I'm So Burnt Out......

in #studying6 years ago

Hey guys! I've been (meant to be) studying for the past couple weeks now, but I'm honestly already so burnt out. I can NOT focus on anything for more than 15 minutes without being distracted by my Discord, Steem Monsters or some other game.

I've legit wasted more than 10 hours already today, and I've still done fuck all. I'm not even having fun with my time because I feel guilty playing games when I'm meant to be studying, but I'm not studying either so I'm in an endless cycle of no productivity and no fun. At least now I'm writing a Steemit article, maybe at least this way I can earn some money haha

What do people do when they're burnt out? I have so little motivation right now to study, because my brain just feels like a haze because I studied too much last week... I honestly don't know how people can study every day throughout a semester HAHA

What I do nowadays

ALL I do nowadays is literally be on Steemit, be on the Steem Monsters Discord or just look at my Steem Monsters cards or open more Steem Monsters packs. Every time I hear a Discord notification pop up I check it straight away and end up staying on Discord for like half an hour...

Tomorrow will be the day

This is what I keep telling myself, but it's always just a lie!! I tell myself that tomorrow I'll do study and catch up on everything I didn't do today, but it always just ends up being another day wasted, and now with less than 2 weeks before my exams are OVER, I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME!! I'm honestly kinda stressed out and not sure what to do at this point because it just seems like I physically can't concentrate to do work anymore :(


TOMORROW WILL BE THE DAY! It has to be. If it's not I'll be absolutely fucked for my last two exams, as I essentially have to catch up a whole semesters' worth of work in less than 2 weeks, for two subjects! Wish me luck guys, if you don't see me on Steemit for a while you'll know what I'm doing hahaha, but chances are I'll still be here :)

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It happens to me alot too. I had a test today and my girlfriend needed a lot of my attention. I was mentally burnt out but i had to create a balance that wouldn't make me be on the losing end.

HAHAHA I guess good thing my girlfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me a few months ago :(((

Lol yea good thing my brother but three years waw? Im forced forced ask what happened? But i guess it wasmt your fault.

My council consists of two parts, 1st: What is the objective that you pursue when you study, what do you want to obtain from the career you chose? Does that really fill you? What will your career contribute to others that may be more valuable than simple money? and 2nd: Use the POMODORO system, said in a few words, periods of focus in your studies of 25 minutes and 5 minutes of rest, repeated that sequence for a prudential period according to your own health.

I've been in that kind of rut before. The only way I can get out of it, is to make changes to a routine that's become toxic. You said it yourself

I feel guilty playing games when I'm meant to be studying, but I'm not studying either so I'm in an endless cycle of no productivity and no fun.

You're instinctively punishing yourself mentally in order to get yourself back on track where you can feel you're doing something worthwhile. Maybe you take a serious look at whether you could do better in gaming, than what you are studying for? There are gamers that became millionaires through gaming. Are you that caliber of gamer?

I'd say you're at a crossroads for making a decision on what you want to do with your life, or becoming victim to the risk of falling further into that endless cycle you mentioned. Whichever one it is, you need to make some decisions.

Honestly, I've considered being just a PROFESSIONAL GAMER but who hasn't haha

I think I have much more potential having a real career, having a real job and creating a real difference in the world. I have motivation to do well, but I guess I just lack the discipline to stay on track.

Thanks for your comment and advice though :)

(I don't usually give out 100% upvotes for comments, but I accidentally gave the guy before you one so I gave you one too HAHA)

To be very honest, I never studied till a week before finals when I was in school. I do my homework then thats it, no extra studying. But, my friend who does usually had a set time to study but not for long. An hour a day is good and if she wants more hours in she usually have sonething to motivate her. So like, prepare a reward for yourself if you plan on studying for a few hours.

Good luck on your studies!! Also, nap!! It not only freshens your body but also your mind. Studying while you are burnt out isnt effective anyway.

The problem is since it's university, there isn't really much homework. We're meant to be keeping up ourselves and no one checks, but I never keep up! I get lazy and fall behind and now 2 weeks before the exams I am STRESSSSSED OUT!!

Thanks for your advice, but rewards don't work for me, I just get distracted and (usually) eat the reward anyway ;)

ALSO I suck at naps, I always sleep for too long and ignore my alarm, but thanks nonetheless for the advice :)

Hmmm I hope you will find something that will take away your stress!!! and oh, your lazy ass needs to get unlazy XD

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Sounds to me like procrastination, not like burn out.

His article, on which the TED talk is based about, is kinda interesting:

Been there, done that.

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