A Psychedelic Tale Dealing With GOD! (original story and drawing)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

„Let’s create a new god!” the pink princess said to her friend, the indigo coloured raven. The bird spread the feathers of his left wing and started cleaning them. The pink princess gave him all the time he needed to make up his mind about her proposal. She knew that her friend was none of the kind that acted without deliberation. No word was spoken until all feathers were carefully sanitized and brought to order. Then the raven croaked: “You are right. Time has come. Not an easy task though, but probably a necessary one.”
The first thing they did was to compare the idea of god they had in mind. The raven had heard that god enjoyed light as much as darkness and the colours that appear between both. He liked the taste of blood like a predator but as well valued mercy. The raven could relate to this indifference but sometimes it bothered him. Being determined to take part in an eternal entertainment program for god seemed to be completely lack of purpose. How could he relate to a god that was capable of everything and still decided to burden all creatures with fear when he himself was without it? How could he ever reach the same equanimity? The task of pleasing his god with braveness and fate acceptance just was too hard for the little raven and while describing this god figure he felt pressed down by it so much that some tears wobbled from his eyes.
The pink princess listened with great interest and stroked her friends belly feathers with compassion. Then she started describing the god she wanted to get rid of in her mind. It was no indifferent god at all. He was a big eye watching all her doings and judging them according to a law he made but she could not understand. All her life was a test and she struggled finding the right moral guidelines to allow her to pass it. She listened to many wise men to find a way of dealing with this pressure but somehow all teachings could not lead her anywhere because she felt that god was judging her from within and the external happenings did not even matter to him. He was not enjoying life for itself but constantly trying to separate her from it. But she had decided to live… for now. That meant that she needed a different kind of god.
“Let’s have some tea!” the raven said after the princess had finished her description of the indescribable. They went to the golden forest glade café which had the best tea collection in the coloured lands. The waitress, a maroon and slightly translucent kangaroo, gave them kisses on the cheeks and asked them what they were up to lately. When they told her that they were planning the creation of a new god she got interested and after serving the tea, lychee for the pink princess and lemon-ginger for the raven, to them she stayed at their table to participate in their conversation.
When they summarized their previous ideas about got she asked: “Why do you always use the term “he”? I would think that god had no gender?” “Maybe he has both genders, or maybe the one she likes to have when she wants it?” said the raven. The pink princess asked: “She is not of material form, or is he?” The three cracked up with laughter.
The next topic of discussion was if god was either good or bad or both. This was a hard question since good and bad are termini that always change their meaning when seen from different perspectives. Killing a mouse for lunch was a good deed for the raven, considering his hungry stomach but the mouse would certainly say something different about it, if she would be able to participate the discussion, but for now she burbled somewhere though his digestive organs. The kangaroo said that killing was in general bad except it could be avoided. She for example could not live without eating plants. God, him or herself, could for sure be not ignorant against the life of plants, but at the same time created her with this need. This was a weird situation. The pink princess wondered if the right way to please god was to live a minimalistic life, without any unnecessary pleasures. Then she nipped on her lychee tea and enjoyed the exquisite taste. What kind of god would that be? Who created the chance of such amazing, sensual fireworks and then punished the one who enjoys them. They agreed that punishment was a stupid human idea and that their god could not be such a pain in the ass.
They talked the whole afternoon, evening and night and many questions were raised. “Is god in all or is she all?” “Is he one or are they two?” “Is he just spiritual or is she material as well? “Is he capable of all feelings, or does she only know the noble ones?” “Is he a story teller or does she only give the initiation for things to grow the way they like? “Does he have a person or is she unpersonal?” “Can two or more people or animals share the same god?”
The last question fascinated them because all of them felt like there was some truth within asking this question. The maroon kangaroo thought: “God is connected to me like I am to my little baby in my pouch. It is a loving idea for the future but without any will of control. I can warship my god the best if I return the most naïve childish love to him that I am capable of.” The raven thought “Maybe God is the relationship between me and my cosmos. I feel that there is a chance for me to warship the connection of I and not-I.” The pink princess thought: “Maybe this is a huge story of love. Two entities who could not be “all” alone fell in love with the unknown in the other and began telling tales to shower each other with their passion and love. The best way to warship god is to make the story a nice adventure!”
All three friends were joyful and decided to spend the night together watching the stars.

Hey everyone,
Thank you so much for all the support! This is already the 10th part of this series and if you enjoyed reading I invite you to check out this links and read more about the pink princess:


Lots of Light and Love<3


Very creative !, I like it! :D

Very beautiful and creative :)

Cheers :) I am happy you like it :)

Lovely story! You made it a nice adventure to read :)

Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the journey <3

The Pink Princess thinks about the whole world.

Yeah, shes a crazy little fellow :)

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