A Psychedelic Tale Meditating on Colour(original story and painting)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

„Who created the colours for me to perceive them?“ the pink princess thought. Following the philosophies that where popular in the Coloured Lands, who all prayed to some old-school high priest called “material logic”, or for the really conservative fraction “science”, the answer to this question was that there were external light waves in various spectrums that could be perceived by the eye and translated into colourful images by the brain using an huge amount of the energy of the body preserved through eating. This explanation did not satisfy the pink princess and so she decided to spend the day meditating on this matter. She went to a beautiful little emerald lake that surrounded a tiny island with turquoise brushwood. Since the weather was sunny she decided to swim to the isle and contemplate in the shadow of the only tree that grew on it.
The water was cool and refreshing and the pink princess recognized that every water drop appeared deep emerald green when accompanied by the others but carried all colours known in the Coloured Lands when he sprinkled up in the air through her swimming.
“Maybe everything is suffused with all colours?” the pink princess thought “Is it possible to change my perception of things by my will then? Maybe I can become a rainbow princess then. But no rush in this presumptuous thinking. It is time to contemplate on the wonder of colour.”
When she had placed her butt on the ground, sitting comfortably in a position that is known amongst yogis as Gomukasana she closed her eyes. The colour she saw after shutting out the bright sunlight was orange. Now a lot of thinking took place. She remembered the thoughts she had had while swimming through the water, she remembered her discussions with the rainbow coloured frog and she remembered that the mystery of her own colour has costed her a lot of sleep before. She decided to not become attached to all thoughts that appeared in her mind. She would just sit comfortably on her stones and watch them come and go. She had tried her best to understand the nature of light, colour, living and essential topics like this before but so far she had not found any answers by rationalizing existence.
Time passed and many thoughts ran through the mind of the pink princess. One said “You alone bring the colours through your will” the other one laughed at his predecessor and said “You think this is your own creation? How would your little mind invent the richness of life?” Another one said: “See you cannot trust your mind! It is in constant fight with itself and it has no clear reason.” She watched those thoughts until she got bored of them.
Now she had enough tranquillity within her mind to change her subject of consideration and she started to watch the colours that appeared behind her closed eyes. Watching her thoughts she had been to busy to recognize the patterns that are visible in the apparent darkness. She fixed her awareness to one point and felt like her point of view was floating through rapidly changing mandalas. Intuitively she knew their origin. They came through her recognizing them amongst all the other possible patterns that she could have looked at and that were already inherent to herself.
After a long aimless run through the swift colours within her mind she brought focus to lengthening her breath. Within this new state of stillness she could watch the balanced in- and outflow of fundamental life force. When the airflow reached the places in her body that where tight she could perceive how the narrowness opened in shining colours and how all tension was finally removed with the exhalation. She understood that all colours she was perceiving correlated with the condition of her body somehow and she felt an intense love towards herself and all the colours she was capable of experiencing.
Long time she continued meditating on and though the subject of love. When she finally opened her eyes they were moistened by tears of bliss. She looked at all the beauty that she was already capable of perceiving: the morning sun lightening up the new day, the wonderful plants with their reflexions in the water, the multi-coloured stones embellishing the shore. In complete even though not ever lasting peacefulness she jumped into the water and saluted to the sun.

Hey everyone,
If you enjoyed this story check out the other tales of the pink princess' adventures in the link below. I am very happy to get so much support by this community. Thanks for all the creative energy we are creating together.


Lots of Light and Love<3

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