From Porn to Perfection: The story of my life & how I use Law of Attraction

in #story7 years ago (edited)

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This 14 part series is designed to teach you about the Law of Attraction by taking you on a journey from 2007 when I was a drug addicted porn maker in London, up to the current day as a man on the road with his family, living exactly the way I want to live.

Six years ago I would have laughed if someone told me there was an ancient practice which could be used to get anything you want in your life. Like some kind of magic trick which only a few people knew about... Sounds crazy right?

...yet here I am.

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Upcoming Chapters:

Part 1: How does Law of Attraction work?

  • The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that like attracts like, and in this Vibrational Universe our thoughts in the moment create our reality in the future.

I would like for you to understand this most important Universal Law before I tell you my story. People have been using it to get what they want for a very long time yet even our greatest minds have been unable to fully explain it... but I am ready to give it my best shot!

Part 2: Putting LOA into practice

  • Start practicing right away.

There are only 3 steps to put this technique into practice, but you must first understand the background. With a solid understanding of what it is you are doing, you will progress much faster and perhaps by the time you finish reading my story you will already be seeing the results....

Part 3: A brief introduction to my life

  • 1976 - 2001
    Youngest son of ex-corporate giant Harry Stonehill (who was betrayed by the U.S. and lost everything) I was declared as having dyslexia & ADHD at school in the UK. In time I learned to adapt and after falling in love with magic, I won the Young Magician of the Year award in 1989. Finally I fell in love with film and chose this as my life career.

Part 4: Success does not necessarily equal happiness!

  • 2001 - 2007
    I had just finished working on Guy Ritchie's movie 'Snatch' when my father died in 2001, leading me down an unexpected path into the UK porn industry. With my new job came much success and international adventures, but I knew in my heart I was deeply unhappy.

Part 5: Rehab

  • 2009
    Believing my unhappiness to be the result of my many addictions, I checked myself into rehab in South Africa where I learned many things. But most importantly I discovered a book called 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.

Part 6: Sobriety

  • 2010
    I was sober for a total of 18 months (not even a coffee or cigarette!) yet I ended up directing porn again and despite getting engaged to a beautiful porn star I still didn't feel happy.

Part 7: The difficult awakening

  • 2011
    I didn't marry the porn star (thank goodness!) and started learning more about the world instead. I felt deeply saddened & betrayed when I discovered the many deceptions going on today and did my best to spread the word. In this period I came across the Law of Attraction again, through the words of Abraham (see my daily Abe quotes here) and this time I took note...

Part 8: The year of change

  • 2012
    I began practicing the described techniques, focusing on a life of total freedom on the open road with a family of my own (I even specifically focused on a beautiful brunette European partner). I became a vegan, stopped wearing shoes, started sun-gazing & meditating. I will be examining sun-gazing in my ongoing series TRUTH SEEKING. Please don't look at the sun till you have done your research first.

Part 9: LOA starts working its magic on me!

  • 2013
    I was unexpectedly invited to the U.S. by a brother I hadn't spoken to since the death of my father, leaving a friend in charge of my rented home for the 5 weeks I was away. Various bizarre events (involving the police and a bunch of harmless plants) led to my eviction and with little money at that time I was left with no choice but to sell what I had and set out on the road.

Part 10: My life-changing Camino

  • 2013
    I walked barefoot a section of the Camino de Santiago (a pilgrimage route across southern France & Northern Spain with all my (mostly film related) possessions on my back. This journey let me to a house in Barcelona where I was able to hone my time-lapse skills in Gaudi's beautiful park Guell.

Part 11: Thailand, land of dreams

  • 2013
    I was invited to live in Thailand for a film job where I met my French partner Sabrina (seen in the main image at the top) when she sat next to me on a bus!

Part 12: Learning to be a father in France

  • 2014
    Moved to South of France to meet Sabrina's family. Esteban was born in Perpignan, not far from the Spanish boarder. I didn't speak much French at that time, so I focused on my love of films and mentally preparing myself for a life on the road, which I could feel coming to me now as a direct result of my new dominant thought patterns.

Part 13: Indonesia & the final piece of the puzzle

  • 2015 - 2017
    After being invited to live in Bali for a film job I discovered Steemit through a crypto developer I met in the jungle! Prior to this I had no knowledge of cryptocurrency so there was much to catch up on! Luna was born in Bali and after 2 years here we are ready now to continue on the road now... living exclusive on Steem and the possibilities created by this, such as trading, mining and investing into ICOs.

Part 14: Conclusion

In the final part of this series I will list out the main points and focus on the best questions which have come up during the series, doing my best to answer them all for you.

What you can see in this timeline is an exact manifestation of my desire established in 2012.

Here you can see my current profile banner & the kind of life I live now.

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I made the film below last year on my 40th birthday during a trip to the Gili Islands. I used time-lapse, drone, underwater, video diary footage & poetry to give you an insight into my life and the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction & the Story of my Life.

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Please resteem this if you believe it will help others. I am very much looking forward to telling my story for the first time here on Steemit.

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This information was going to be published through @adsactly, mostly because I was feeling poor in the moment I made the decision and believed that to be a more effective route to money, but it is my feeling now that everything is EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD BE and I would like to share it directly with you, the people who have so kindly followed & upvoted me for so long.

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

@samstonehill is the creator of:

@steemshop account where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet SEE MORE

@steemmasters which provides FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on if you want to know more about this

@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD

@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube

The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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I receive the equivalent of $3 a day using Genesis Mining

This was after investing around $500 (from STEEM payouts) into 2 year contracts, mining Dash, Ether & Litecoin

Use my referral code to get a 3% discount: wzrAS4

Some say it is a scam but I have found no reason to believe this.

Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE

Please check out the @charitysteemit account where those of us in Bali are currently raising money to buy solar power & water filters for the huge number of evacuees waiting for a volcano to blow LEARN MORE HERE

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Look forward to it... we need more personal content stories on Steemit; something to make the community more about human beings; something to offset the endless ocean of bot services and all that.

Beautifully said my friend. I agree with you 100% and have been working hard for the last year to provide that. Though it is clear to me now which kind of posts make the most money. Hence the problem with Steemit.

Excellent! I also agree! I'm going to try and write some! Fantastico post Sammy! UPvoted and resteemed with pleasure! =)

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


I was scrolling down when I saw your post about LOA. Upon reading your post and the story of your life, how you it change from being a porn director and now a happy man. I can tell that you have a highest level of mental maturity, you so much that an average man can think. After watching the video I felt the freedom, the feeling of being free from everything -away from the stressful life. You really are living the way you wanted to live. Thank you so much I felt like my world stopped for a bit.

Thank you my friend. The way I look at it, life is a game... and that game is supposed to be fun. If it isn't fun, something is wrong.

The more I have fun, the more my creativity flows and the more opportunities present themselves to me.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the series ;)

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


thanks :)

You must be a very fast reader... just 4 mins!

i appreciate your personal testimony about how your life changed. That took courage and a desire to change. This is what makes steemit personal and special. Go forward in a new beginning and change the world as you have been changed. Instill the seed of hope in all. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.

It certainly took a bit of courage to go to rehab. I hope very much I can show people that it doesn't matter how messed up our lives may appear to be... change is always possible.

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Well, @samstonehill yesterday I asked you what brought you to Bali, the article and video said it all perfectly. I have had that feeling of intuition, like an invisible shepard gently suggesting a direction but always leaving the final choice up to me.

When you walk down the street and would normally turn right, but at this moment you feel a wordless guidance to take the left hand path and end up meeting someone who changes your timeline for the better.

I can't count the many times this has saved me... I trust it now...

As Steve Jobs once said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." Only when you take a glance back can you see the connected choices/events like little pearls leading exactly where you are.


Recently went to a class in Ubud about intuition and body language. Super interesting stuff!

And I still have so much more to learn... or should I say unlearn?

...or perhaps I should say remember!

As I do believe we already know all the answers to all the questions. We are just terribly cut off from our own connection most of the time.

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Awakening, introspection and self-improvement are what can drive us forward. With the Law of Attraction we can begin to understand how we have the power within to be the masters of our own lives and thrive. It's what I've been learning too, throughout my healing journey. It doesn't matter what lead us on this path. You recognised it and took it and that is admirable. You didn't ignore your inner guide. Sharing this story can only inspire. Even if I'm on the journey myself, I still have struggles and self-doubt, but stories like yours are a reminder that I am on the right path.

Your words resonate with me deeply. Indeed, I also have moments where it is difficult to see how this path before me can be leading me to the place I would like to be. And I would be lying if I said I ALWAYS felt good.

But certainly, I listen to my inner guide far more now than ever before. And when I am able to stay firmly in the now I am almost always moved to tears by how completely perfect this life is :)

Same here.

For sure it can't always feel good, which is normal, but being in allowance of everything we feel helps in those "less good" moment, and it definitely makes those awesome moments even better.

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


Oooh, cool. I'll go have a read. Thanks.

great, I look forward to the autobiography of yours.

ps: I am of the opinion that for the Law of Attraction to work, it demands to grasp the Law of Polarity though because electricity needs a positive and negative charge to progress. Understanding the dilemma one is in is essential for the Law of Attraction to unfold positively.

Wow! Am reading about Law of Polarity now and it is making a whole bunch of sense!

Can't believe I never heard of it before.

Thank you 🙏🏻

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:

Thanks for the Law of Polarity tip!


Salutations, my friend!

Loved your post.

It reminded me, well...of me!

As you know, I went from a gov't sponsored destroyer of all things beautiful to what I am now: a happy father and kindness advocate.

Imagine that?

Very anxious to read all of your upcoming posts.

Hope you and yours are well and loving life today.

Namaste, my brother.


Hello brother ;)

yes, you have mentioned your feeling of connection before. Would love to meet you one day!

Really excited to share the rest of this. I feel like it is a story I have been wanting to tell for a long time now...

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


who was the porn star that you were engaged with and did you shoot movies with her getting fucked by other men? I imagine that as very de-masculating..

Good question. 'Sugar' only did girl/girl. And I filmed plenty of this!

But there were relationships before this one in which I did film them with male porn stars. More than that... they were friends of mine. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Led me to take a part in a porn film which I had promised myself I would never do. Ultimately the experience broke down my moral barriers. And I wouldn't recommend the experience to other men.

lol.. sugar^^

Thanks for the answer. I guess in porn it is not different than in other professions that you get shaped by the daily frame of reference. A normal process in which you end up as personification of the prejudice of your own profession.. and in porn it means you become a morally deranged pervert or get nicknamed "sugar";-)

Another thing: As basically an expert on the matter, what do you think of this spank chain project? Do you think they are on to something or is it just another shiny (and hot) looking rip-off?

Your words ring very true. And looking at your profile description I see your current steemit concern to be the same as mine. My rep turned 71 today and it is my intention now to write about this growing problem. I may just use your profile description as a clear example if you don't mind. You sum it up rather well.

Sugar chose the name actually. She loved it. Her real name was Lisa.

I looked at spank chain, which led me to look at a few others...

A year ago I contacted my old partner at Playboy with the intention of uploading a ton of porn to steemit, but in the end this didn't feel right. I am however very aware that the company which can create a smooth transition from the current system to a blockchain based system will be worth investing in. Cannot say for sure if spank chain is the one. Though my instinct tells me no.

Feel free to use my tagline:-) Personally, I mostly gave up to appeal to others. It just doesn't make happy in the long run of creating content. The success per fun ratio just seems not good enough...

A year ago I contacted my old partner at Playboy with the intention of uploading a ton of porn to steemit, but in the end this didn't feel right.

Indeed, doesn't really fit. I've seen users like @thaiprincess who have adult content in the form of a diary, but I don't know if that's professional or just a fun(?) side gig. I guess, a conventional porn site on the steem blockchain would need a different setting/front end.

Cannot say for sure if spank chain is the one. Though my instinct tells me no.

Thanks for looking at it. What makes the idea of a porn blockchain interesting is the fact that new tech usually gets successfully field-tested in porn. So, why not this time as well?

My big problem blockchain projects currently is that most of the success depends on the team behind it (since failing is easy and frauds are everywhere). But beyond @ned I hardly know any names of developers in that field. Maybe that would be something for Playboy with its name and solid reputation...

One picture says a thousand words you have come a long way Sam never look back... keep it up my friend

I sure have come a long way! You may enjoy my latest post which shows a section of the Camino de Santiago. The first part of my long walk to freedom. I would love to return one day and finish it :)

All journeys are meant to be finished I believe you were placed on this earth to complete the path that you were placed on so continue forward and never look back finish your journey my friend .

The follow-up to this post was completed moments ago. An in depth look at the mechanics behind Law of Attraction:


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