Three Twisted Together In A Psychedelic Tale (original story and drawing)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

„If YOU read this WE are not alone!“ the pink princess cut into the bark of a lavender coloured oak tree. Leaving the forest she thought about what she just did and came to the conclusion that it was the right action in the right moment. For too long she had locked herself within her mind, denying the existence of other beings, despite of her quintessentially vivid world of experience. Now she wanted to find a basis of communication with the energies surrounding and perfusing her and since she had a romantic vein she decided that the old oak would make the perfect messenger board for her call for a counterpart to meet her as an accompaniment for her path through life.
She started to imagine how her new friend might be. Maybe it would be a young princess too. Maybe a green one? She got really excited when she thought about the words she wrote. If someone, anyone answered it would be on a level of mutual understanding that she had never had with another creature. The thrill of anticipation alternated with the fear of getting disappointed. Now that she had extended her hand (and her heart) for the universe for a kiss she suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable. She knew that any rejection she would experience from this point would not only hurt her surface but squeeze out the last laughter from her soul. Knowing this she gathered her courage and returned to the forest where the oak tree grew.
“If YOU read this WE are not alone!” the pink princess could see the words from far away. She mend her pace to see if anyone was waiting for her. Arriving at the old tree she saw that no other human being had arrived. She leaned against the tree and was about to cry, when she felt an unevenness touching her back. With sudden excitement she turned around and read the words that were written beneath her own: “I can read this! I can feel YOU! WE are not alone!” The pink princess instantly knew who had written this. It was the oak tree herself. She had made her bark become wavy to form the letters.
With relief the pink princess gave the old tree a hug and cried tears of joy which fell of her cheeks and watered the oaks roots. The wind teared of some of the oaks lavender coloured leaves and made them swirl around the close friends. When the princess released trunk the words of the oak had changed while her own still were cut in the bark. The oak wrote: “I can not come with YOU. But another FRIEND will come. SHE will join your journey!”
Right after the pink princess read the words a little girl appeared at the scene. Her hair was straight and of cyan colour and her skin had a pastel green colour. Beholding her the pink princess astonished: there she was the green princess she had waited for! But the green girl was in great amazement too and said: “Finally someone read the words I cut into this old oak. Come to me: we shall be friends from this day ever on!” Wonderstruck pink princess gave her a loving hug and kisses on the cheeks. Then she asked the other girl: “Which words!” The green princess pointed at the stroke: “If YOU read this WE are not alone!” “But I cut those words in the bark!” the pink princess said. The bark started to move and the writing on the trunk said: “YOU wrote this, BOTH! We are ONE! Noone is or ever was alone!” When the girls understood these words they started to dance around the oak tree in blissful happiness. The old tree hummed a venerable, ancient melody while the two continued their jig of glee for several days and nights.

Hey everyone,
I have just finished this new part of the pychedelic tale of the pink princess. It somehow feels like the story is writing itself. Thank you all for your support. It really motivates me to continue the tale and I am very happy this is already 7th fractal fragment of this story. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have not read the other parts have a look at this links:

Lots of Light and Love<3


Thank you for your support :) I am happy you enjoy it :) And followed back :)

This is really amazing art! Very nice!

Always a resteem for the story, always a resteem for the picture. :)

I am happy you enjoyed both :)

Nice. I like it.
Follow you :-)

Schön, dass es dir gefällt :) Ich followe dir auch :)

love your drawings!!good work @yoganarchista
upvoted and followed with expectation to see more :)

Thank you for appreciating my works. I checked out your profile and I was amazed by the pictures of snow in front of your house. Really doesnt look like the vegetation that grows in snowy aereas :D Followed back :)

Cheers :) I am happy you enjoyed it :)

Thats a very nice thing she wrote on this tree. Way better then this egofullfilling hearts with two letters inside :p

You are right :) I will only write N+V <3 here but not on an innocent trees bark :)

That is very wise, trees are for everyone :)

Except the corporations who kill them for profite...

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