Curator Cat on Sundays: Contemplating Perseverance and Success

in #success6 years ago

It's a lazy Sunday morning around the Curator Cat mousehole household and everyone is actively engaged in the process... of pretty much nothing.

We cats are really good at that sort of thing!

Exhibit A: Sleeping Curator Cat

But we can't always sleep our way through life, so I'm pulling out my "Philosopher Cat" hat for a few moments to consider the importance of perseverance

Inspired in part by @anomadsoul's post from a few days ago, I realized that my own post feed as of late has been a bit "thin." Quite a few of the people I've been following for a while have just... stopped.

Now, I know it's summertime and a lot of people go on holidays, and that's pretty understandable... but most school breaks are either over, or the kids start back tomorrow so that excuse no longer holds. 

Exhibit B: Sleeping BeBe

The reason most people give for not being active anymore is typically "the low price of Steem." Which means — I grant you — that rewards are also lower. 

What I find so strange about that particular line of reasoning is that people get zero for creating content anywhere else. 

So what you are really trying to say is that you like Steemit when you're getting $1.00 for posting here, instead of zero for posting elsewhere, but when you're getting $0.50 for posting here vs. (still) zero posting elsewhere... you'd rather be "elsewhere" posting for zero?

Exhibit C: Sleeping in layers...

Please read that sentence again, and explain the logic to me!

Because I can guarantee you that Facebook and Instagram didn't magically grow unicorn horns and a crypto wallet in your absence! 

And yet, people are still going away. Even @barrydutton — one of Steemit's absolutely most prolific posters and "inventor" of the "show me your Facebook wallet!" weekly posts — mysteriously dropped off the map about a month ago, after having posted more than thirty thousand times.

Unless he knows something I don't, seems he has fallen victim to the times, even though he was one of the many who remained very active during the infamous period of "Seven Cent Steem" many talk about (before my time).

One of my Humans was a business consultant in an earlier part of his life, and specialized in helping those who wanted to break out of corporate jobs and into self-employment.

He has always observed that most businesses fail NOT because they were a "bad idea" or had "poor management," but because their principals "quit before they became successful."

Now we live in a more and more "instant gratification" oriented world, so people have less and less patience. That also means that the time between the expectation of success and the reality of success is getting shorter and shorter.

Exhibit D: Sleeping in the "Pink Room"

And yet? Reality hasn't changed. A week is still seven days, and a year is still 365 days. 

That leaves YOU as the remaining variable. 

Is your choice going to be to stick with it till you succeed? Or are you going to quit before you can succeed?

If you need a little more inspiration — as well as a great community of Steemians committed to being active — go check out and enroll yourself in @abh12345's weekly "Curation and Engagement Leagues!" There have been times when I have felt like throwing in the towel, but wanting to "place well" in the leagues was enough inspiration to keep me from doing so. 

It might make a difference for you, too!

Now go out there and have a beautiful Sunday!



I never liked instagram or facebook, they always seemed like the place where people who love attention would go, which I can't stand. But steemit seems different, the idea of money helps, but i've also met people all around the world that seem nice, are like minded and really funny too.

Yeah, for a lot of people, those (especially Instagram) basically seem to be "selfie central." Which gets pretty boring and annoying after a while. Although you do have to put a little effort into finding the right people, the interaction here just seems a little more "substantial" and respectful.


Wow, you are quite the philosopher cat! 🐱

Thank you! I try to make things around here a little more interesting than "just cat pictures." Not that there's anything wrong with cat pictures.


hahaha, Love me some cat pictures! 🐈

You got a plankton sized upvote from @worksinsane because I wanted to revisit you!

During the last 56 days in the life of @worksinsane, your post appeared in the We Curate quality post search tool. Now I decided to come back and I've also included you in my latest post:

Appreciate the mention; always happy to be part of curation initiatives!


Inspiration, post and enjoy. Money isn't the only motivation.

You're absolutely right, @manorvillemike. I have fun here. I wish more people would step back and ask themselves why they use ANY social media? There's a great community here... and the interaction tends to be more respectful than a lot of the "flame" wars I have seen elsewhere.

(I'm one of CuratorCat's "sponsors!")

Cool thinking. I haven't been elsewhere but I like it here. :-)

I believe money can serve as a good incentive to stay consistent, for example. You can fill a bucket with just one drop of water at a time. But the bigger question for me is whether you are enjoying yourself while doing so. We cats are very hedonistic, as you well know!


Nothing wrong with making as much money as you can. 3 squares and a room is cool too.

A nice place to live is definitely a bonus. I do have some worries about those who seem to be trying to make "as much money as you can" in ways that may lead to them not being able to make money at ALL because there will be nothing here to make money from. But time will tell...


Very well said Curator Cat. I've been discouraged myself by these times. Not because of the falling price in Steem, but the fact that what posts I see making money versus posts not making money. For example, I made a post awhile back that was only one sentence long letting everyone know that my vote power was finally worth a penny. That one sentence post made over $2 SMH. But then I spend a few hours writing a good informative post about the "Right to Travel" and it only made 11 cents. As a result now I'm not putting any effort into making informative posts anymore. sigh

It's pretty easy to get discouraged, I know. The inequities and "lack of sense" here can be a bit jarring, at times. I have found being part of Asher's ( @abh12345) curation and engagement leagues has helped me build a lot of connections and it feels more like being part of a true community because it's very interactive among the several hundred members. I don't remember whether you're part of that? If not, give it a try!

In the end, I am just trying to stay true to myself and not worry too much about "what others are doing."


I still haven't figured out how curation works. I do know two of my posts got curated because they made a little money and had 150 votes. Which is very unusual considering I'm averaging around 15 to 20 votes per post. I was like WTF when I saw that. How it happened I don't know but I wish it would happen more often.

It is interesting — and somewhat mysterious — when that happens. On occasion, I have gotten seemingly random votes from a few different "large" users, and that's a nice bonus too... but I don't count on it, and I don't spend much time worrying about the "mechanics" of how and why... if it happens, it happens.


You're right about that! But the whole Steemit feed dead-low price-summertime coincides with the fact that I've been busy with my baby and finishing some online courses.
However, I really want to get back to blogging here. We should stick around. Steemit has great upcoming projects!

Well, it's nice to see you again @jessicapixie! Sounds like a busy summer for you... but I think you're quite right that there are a lot of promising projects in the pipeline here, and quite a few of them are being created in expectation of the "formal" launch of SMTs next spring. I definitely want to continue being part of this adventure!


I love lazy Sundays ... and lazy Mondays .... and lazy Tuesdays and Lazy ..

Well @rentmoney, from the sound of that I would have to say that you have an excellent understanding of the typical temperament of a cat!


Awww! You are cute and inspirational!
I won't quit posting even if I'm not getting enough upvotes. That's for sure.
Especially when I can post pictures of my cat ;)

It's definitely a plus to be able to post cat pictures! I don't know how long you have been here, but it is also a matter of patience before you develop an established following.


That's true, dear

Great post. I like how you talk about Instagram. I deleted that trash.

Instagram just always struck me as "selfie central" for a bunch of people with incredibly inflated senses of their own importance. Never really got into it... sortof put off from the start.


They follow you and then I follow. Stupid I think. Thanks for replying enjoy your day.

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