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RE: I'm So Burnt Out......

in #studying6 years ago

To be very honest, I never studied till a week before finals when I was in school. I do my homework then thats it, no extra studying. But, my friend who does usually had a set time to study but not for long. An hour a day is good and if she wants more hours in she usually have sonething to motivate her. So like, prepare a reward for yourself if you plan on studying for a few hours.

Good luck on your studies!! Also, nap!! It not only freshens your body but also your mind. Studying while you are burnt out isnt effective anyway.


The problem is since it's university, there isn't really much homework. We're meant to be keeping up ourselves and no one checks, but I never keep up! I get lazy and fall behind and now 2 weeks before the exams I am STRESSSSSED OUT!!

Thanks for your advice, but rewards don't work for me, I just get distracted and (usually) eat the reward anyway ;)

ALSO I suck at naps, I always sleep for too long and ignore my alarm, but thanks nonetheless for the advice :)

Hmmm I hope you will find something that will take away your stress!!! and oh, your lazy ass needs to get unlazy XD

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