Pearlescent Poems # 8: Spiritual Awakening Part 2 (Original Poem)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Tricks of the eyes, wished we so much that they were
How they moved with such speed, sharp on our heels, like new Spurs
Always just inside of our outer peripheral vision
With us, they liked to play, we all had stage fright, no intermission

When I say we, that means us three, my cousins Christopher and Celena
Two witnesses to testify with me, go ahead and judge and give us subpoenas
We had stood huddled up together in the living room as a shadow ran left to right
It went passed the staircase, piano and wall, and was supposed to end up in our sights

But to the left side entrance of the kitchen, it vanished, not willing to reappear
My thumping, blood plumping and rigorous heart, fed it provisions of all of my fears
We felt it get stronger, only the television light had now shone
Why did this always happen in the evening times when we were alone?

We felt its dark presence near, and a door closed itself upstairs
We headed out the house right then, cleared our minds and got fresh air
We felt so free from its heavy black burden, the negative energy had passed to grey
But when we reached a dimly lit playground, just a third of a mile away

It reappeared, and we could hear it's quick footsteps now rustling the grass
We were there alone, surrounded by homes, and the shadow now circled us fast
We watched a long minute, and whispered "You see it?" and left after confirming the worst
We were now back to back on a lone lengthy street, forming a triangle with me walking first

Celena looked sideways, Christopher walked backwards, in the middle of the street we went slowly
It was circling us, stalking us, taunting us often, in our fears were we engulfed in them wholly
Speaking of holy, we'd forgotten to pray, yet here and now it preyed us back home
We dreaded returning, but ended our journey to us seeing all of our house lights had shown

Our Grandmother had arrived, so relieved and calmed to see
We snuck back into the quiet house, in the living room to watch TV
Upstairs she'd went, straight right to bed, and midnight ceased all the commotions
Things settled in darkness, we couldn't sleep guard-less, as we noticed again shadow motions...

Thank you very much for reading this real life experience poem in its entirety. Piece by piece I'll try and reveal more snippets of these experiences of mine, which have more than just me as a sole witness, although, me by myself can validate these experiences enough with accurate and consistent details. I'll be sure to write more than just poems to break down my thoughts and ideas about these strange and supernatural occurrences. For now, this is the best outlet for me to express them and share them with you all. Feel free to drop a comment or thought, whatever it may be.

All Gifs Used From

Next post coming soon.


You are so inspiring! Real life experiences in a poem is such an amazing and creative idea! I wasn´t online on Steemit since a few days so I missed your last posts but now I am back on track ;) Keep going it is so nice to read your posts continually !!

Thank you very much @soldier, we must aim to inspire each other on a daily basis, and I hope these windows of memories in my life can help those who are in need of this information, it all leads to a bigger picture in the end. Life is crazy, mysterious, beautiful and spontaneous. We must be willing to adapt at any given moment without notice! I know you were busy in Berlin, I understand no worries. At least you have some material from me to catch up on. Hope you enjoy them all.

Nice poetic story telling. Gripping, inspiring, kept me reading, but also appreciating the rhythmic flow. I enjoyed reading this.

Thank you very much for reading it and taking time out to write such a nice comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope you like the future parts I'm releasing as well.

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Thank you very much.

The freedom of the spirit brings victory over foreign bodies, the dark side has no influence in those who believe in the power of the positive - the creators @verbal-d

My partner swears he has sensed shadow people around me. I grew in times where sleep paralysis and shadow people were not mentioned before internet. So terrified.
I am preparing a little lyric video with nightmare and art but I have one song that particularly resonates with your writing "the underliving"
"dormant in the corner of your eyes but hidden to your sight"
Continuing my journey through your awakening

Yeah I can imagine how that was. Even though I had internet at this time during these experiences, I didn't research about it. I pushed it away from me wanting to know for a while, but started to delve deeper in this topic as I entered university. Looking forward to your lyric video. Journey forward :)

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