Writing Prompt Contest

in #story7 years ago (edited)

The following story is for a writing prompt contest by @carrieallen and it also happens to be a story I often think about in my spare time. The participants had to write a story based on the images below.

crutches 2.jpg


It has been two sad, long and excruciating years since I lost my partner in a car accident- one that left me emotionally broken and physically crippled. For 2 months after that, I stayed in a hospital and wasn’t able to fathom the physical pain I had received because I was too occupied with the emotional one even still.

We were going to marry. Yes, I was going to get married to the love of my life in 3 days and just then the accident happened. We were so elated at the day of the accident. We had finally reviewed all the preparations for the big day and as planned, we had everything under control. Having a little tendency for perfectionism, both Jason and I made sure we didn’t leave out any minute detail so we didn’t go through massive panic attacks in the last minute. So that day, when we checked all our preps, we took a breath of sigh and were happy that things were going as planned.

After visiting our caterer, we decided to go for a relaxing lunch at our favorite bistro. We were on the highway at a moderate pace when suddenly all hell broke loose on us. A huge truck came with massive force and banged with our car. I remember our car rolling over and Jason holding my hand all the time. I can still hear his voice ring in my ears: ‘It is all going to be fine baby, just stay calm.’ I don’t know how he managed to say that even when it was clear that we were going to die. I don’t remember what happened after that because when I opened my eyes next, I was in a hospital bed with bruises all over my body and my lower body covered in plasters.

I could see my sister and Jason’s aunt and brother next to me- they were our only family and people who meant the world to us. They were all crying. When they saw me open my eyes- they reached out to caress me but I didn’t really care about them that instant. ‘Where’s Jason? How’s he? He is alright, isn’t he?’ That was all I cared about right now- Jason. None of them uttered a word but kept crying- their cries getting slightly louder with each passing moment. I knew what their moans meant but was too scared to say it loud and then a nurse nearby confirmed my suspicion. Jason was no more.

I felt my whole world crushing upon me. My light, my life, my sunshine in a dark storm- everything had left me. It was all in one person- my person and with him gone, I felt I had no purpose left in life. For 2 whole months, this was all I could think about. Nothing else. No positive thoughts, no smile, no happy ideas- nothing.

After two months, the doctors told me I was now in better health and if I tried, I could even walk. They didn’t see any reason in keeping me on the bed anymore so discharged me. My sister took me home and encouraged me to try taking baby steps each day. But the thing was, I really didn’t want to walk. I didn’t want to stand up, do my work, talk to people or do anything at all. I just wanted to lie down all day, think about Jason and eventually die one day like that. I had become really depressed and might have stayed that day for good had it not been for the dream I saw one day.

I saw Jason flying high in the sky in my dream. He seemed happy and free, but his expression changed when he saw me flying nearby too. The more I steered toward him, the farther he moved away. I shouted, ‘Why are you doing this? I want to be closer to you!’ He then came nearer to me, hugged me and slowly we both stepped down. ‘Now is not the time baby. We will be together forever, but not right now. I want you to live, live for the both of us.’

I instantly woke up gasping and crying out his name. The dream felt so real I could honestly feel Jason’s presence. It took me a while to decode the dream- Jason was trying to reach out to me and did not want me to give up on myself and life so fast. It was at that moment that I decided to give things one more try and come back to my life.

The journey from despair to hope, from sheer darkness to pure light, from what was lost to what I had, from being dissatisfied to being content, from focusing on what was absent to being more aware of what was present, from the never-ending melancholy to the newfound joy wasn’t an easy one. There were days when I lost all hope, when I felt I could do it no more and when I wanted to die again, but each time that happened, I just thought about that dream and it gave me the strength, hope, power and optimism I needed to fight this battle.

The biggest battle was with my own thoughts. For 2 long months I had fed so much negativity to myself that my mind was oversaturated with pessimism. To return to a happy life again, I had to battle this pessimistic mindset which wasn’t easy at all, but nonetheless doable. As I slowly conquered my mind, I began attending physiotherapy sessions. It took me a month to regain the strength in my legs and the confidence I needed to walk and then I began walking with crutches.

I have made some amazing performance over the past one and a half month. Things haven’t been easy, but who says life is easy. If I can survive parting with my love, I can now survive anything else. For the past 2 weeks, I have been coming to this place where you now see my crutches. Jason and I often used to come here for our morning walks and now that I was feeling much better, I felt like visiting this place again. It brings back some really fond memories and since it was special to us so today I decide to make the big move here.

Today, I feel I can walk on my own and can fully embrace life once more. Today, I am positive that I can be happy on my own and even find love again. Today, I feel blessed to be alive and this realization was only possible because of Jason. I slowly drop one crutch to see if I can stand without it. Yes, I am able to do it so I let go of another one too. I stumble a little but regain balance and then slowly start walking on my own. Good bye to you my crutches- you were nice to me but now I know I can manage on my own.

Hop you enjoyed. Do share your views in the comments below.

Love and light,


Head over to the @ecotrain for some amazign stuff.



I have bad feelings when I see photo like this and in your story I see that you had bad associates too. Your story is very sad but I am glad that ultimately ended with positive view. While reading I feelt like it was some real story about you. All I saw in my imagine like a movie. I need to smile now and smile now, good that it's not your real story. I am happy that I am health and I have my true love health too. This story shows us too that we need to more appreciate what we have around, be happy with this what we have. Thank you for this story. I will check this contest too. Maybe I will try with some contest this kind too. You are very sensitive in my opinion, woman with good heart.

This is such a sweet, loving comment @aniafx1. Thank you so much for taking the time out to read my story. Luckily, this never did happen with me but I have had my share of troubles, some of which resonate with this so maybe it came from the hurt i have been through in life and how I struggled to move past it.

that was nice time for me while reading your story, it's good that it's not real story

And I am so glad you and your love are in good health and happy with each other. May you always stay like that. Amen

Beautifully written, The crutches are a pretty horrible prop, but you managed to do great with it and concluding the post with a positive vibe. Great Efforts!!!

Thank youu @mirhimayun, you are a gem really! You should read some other stories on this prompt, they are amazing too.

Also ur being here reminds me of a favor I need from you lol. I am participating in a contest and want to request you to go upvote my post there. The one with the maximum upvotes will win a 4k sp delegation and I badly need it. Plz do help. Thanks a lot

Done...Hope you win that contest.

You be the best!

TB Joshua : If you turn to God once, He will turn to you a million times.

Beautiful story sweetie. Loved reading it. Upvoted and following u as always.
Regards Nainaz

Thank you love. You make steemit a happy place for me.

Wow, it's like reading a true story, it's almost like experiencing it myself. What a devastation! But I am glad to read the hopeful ending. Good job! @ironshield

Thank you so so much! Over the past few days that i have come across your blog, I have become really fond of your writing and your love for your family so it gives me real pleasure to see you here and like my stuff. :)

@sharoonyasir ! You made me cry!

Why you do that?

I totally thought you were writing about your experience (first person does that...). So good.

Aww I'm sorry for doing that. Didn't know the words were powerful enough to put anyone in tears. I am glad you liked it. Thank you :)

Should not have read this in public. Trying to hold back the waterworks

Oh wow, @alvinauh is on my blog yayyy :D Been going through your blogs for sometime now and really love your work especially how you are trying to bring new and interesting strategies to teaching. Children need to be encouraged and not demotivated and you are just doing the right thing with your work :) And thank you for being here.

Thank you so much.. Am happy to be here. Your writing is superb! very moving indeed so if I can influence @carrieallen, @sharoonyasir deserves a win for the contest!

Aww now you are triggering the waterworks here. So sweet :D Yes, yes move her and if you can, please upvote my main comment here. Lol, I sound so needy now but I am desperate to win.


Nah, not needy at all especially when you are doing a great job. I've just upvoted your comment. Do let me know if it's the right one.

Thanks a ton like literally. Yes, you did it on the right one. Want the steem and delegation so I can help the undervalued Steemians here and help them grow. I know of so many of them.

Wow beautiful stories just from such @sharoonyasir you did well

Thank youuu so much :)

Hmmm... that crutch led me directly to my walking cane...

I still use that to walk. I thank god that i didn't need a crutch. And maybe someday will leave the cane too.

Then... i read more and saw that sad story ;-( I don't know why it gets me every time. Even if i know some are just stories, for sure it happens somewhere around us. And i feel strange.

Bad things usually hit you exactly when you expect less. When everything is good and beautiful... bang... it happens.

It can be a test for us, it may be just the life who knows. All what matters is how we see the road we have after that. And the reasons we see to go on.

The stories that we can provide could have deeper thoughts and even some bad moments in life who made us see them and make new ones based on that.

I love how you wrote it. Almost caught me off guard at some point.

Glad that is just a story.


Aww I hope so too that you become strong and healthy enough to leave your stick one day. Ameen

Yes, I feel sad too when I read something sad even when I know it is just the writer's imagination speaking and isn't related to reality. I am emotional so I easily become influenced by such things. Bad things have a tendency to attack you when you least expect them. When I am all positive, something bad happens don't know why it is so. If you look at the law of attraction, it states like attracts like so bad things shouldn't strike us when we are hoping for good stuff. Thank you for liking my story. You always know how to make me feel good. Lots of love for you. <3

Eh... i try to don't make my life only after laws and sayings.

During childhood i had lot of people saying lot of things about superstitions, laws and things like that.

When i grew up, almost none of them were applying to me as they should. And i understood that 99% of them are made by us, humans just to fool the mind and sometimes the eye.

Placebo is one of the most extraordinary example for that ;-)

I may believe in bad energy that make us feel bad and influence our day, maybe our life. But at the end, we have a choice and we can go over it IF we find the good road for us.

When we lose too much we can go down. Somebody could appear and save our state of mind and rise again. And so on.

Bad things hitting back is not happening to all of us. We just see it that way if we think too much at that and at too many laws and sayings.

If we live live and we have an ignore button, it doesn't matter.

I had that button and it worked a lot so many years.

But now is broken.
Until now can't fix it and day by day is less chance to do that.

But, we go on and it is what it is.


Why don't you write all of your viewpoints in your blogs? You have some pretty amazing stuff going on in your head and the whole world, well at least those on steemit must know about it and learn from it.

I've been asked that by many till now.

I can't put them together as a continuous thought. When i see even two lines of what somebody else said, it brings up many many ideas and things i live or i see.

Then is the unleash of my imagination.

Maybe i need smbd to make me get them out in a good order. Don't know for sure.

When i have ideas and thoughts i am among people, real people. And nowadays few of them have time even to live their own life.

I think i'm a bit dejected of this world and i stopped dreaming for good things. Who knows...

For the moment, steemit is the only place which can make me put some things together but not with my initiative.

You or someone else may write something and from there only making a simple connection i can write many pages of thoughts.

Eh... words...

That's okay. At least, I get to see your wisdom on my blog and it means a lot :) Maybe someday, me or someone else can give you a big nudge forward to put all your amazing thoughts in detailed blogs :) Till then just do keep coming back here- feels great to have you around.

Thanks a lot.

Be well and best wishes.

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