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RE: Writing Prompt Contest

in #story7 years ago

Hmmm... that crutch led me directly to my walking cane...

I still use that to walk. I thank god that i didn't need a crutch. And maybe someday will leave the cane too.

Then... i read more and saw that sad story ;-( I don't know why it gets me every time. Even if i know some are just stories, for sure it happens somewhere around us. And i feel strange.

Bad things usually hit you exactly when you expect less. When everything is good and beautiful... bang... it happens.

It can be a test for us, it may be just the life who knows. All what matters is how we see the road we have after that. And the reasons we see to go on.

The stories that we can provide could have deeper thoughts and even some bad moments in life who made us see them and make new ones based on that.

I love how you wrote it. Almost caught me off guard at some point.

Glad that is just a story.



Aww I hope so too that you become strong and healthy enough to leave your stick one day. Ameen

Yes, I feel sad too when I read something sad even when I know it is just the writer's imagination speaking and isn't related to reality. I am emotional so I easily become influenced by such things. Bad things have a tendency to attack you when you least expect them. When I am all positive, something bad happens don't know why it is so. If you look at the law of attraction, it states like attracts like so bad things shouldn't strike us when we are hoping for good stuff. Thank you for liking my story. You always know how to make me feel good. Lots of love for you. <3

Eh... i try to don't make my life only after laws and sayings.

During childhood i had lot of people saying lot of things about superstitions, laws and things like that.

When i grew up, almost none of them were applying to me as they should. And i understood that 99% of them are made by us, humans just to fool the mind and sometimes the eye.

Placebo is one of the most extraordinary example for that ;-)

I may believe in bad energy that make us feel bad and influence our day, maybe our life. But at the end, we have a choice and we can go over it IF we find the good road for us.

When we lose too much we can go down. Somebody could appear and save our state of mind and rise again. And so on.

Bad things hitting back is not happening to all of us. We just see it that way if we think too much at that and at too many laws and sayings.

If we live live and we have an ignore button, it doesn't matter.

I had that button and it worked a lot so many years.

But now is broken.
Until now can't fix it and day by day is less chance to do that.

But, we go on and it is what it is.


Why don't you write all of your viewpoints in your blogs? You have some pretty amazing stuff going on in your head and the whole world, well at least those on steemit must know about it and learn from it.

I've been asked that by many till now.

I can't put them together as a continuous thought. When i see even two lines of what somebody else said, it brings up many many ideas and things i live or i see.

Then is the unleash of my imagination.

Maybe i need smbd to make me get them out in a good order. Don't know for sure.

When i have ideas and thoughts i am among people, real people. And nowadays few of them have time even to live their own life.

I think i'm a bit dejected of this world and i stopped dreaming for good things. Who knows...

For the moment, steemit is the only place which can make me put some things together but not with my initiative.

You or someone else may write something and from there only making a simple connection i can write many pages of thoughts.

Eh... words...

That's okay. At least, I get to see your wisdom on my blog and it means a lot :) Maybe someday, me or someone else can give you a big nudge forward to put all your amazing thoughts in detailed blogs :) Till then just do keep coming back here- feels great to have you around.

Thanks a lot.

Be well and best wishes.

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