Listening to the silence Part 1: Why is it important to take time for yourself?

in #story7 years ago

It often happens that a pause occurs in the conversation and then somehow it becomes awkward as if the formed silence suddenly filled the whole space around. And so often it happens that from nowhere there is a desire to quickly fill it up with something.

Many of us, as usual, get out the phone or begin to aimlessly examine the interior and people around, rarely lingering on the very state of boundless empty silence. Or they just find a new interlocutor or something that needs to be "urgently done", but in reality, it's more often just trying to fill the niche that has been formed.

We so often run away from this state that we usually miss the important awareness that it can bring to us. So today, I would like to pause for a moment and devote this article to this topic - the contemplation of silence.

(c) Karol Bak Image Source

180 degrees turn: far away contemplation of silence is considered as an absolute mastery

It is interesting that in other cultures this state of contemplation of silence is considered necessary for the person’s functioning. India, China, and other Asian countries, like no one else, appreciate the possibility to "stop the thoughts", albeit for a short time. The easiest way for them is prayer or meditation, although there are more sophisticated techniques of immersion into deep states. For them, all this is nothing more than a path to oneself, to a nature that knows, sometimes much better than the human brain which we, Eastern people, consider the source of knowledge.

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Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to the heart, it knows.

Native American Proverb

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Once, a long time ago, faced with my very first practice of contemplation of silence, I was very much surprised by the enormous resistance that it caused in me. My thought seemed to be unstoppable and it took me a while to get to the point of “lack of thought”. A funny picture to illustrate it%)

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It is difficult for us to understand them exactly as they find it difficult to understand us

Europeans, accustomed to that endless carousel of daily cares, it becomes really difficult to understand the foundations of a man from the East. If their lives flow smoothly, we have it skipping such incredible zigzags. We are so busy in our life that we barely have time to stop thinking of things we have to do, tasks we have to finish and the meeting we have to attend. Our “to do list” is often just too big that it is hard to find time for relaxation yet meditation or prayer to calm the running thoughts.

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The answers we are waiting for ...

And meanwhile, many answers to our important questions can only be found there, in this state of contemplation of absolute silence, where there is not so much our usual "running around in a circle" where the infinite cycle of thoughts slows, opening our gaze to new horizons that are strangely coming from depth of one's own consciousness.

This state is difficult to describe, it needs to be lived. Each of us has his own way to him and there are no ready-made recipes. Rather, this process is an alchemic laboratory - you yourself can deduce those recipes that will work for you. And do not be afraid to experiment, because it is from experiments that knowledge comes.

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Lets make an experiment

For those who doubt and are already ready to give up and surrender (we will not even begin to notice) I propose to do an experiment.

Find the time and place when no one will bother you. Turn off the phone. Look at the clock and just lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling and try to keep track of your condition. What is happening to you? What thoughts arise in the head? Can you not think about anything for at least a few seconds? Try to lie down for a while and when you get up first to look at the clock.

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How much time has passed? What was your reaction when you realized how long you had been lying down? Whatever the results, just thank yourself for them. After all, you have already made a small step, but a step nonetheless.

And if you want to continue - start repeating this exercise several times a week and see what happens. You can also remember about it when there is a free moment and literally "catching" yourself on what is happening and gradually you will reach the state of "contemplation", which many Western masters consider the reference one. And believe me, you definitely have a chance to be there, too, all that is required is constancy and desire.

The most important part

Do not be afraid of silence in your life. Learn to trust it, learn to contemplate its magnificence and you will open new horizons - horizons that are difficult to see "from outside", but so easy to learn in silence.

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With love,


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very good post ... quite time to reflect and medicate is self healing and very good... which is why yoga and other form of meditation is ideal for internal healing... a good post from an excellent blogger... thanks for sharing this

Thank you so much for stopping by and writing this fantastic comment. It is an honor to hear such good words from the other excellent blogger like you. I do agree with you that meditation and yoga are great for self-healing. The thing that not really much people understand the benefits and some even do not want to try, using traditional medicine instead. I am not against it at all but I believe that when you live in a harmony with yourself you can have a lot more joy and health. There will be Part 2 soon and would be honored to get your opinion on it. From what I understood from your post you are care of lot of things and people's health as one of the priorities%)) the very best to you and your blog!

Thanks and keep me updated on part two...keep it up

Silence really can be the greatest thing sometimes, just a time for us to clear our minds, let the events of the day go (good or bad) and refresh ourselves for what is to come. Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, I am a curator with @ocd and would love to nominate your post.

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Dear @mk40, I do agree with you fully that silence is the pwrfect way to clear our minds. Yet, not a lot of people do understand it! This will be an honor for me if you share my post @ocd and more people can read it. And I thank you personally for introducing me to it - I have already found very interesting posts and the authors!! Much love and keep up your great job as both a curator and a writer%)

Silence, or having a quiet mind can be understood in different ways. It is not about having no thoughts. This is a phenomenon of deep meditation that should only be undertaken when there is access to a competent and experienced teacher. It is not even a goal, just a point on the way.

Having a quiet mind can be a product of formal meditation. Mindfulness is currently a popular form but not the only one.

Going for a walk in nature can also allow the mind to quieten down.

When the mind quietens down, for what ever reason, two thins happen.

The first is that we soften fixated attention and thoughts/feelings which we may have been ruminating on are released - which meas new thoughts can restart flowing naturally.

The second is that there is now space for new insights and 'ah ha' moments to come through. These can be minor or life changing but always apropriate to the individual.

I would also suggest that it is the lack of a quiet mind, or the ability to access that wellspring' which is at the heart of most of our contemporary troubles as we see the people we put in to political power run wild with corruption and lack of wisdom.

This might suggest a few lifestyle directions to give more opportunities for having less on our minds!

I am very honored by your comment @richardingate. So far it is the longest and very thoughtful comment I have ever received here and I am so happy you took time to write it. Yes, I do agree with you that there are different ways how to perceive the lack of thought and you are absolutely right. I could not agree more with your statement about people with power. I hope it will change! Thank you once more for your comment here on my post. Be blessed and much love to you!

Thank you again !

Having for a Self time is sometimes needed to break free from the stress of the crowd. Also having moment of silence is really beneficial as mentioned.

Yes, I do agree with you. I just hope more and more people can use this simple tool for their benefits! You have a very nice blog - I really liked your article for a homesteading bucket list.

Well said. I think it is fear of silence which keeps the gem of silence hidden to so many minds. The machinery of thought seems unstoppable and what liea beyond is literally unthinkable.

Thank you for stopping and reading my blog @tobetada. Yes, I do agree with you - the machine of thoughts is really hard to stop but as soon as you get there at least once you will want more%)) I like Delay Lama sayings Image Source

it can be used both when you do not need to answer or if you have difficulty and need to find the answer.

PS: I like your write-up about appreciating EGO

Nice meeting you @suhailisyakir%) Hope your journey on Steemit platform will be an advanture!

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