life, and this new page of your life is so successful!

It's a pity I haven't seen your blog beforem because I like such people like you, they are my motivation and my example to follow.

I have seen you in @d-pend's blog and I am happy poetry is connected people-)

The fact that you've a book has surprised me so much! It seemed to me to write a book and sell it an author needs some good connections to this "world of books", but you're just one of us, just a steemian, a mother, a housewife and you were able to destroy all borders on your way to success!
so it is on sale and I can buy it? Even if I am from another country?
I am impressed...really...
I will follow you to keep in contact, if you don't mind.

p.s you have a charming smile-)

Thank you very much Talia, I'd love to stay in touch. I have just taken opportunities with both hands and gone for it and it has paid off. I'll find you on Discord re the book.

Or not, my book can be found at post2profit.online, but if you are on Discord, please do get in touch. I have same name on it.

I am a little bit in awe of you (you know, that classic English way of understating things... translation: I think you are incredible actually and i wish I was more like you) and I am following you and thinking 'How does she do it?'.

I was following you initially because I want to follow in your footsteps but I have to say that the more I read, hear and watch from you the more I am interested in you and your journey and the more I am cheering for you to succeed.

Your personal journey is very compelling and I know that whatever you say about some of the things you've been through, no words will capture what it was actually like to be caught up in that for so long.

Brilliant that you were bold enough to make the moves that you did to improve life for yourself and your daughters. That must have been such a difficult point to have reached.

To go through all of that would be enough for a lot of people, but to come out and go strong and successful like you have takes dedication and motivation. Hat-tip to you for making that happen.

Don't take this the wrong way (heck, take it however you like, but I mean that I'm not trying to be sleazy lol) but the way you are so open and willing to put yourself out there in your posts and also in your videos is well, it's very attractive actually. Among the things I teach in high school is public speaking and audience engagement. From that perspective I listen to you in your videos and you have a great range of expressiveness plus you also have a distinct style of mischievous humour that bubbles up and is very engaging. Your voice is very clear as well as being engaging, so big thumbs up there! :-) And you are very engaging when you talk straight to camera. You're right to just do it - it works.

The more I read, hear and watch you the more I wonder how on earth your husband did not appreciate what a really witty, cute, expressive, imaginative, beautiful and smart person you are. In many ways it is humbling to see you blazing your trail here on Steemit like the phoenix in your header. Humbling and inspiring too!

I do wonder how you do it all, truly. I want you to be out there doing all of this because I am learning so much from watching you doing it! And also I want you to carry on doing this (or whatever you choose) because I think it's obvious that you really deserve all the good things to come your way.

It's so nice talking to other people here on Steemit and on Discord and finding so many people with good things to say about you and the many who have benefited from your candid sharing and hands-on advice.

If ever you need to top up your motivation I know that there are many out here who would testify and validate you, and also help push you and replenish you. You have given so much to others and so are due a lot back in return.

This is a definite fan-boy comment and I make no apologies for this - I think credit where credit is due and gosh you have really earned a big measure :-)

I am so excited by all that Steemit offers and the many brilliant things that are being worked on right now. And I have not, and will not, forget that you introduced me to this. Big ups to you ;-)

P.S. Calls himself a teacher, and has to look up how to spell 'phoenix' lol. Ssh, don't tell my pupils. Actually no, do tell them, because I am forever telling them to use a bloody dictionary to look up words and spellings...

Thank you, that comment really made my day. I shall come back and read it when I feel things getting on top of me.

I'm just coming across this... wow. What an amazing story. So awesome that you could do all of this for yourself and for your kids!
It really gives me hope.
I feel like I relate to a lot of what your saying. Maybe we can chat on discord about it some time.
Thank you for sharing this heartfelt and inspiring story.

Hi @amymya, it would be awesome to chat and get to know you better via discord. If I can help in anyway, always happy too.

Wow...this is so motivational. I am happy for you and that Steemit is changing people's life.

This is enough to get my groove back on anytime I am down and frustrating by my rewards.

Thank you so so much for sharing this.

I'm glad you got your groove back.

WOW! What an amazing and inspiring journey! As a fellow member of @ecotrain you have encouraged me to post more. I have been very lax lately and need to step up my game. I’m looking forward to hearing about your journey to your new home!

Hi @stillwatersart, yes I've been hiding the last few months, so I'm looking forward to getting to know and reading the posts of everyone on the @ecotrain.

What a fabulous journey this has been on the steemit platform it is very successful :)

Wow, what a fascinating journey you've had on Steemit. I'm thrilled for you to have gotten your life back and have a plan and the income to make your dreams happen. This is fabulous!!

I am good at the planning part, just need to put into action better :)

I admire your perseverance to fight for a better life for yourself and your children. It appears you are well on the road to success. I am sure you had many bumps along the way. However it seems your strength pulled you through those dark days.
It was your story that inspired me to join Steemit. Thank you for sharing it.

Still some difficult moments, but I'm happy that I am actually living my life, my way now.

This is highly motivational. It only takes sheer dogedness and perseverance as yours to navigate the murky waters here. Cue really taken from your experience. Steem on ma'am

Thank you for your kind words.

I have been involved with internet marketing for years and never made a penny. Still haven't made anything out of Steemit but it is early days as I only signed up a month ago. I can see the potential and so will keep posting every day. Your story is inspirational...many, many thanks for introducing me to Steemit.

Thank you. I hope to keep posting what I learn on my journey.

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