Beautifully Sublime- After the frost

This is my entry for the #beautifulsunday challenge, hosted by @ace108 and for #sublimesunday by @c0ff33a.

Even though we have had several killing frosts and things are starting to look pretty bare out there, I still have a couple chrysanthemums and an aster that are providing some beautiful color from the pots that they are planted in out on the deck. Here are a couple photos that I took this week.

imageThe hostas are looking pretty sad.

imageAnd most of the trees are getting pretty bare.

imageThis aster is still lovely.

imageAnd this chrysanthemum is bravely holding on.

imageAnd more welcome color from this mum will help make it a Sublime Sunday!

Shadow Photos Round 42- Shoe Shadows

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Aster, Mums brave hanger-ons. Hostas can not be killed I don't think ha ha. They will be roaring back in the spring.

Around here hostas are considered deer salad. I have to protect them in the spring or they vanish.

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The frosts take out so many things, so quickly. We have not had a hard frost here yet, but I'm sure it won't be a lot longer .

I don't have asters so I didn't know they were frost resistant. Hostas are some of the first to go. Funny how their foliage is so sensitive, but their bulbs survive so nicely and pop up every spring.

These asters have been pretty tough. They even survive that one blast of snow that we had. It took me awhile to get a bed of hostas growing here, because the deer kept eating them off and they never had a chance to grow. I finally started using some deer repellent around them that seems to work because they've done nicely the past few years.

I've had the green with white striped hosta for years, dragging a few bulbs from place to place when I move while leaving some behind for the next occupants. Two years ago I bought a few bulbs of a larger, lighter solid green that came up well, to cover where their was space between the ground and a small shed. Part way through the summer though, the deer, who I had never seen the two years before that I lived there, ate them down to the ground. I still brought some of the bulbs with me last year and so far.... the deer haven't eaten them here.

They must be quite tasty. :) Don't tell the deer over here ! :)

We just call them Deer Salad.

LOL.... .Might as well !

que grande es la naturaleza siempre nos regala belleza hermosas flores

Mother Nature is wonderful!

Your flowers are still looking lovely.

They are hanging on! We have had a few nights where it got down in the upper 20s and I thought that might do them in, but they're still going strong!

I'm just thinking if it's the same kind of chrysanthemum you can make tea from. :)

I have had chrysanthemum tea in a dried form, but I never thought about using fresh flowers to make the tea. I wonder if it would work? I wonder if it is the same, I do not know.

howdy melinda010100! wow not everything is dead, you still have some brilliant colors going on there!

I've seen a few things around the neighborhood that are still picture worthy, and I noticed that the temperature on Monday is supposed to get up to almost 50 degrees and only a slight chance of rain, so I'm hopeful I can get some photos then!

howdy again Melinda...oh that sounds like it might work out for you Monday then, hey don't forget to turn your clocks back tonight.

Thanks! I saw that earlier, but I may have forgotten. Not that it really matters too much I don't have any place I need to be in the morning.

Oh good, it's nice to be on your own time schedule!

I'm not complaining! I love it. After living my entire life by a schedule, this is paradise to me. Total luxury!

yay! I agree. I just got back on, we had a thunderstorm come through and knocked us offline. Yes that's everyone's dream, not to have to answer to an alarm clock.

Oh my! Glad you are back! I'm on my way over now to see your post!

My dear Melinda like always I enjoy your post. And this one is so good, I love the color of the Chrysanthemums😍😍😍

Thanks so much! I planted those after the summertime flowers died because it got too cold. I wondered if I should spend the money on them and how long they would last. But it's been a couple months now, I think and they are still doing beautifully. I'm happy I bought them. We are supposed to rain again every day this week and it is to be cloudy, and they certainly add some color when I look out my windows.

Then very well you bought them! Your see will cheer up a bit and that's great!❤

You will have to take lots of flower pictures for me this winter to cheer me up!

It will be a pleasure that. I will send you pictures of flowers and these days with a lot of sun here

I'll count on a couple of sunny days a week then!

Frost? Already? I suppose it's about time bit I cannot see flowers withering under that thin layer of ice. Luckily the mums are pretty resistant. 🙂
This is a very beautiful post, Melinda. Like always. 🙂

Thanks, Roxy. We usually have our first Frost around the second week of October and have had one light snowfall and many nights were the temperatures cut down below freezing. That's why I'm surprised that these are holding up as well as they have.

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