
You're absolutely right, @manorvillemike. I have fun here. I wish more people would step back and ask themselves why they use ANY social media? There's a great community here... and the interaction tends to be more respectful than a lot of the "flame" wars I have seen elsewhere.

(I'm one of CuratorCat's "sponsors!")

Cool thinking. I haven't been elsewhere but I like it here. :-)

I believe money can serve as a good incentive to stay consistent, for example. You can fill a bucket with just one drop of water at a time. But the bigger question for me is whether you are enjoying yourself while doing so. We cats are very hedonistic, as you well know!


Nothing wrong with making as much money as you can. 3 squares and a room is cool too.

A nice place to live is definitely a bonus. I do have some worries about those who seem to be trying to make "as much money as you can" in ways that may lead to them not being able to make money at ALL because there will be nothing here to make money from. But time will tell...


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