Beautiful Sunday walk!

in #sublimesunday5 years ago (edited)

Hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday my amazing friends! 😙💋

Today it's been a wonderful day and perfect for a walk.
As most of you know I work as a preschool teacher and we are moving into a new preschool after this summer.
So here are some pictures from our walk this weekend and a mix of the new preschool and the environment on the way!

Started with a cute excited Bobby.. We going now? 😁


Yes mama's ready to go!


But are you? Please no toys on the walk Bobby! having this conversation Everytime 😂 lol


Good thing he was less stubborn today so it went pretty smoothly... Lol

Time for a walk!


This is the place where we walk the most, and I just have to share this one unique thing that has happened.

Usually there's lots of wild rabbits and such on the grass, but then this particular hedgehog showed up. Not so unique you might think... only this one isn't afraid of humans.. In fact if you out walking the hedgehog walks with you... 😲 Wait Whaaaaat?


This is the cute hedgehog that always hangs on this particular spot right where people walks by everyday. It's like she's waiting 😁 lol


Then when you walk by she comes out on the stones and starts walking towards you and as you start walking.... She follows you and make weard noises.
It's so frkn adorable... Although my dear companion Bobby doesn't think so, he's afraid of her and looks at me like... Help!


But the walk continued and at these bushes the hedgehog finally turned away and disappeared.


Some beautiful flowers showed themselves and I was happy to capture them 😍


Yellow is such a cherry colour!


Some purple flowers that made me smile... So beautiful!


A close up on this beautiful flower!


Some bushes about to bloom out!



And then we reached the building site of the new preschool!

This is how the building looks!

Here is the environment, the play yard still under construction!




So the plan is to move in after summer and a few weeks back we got to go inside and look, think this is going to be really exciting 😉✌️
And I know the kids are going to Love all the new things on the playground on the preschool yard!


Then we got back home and Bobby realized that he had forgotten one of his toys outside...


It was digged down a bit and broken... My guess his brother has done it.... Lol
Cracked me up to se him just standing there all chocked and.... Crying?
Ya it's not like you have plenty of other toys😂 lol


He's really weard but Such a joy 😍🐶 can't imagine life without him!

That ended our walk my peeps and thank you for walking with us 😊 appreciate it!


Since it's Sunday and I kind of am a pirate stacker, I just had to put in a #piratesunday picture to 😜🤘


And what's a piratesunday without some shiny pirate silver?


Aaaarrrrr... This is my favorite from silver shield, next to the blood of oil 😜✌️


And finally a picture for my #haturday it's been a while since I made one!

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Taken last summer after I got this new hat, it's my favorite of favorites 😜👍 lol


I hope you all are having a fantastic evening my peeps, and THANK YOU for your amazing love and support 😊 means the world to me!


You guys make this place a Home ❤️

💕Find a little something to be thankful for each day, makes a happy Heart 💕

Proud Member of the best family ❤️

Epic creation of @thekittygirl

Peace - Unity - Family - #thealliance Amazing leader @enginewitty

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Amazing group of people that inspire me #steemsilvergold ⭐〰️⭐

I Loove playing @steemmonsters and are totally addicted.. Lol


Amazing creation of @liberty-minded

Vote for the amazing @enginewitty ❤️
Enginewitty_1 (1).gif

Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a

Amazing badass gifs by the lovely @snook ❤️

Always brings smiles to people😊Show her some Love

Me in sim gif by @snook 💕

Just happy about life and Thankful for all the blessings in it!🌹

20180629_201507 (1).jpg

@saffisara :Passionate about reading YOUR posts and commenting. Loves to laugh and take pictures. AND I'm a Hug Lover! 🤗 Remember Every day is a #haturday

I'm now on Twitter to

©️ All pictures are my own and by my Samsung galaxy

Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner 💋


Gracias 😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

you came across some hedgehogs? so cool! thanks for sharing😎

Yes I did and this one follows you when you walk by 😊 cute!
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful evening. Cheers! 🌸

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same to you, I can't even remember the last time I saw some in the wild.. enjoyed seeing that pic:)

It's not often that I se one but last year I had one in the garden with babies under the deck.. was fun to watch them.
My dog is so afraid of everything that moves so he avoided the deck... Lol

Glad you liked the pictures and I will try to share more if I see her again 😉👍

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Another fabulous post by the one and only SAFFISARA!!! I didn’t actually think you had a really small dog lol and aww cute photos as always I love that there are lots and lots. Another fantastic post agin maybe I should see if I can walk along a more wildlife area instead of the big city 😆. Thanks for the post 💕

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Thank you so much my friend 😊 means a lot!
Really glad you liked it and Yes I have a Cute Yorkipoo Bobby that is smaller than most 😁 lol

You have some wildlife near where you live? I would love to se if you make a post.

Thank you for always being such a great friend. 🤗💕🌹

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Thank you 😊

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Wow, cool pictures. Must have really been a happy Sunday. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much 😊 sweet!
Yes it really was a happy walk and the weather was awesome.

Thank you for the sweet comment and I wish you a wonderful evening. Cheers! 🌸

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You're welcome dear.

Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

All those pictures and no beaver?

Yes.. Can you believe it? 😲 Where's the beaver? 😁 Lol
you crack me up dear 🤗

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I feel like Elmer Fudd hunting rabbit.

Every time I think I will get to see a beaver it eludes me.

Do they have Beavers where you are? or is that otters? Do you have otters?

I can't do the emoticons from the comp in comments So I will send hugs the old fashioned way.

{{{{{ Sara }}}}}.

P.S. I will try my best to mend the cracks I give you. :P

I don't know who Elmer Fudd is, but the name itself made me smile 😊 lol

You really have a thing for the beavers hu? 😂 Lol
They do have beavers and utters in damms but I haven't seen them myself.
I Don't live so close to that kind of environment... Would be cool if I did though... Having a beaver in the backyard... Lol

No worries on the emojis, you do just fine with your words and I feel the hug 🤗🤗🤗

Mend the cracks? 😂😂😂 OMG...
Thank you for the smile and for being you! 🌹

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Ahhhh... Thank you for helping a slow swede to understand 😂😂 hahaha
Yes I've seen him and now I know his name.

Hi @saffisara,

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography! Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

You posts are so fun! The cute animals (love the hedgehog and little dog) add interest, i am a homeschool father...much respect for teachers, thanks for the great post!! I will be back for more.
100% upvote from me....wish it was worth more. I will keep trying and one day my vote will amount to something.

Thank you so much for this sweet comment 😊 made me smile.
Glad you liked it and much respect to you for being a homeschool father, know the hard work behind.
I love working with kids and there's nothing like the mind of a child and their brutal honesty 😁 lol

Don't even worry about the vote my friend, a comment is much more valuable to me than the vote. The amazing response from people is what makes me going and with feedback we learn.

Have a wonderful week. Cheers! 🌸

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I have a story i will tell you sometime about a couple that desired a child of their own. After 10 years of trying the doctors told the couple "you will never have a biological child of your own!" The couple after numerous infertility treatments decided to look into doing respite for foster parents. After the foster training they were given a 4 month old baby with special needs to take care of. The couple welcomed the baby. 22 months later the couple had a beautiful biological daughter and the 4 month old baby became their son.

This is how the homeschooling adventure began.

Thanks for sharing your Sunday walk, my sweet friend! I hope all is well with you! I am just so inundated with life, right now... and have not posted in steemit for a while. But I continue stacking... Have a beautiful week ahead, my friend! Hugs and Kisses 🤗💕💋!!!!

My pleasure and thank you for your sweet comment my friend 😊 means a lot.
I'm doing great even though it's much at work at the moment.
You take care of yourself and life and don't worry about not posting, sometimes we need to let life come first 😉

Stay Awsome my friend and much love to you 🤗💕🌸

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It's a struggle for me to keep up on anything lately, Sis. let alone fighting the same Demons. Got to find time for a nice walk like @saffisara does.

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