One Hour Per Day

in #success7 years ago

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It's truly astonishing what we can make time for when we decide to make time for it.

When people ask me for advice I tell them my thoughts. Often it involves some sort of time commitment from them every day or for at least a few hours per week.

Do you know the most common sentence I hear back? “I don't have the time!”

They have a problem that causes them to struggle. A problem that weighs heavily upon them and they wish they didn't have to deal with yet they “couldn't possibly find the time to deal with it.”

So they say they don't have the time to learn a certain skill, take an online course, do a little side-hustle to bring in some extra cash, or just track their finances to see where they are overspending. They are just fooling themselves.

If you had a medical condition that required you to sit hooked up to a machine for an hour each day would those people say “Oh, I don't have any time to do that. I better just die.” NO! They would easily find the time.

Anyone can free up an hour per day to do anything if they want to. Within that hour you can do something that helps you get closer to your goals. And you can do it without losing efficiency elsewhere, like your relationships.

Because when you solve your problems or get closer to your goals something special happens to the rest of your hours. Because you are proactively working towards a better life all your other hours end up being MORE efficient with the given time.

No longer is time spent with your husband or wife spent arguing over money. No longer is time spent playing games spent thinking that you should really rather be doing something to help your situation.

You see, if you spend at least an hour working on the things that you really want to improve, the other 23 hours are less stressful and better spent. Because you are actively working on your personal progress you feel better about yourself.

When you are cuddled up with your love you have nothing else on your mind besides how much you are in love. When your problems are being solved you will sleep better. You will enjoy everything else since you know things are under control. Things are getting better. Life is good.

Parkinson's Law

Parkinson's law is the old saying that “work expands to fill the time allotted to it.” In other words the amount of time that you have to perform a task is the amount of time it will take to complete it.

So go on and give yourself an hour each day to work towards your top priority. Start today.

What are you going to do in that hour? Can you do something that you have always wanted to do but just never have?

What I do with my hour is write. Often a post, other times ideas or plans.

Here is what I do.

I load up a blank page and let whatever arises from my mind get typed into the document. I don't edit, I don't judge, I just write.

Sometimes I am still amazed at how well it works.

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What The Majority Does

Most people don't even think about their potential. They do not think of the possibilities. They don't even think about their future. They only think about their day to day life.

They are so lost inside the hamster wheel of life, – the problems, the chores, the workload they have – their daily existence. They don't take one moment to step back and look at the big picture. But they certainly fill their life with meaningless things. Always running back and forth to this or that but never getting ahead.

Is that life? To run around in vain? To race everywhere without ever getting anywhere?

Oh, and if they aren't running around then they spend the time on social media or watching TV. Killing time is a more apt way to say it.

People who aren't truly living the life they want will spend time distracting themselves from that fact instead of working TOWARDS the life they want. They want to forget how meaningless and unfulfilling their life is. So they seek distraction by either being too busy or by being entertained – anything to not have to think about it.

If you aren't too happy in life you can watch other people live the life you want. “Look at what Kim Kardashian wore to the event!” “That's such a nice dress!” “Oh, did you hear that XXX is dating XXX?”

Who freaking gives a shit? I couldn't care less. How does this meaningless crap help me get towards my goals? Hint: It doesn't.

If it isn't watching the latest social divas soap opera bullcrap, it is often the news. Since the news is now nearly totally full of bad news it can make a person feel glad it is not them. That, or now you are worried for this person (missing, in the hospital, etc) that you just have to follow the situation and hope they are alright.

The news is a way to see other people's problems so that I don't face my own. Between these two things you can live life without living life. What I mean is that you could live life vicariously through these people or events. They would be your life-surrogates on social media, TV, the news, the missing person story, a crime spree, your sports team, and on and on. You could let the lives of the famous fortunate actress or tragic news stories be your life for you.

Do I really need to know about these people? Do I need to know about so much news?

No. If it doesn't affect you or there is nothing you can do about it then it is a waste to think about. Only when you can learn something useful to better yourself is it of any benefit.

Just One Hour

So get rid of all these distractions and use that time to learn what you can do when you devote your mind to it. Everybody can find an hour to better themselves and work towards the life that they want. That's what this post was all about.


I couldn't agree more, although I don't always find it easy to practice what I preach. One of the most frustrating things I hear is "I don't have time". It's the simplest of excuses and essentially comes across to me as "I don't care" or "I don't want to". The more people lie to themselves the more they will believe it. If you believe you are "busy" well then you certainly will be. Changing your mindset goes a long way. Instead of fabricating a "busy" life to avoid progression take a step back and realize you do have the time... stop lying to yourself to avoid uncomfortable situations.

People tend to find a way to lie to themselves in order to avoid an uncomfortable situation. Whether that be meeting new people or trying something new. It is easier to blame it on their lack of "time" than to simply face the inevitable and progress themselves. I can't tell you how many times I've been in this situation with someone and I break down their schedule and find many "holes" that could be filled with hours of self development yet they insist they are busy.

I'll stop right there before I write an essay! Good write up and I enjoyed reading it. I can relate to it quite well :)

It's always easier to find an excuse instead of facing the reality of their situation. In this case, and in many others, it's being "too busy."

Great points here, @awelsh!

It's 2am here. i've pretty much rounded up my time on here and somehow i found this blog! Agreed, our lives would be so much better if we could take out the time and work on ourselves, sharpen up and grow our knowledge, rather than do superfluous stuff to while away the time or distract us from the important. We've always got time, we just don't have the priority figured out yet! Excellent post!

Thank you so much, 😀

That's right, I believe not only with one hour, we have to try that everything we do leads us to where we want to go. Everything you do must have a meaning that helps you reach your goal.

I admire your determination. But always remember to enjoy yourself along the way.

I am inspired!

Recently, I had taken to literature ; to pace a few pages of a new book I got, daily. So to develop on my writing skill by reading the works of great writers

I have been successful with it albeit for some days. One thing was certain about those successful days however.

Those days came with the feeling of satisfaction and content that made the work of the rest of the day very appealing.

I was always in control whenever I was done turning some pages of that book.

I agree with you @getonthetrain that there is always time to do our priorities.
Yes there is!

Until we give time to the achievement of certain pressing goals, we may NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING!

Keep reading - the wisdom of others can supercharge your own!

O yes.

@getonthetrain you just helped some people to get motivated and all you did was put in an hour of your time into productive writing on STEEMIT. On top of that you benefit financially by helping others to take action.................

Wonderful article! I teach myself not to be lazy and to act. And I have every hour painted, but at the same time I have time. And to be with family and to travel) I would be glad if you could stop by my blog) Good mood!

Thank you. Your blog is great as well. :D

Inspired me to take an hour out of my busy schedule. Busy is not an excuse anymore. I am going to start learning guitar which I had given up. I have to play at least one song on the guitar and hopefully Summer of 69 one day.

Can you give tips to some of us on how we can select a certain niche we can write about for a long period of time. I'm struggling to find something to write everyday. I've only started blogging 2 months ago when i joined steemit.

I'm not a blogger by any means but I would suggest picking something you enjoy and therefore can write about naturally. Although it may seem like a simple task, if you can't write about it for an extended period of time then you shouldn't be writing about it – in my opinion

What @awelsh said. But I would like to say that Steemit is not exactly strict on a niche blog. You can often switch between different subjects. As long as you have a few things you write about, no one will mind.

Yeah i guess you're right. I'll just keep on posting. Eventually I might land to something I'm comfortable at.

"I don't have time" is an excuse and in a way of telling someone "it's not my concern" and that's so frustrating, you just have to read between the lines. One could always make time, if a person wants to. For some thing or any one maybe. Time is precious, we just have to make the most out of it.

Oh, I know if they say they don't have time then they are just moaning and hoping for sympathy. They don't want to actually change things.

Yep. And i can't fathom why they can't which they can always do. @getonthetrain

How does this meaningless crap help me get towards my goals? Hint: It doesn't.

That's true for so many things in life. Even in my life, I know there are areas that just aren't worth the effort I put into them. I could spend my time much better by doing something productive.

Thanks for the encouragement. It can be discouraging or daunting to change, but an hour isn't bad. Like you said, anyone can find an hour. And if it means changing your whole life for the better, who wouldn't want to do that?

Let me know what you decide to do with your time.

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