A Journey Through SteemfeststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Why I went to Steemfest

In my few and a half decades, I have been fortunate to travel to over 15 countries with the Navy. Of course, I have been unfortunate to also witness literal war machines launching from the decks of Aircraft Carriers and to see the after effects of war in every "wounded warrior" stationed at my shore duty station in San Diego, Balboa Hospital. But the travel is something I always hold dear because I was able to see a world outside of the Bronx and New Jersey.

The seven years since my military time I've spent traveling around the US because that only required a car and will (and because I didn't need or have a passport until 2012). So when the opportunity arose to travel outside of the US to a place I've always wanted to visit, Amsterdam, I jumped on it. Had it not been for Steemfest, I probably would not have followed through on actually going, but the Fest was an experience I also wanted to have. I joined Steemit in July 2016, so I missed the super early birds on that one and figured that I would be part of a momentous occasion in Steemit's history for both old and new members.

My party of two arrived at the Volks on Friday morning.

@razvanelulmarin welcomed us and got us processed for our tickets and swag. That's one cool dude, online and in person!
Because of some confusion with the booking and confirmation, we didn't have a room for all of us. It was too early in the morning to sort out without @roelandp and @timsaid, so my friend and I decided to leave our bags and excitedly explore the city until the afternoon when everyone was more likely to be there.
Before leaving, I did overhear someone talking about Steemit at the work tables, so I came over and got to meet @robrigo as he shared information about Steemit with the person sitting next to him. @robrigo had a full beard and was very friendly. We introduced ourselves and spoke briefly and then I sped out to go see the city up close.

Amsterdam does NOT disappoint!

The first few hours of Amsterdam were a blur to me, and not because of the Coffeeshops. Unfortunately my phone was near death so I was not able to photograph much during those first few hours.

The architecture and design of Amsterdam is breathtaking. Granted it is a city of under 1 million people, it is still a testament to what is possible in city design and balance. As a resident of New York City I would say that Amsterdam is an extremely walkable city.

We must have walked for hours and hours, only occasionally stopping to grab an Americano or dip into a coffeeshop to observe the differences between them.

When we returned to the hotel, we learned that the room situation had been a little crazy (as expected with a first-time conference like this) and I did not have a bed. My friend and I were a little worried but we're both from NYC and understand that in a city the size of Amsterdam, hotels abound.

@roelandp was very amazing about the entire situation, and I felt more than a little bad that he was so worried for us. I tried to reassure him that we had just booked another room a little ways away (25-35 minute walk), but he was determined to find a solution for us, and he did. That first night we stayed at The College Hotel, and it was a beautiful room in a beautiful area of town.

My travel buddy was wiped out from the days travel from NYC to Amsterdam, so once we checked in we showered and he found himself too tired to join in for the first night drinks at the Volks Hotel. Of course, I wasn't about to pass up a chance to be in a room surrounded by other Steemians; people who were into reinvention and the new politics of the online world. I dressed and headed out, fashionably late, to the Volks.

First night drinks at the Volks Hotel

Steemfest came around during a rough financial quarter for me, so I had hoped against hope that there would be whisky available for the free drinks. I could definitely use a whisky to release some of the life stress I was experiencing, and to allow myself to immerse into this environment without baggage, not that I need a drink to do that normally. The free drinks were beer and wine, so I adjusted and enjoyed free beer while wandering around the floor feeling like I was at my first day of school without knowing anyone.

That's when I saw @timsaid! We had been in pretty constant contact for a couple months before Steemfest, working on stories or helping each other out with post ideas or edits or, in @timsaid's case, making sure his English writing came across naturally, which it mostly always does. We peeled off to discuss the room situation and what had happened there, and then to catch up on life and everything else. Then we decided to wade back into the Steem press of life happening around the floor.

@roadscape was the next person I found myself deep in conversation with. I did not know who @roadscape was, but learned that he recently moved to VA to work for Steemit. We discussed social media, advertising (since I work in digital advertising), and some things that were happening in the Steem-o-sphere, such as a burgeoning leaning towards short form content. Earlier in Steemit's time, short form content was pretty much a no-go, but it sounded like that was due to change, since it meant bringing more people on board who could share this way. I very much enjoyed my conversation with @roadscape and he seemed like a very cool person that I would've been close friends with had we grown up together. Seems weird, but I get those kind of vibes from people.

Meeting three of my favorite Steemit Authors in one shot!

After much conversation, and several beers, @roadscape was off to learn more from the other Steemians. I wished him well, ordered another free beer, and looked around to see if I recognized anyone else. It was then that I saw a group of three people standing near the entrance and immediately recognized the awesome hair style of one @meesterboom. I didn't recognize the other two off hand, but I knew it was @meesterboom and it felt completely natural to approach his group and say hi.

The woman he was standing with introduced herself as @michele.gent !!! I've been reading her supernatural fiction for some time and may have fanboy'd out a little. I mean, how often do you meet people in real life whose work you've been reading for months? My excitement didn't even have a chance to die down as the final person in the group introduced themselves as @opheliafu !!!!!! I LOVE skulls and that was what drew me into @opheliafu 's work in the first place, followed by the myriad of other pieces and projects she's known for, like Word of the Day (I suggested Loquacious ;).

Finding those three felt like finding my niche. We laughed about previous work, about the current situation at the hotel and life in general. We reminisced on the old British shows I watched as a child, and we drank. I spent the rest of my evening with those folks and it could not have been better spent. I decided to walk back to the College hotel instead of taking a cab so I could once again take in the first non-american city I'd been to in seven years. Amsterdam is a silent city at night; stores close early and almost no one is walking around. Not for even a moment did I feel uncomfortable or in any kind of situation where something bad could happen. That's a lot to say for a city street, anywhere.

A boat ride to the Tobacco Theater

The next morning the boat was due to leave very early. I dragged my somewhat hungover carcass back to the Volks and then ran to catch up with the column of Steemians who were full Steem heading for the boats that would take the group to the Tobacco Theater for the talks of the day. I walked behind @ned for a while but, not having anything really to say, didn't say really anything. I did wonder how it felt to be him at that moment, realizing a big step for the project he's worked very hard on. If I'd something to contribute outside of the arts, like digital advertising, then I would have. But Steemit hasn't broached advertising and what that would even look like yet. I'd spoken about some ideas to @roadscape, but those were about monetizing outgoing links from Facebook, since facebook seems to monetize all of us. If there is ever any kind of ad serving on Steemit, I've worked for 4 major NYC publishers in Ad Operations and I'd be applying for that job immediately, hint hint @steemit ;)

When we were ready to launch off, I found myself seated next to @ballinconscious . He has great dreds and was accompanied by a guitar. I've read his blog and enjoy the person he is very much, so it was a nice surprise to have someone I knew things about seated next to me for a ride's worth of good conversation. We sat with two others, but I only remember @firepower 's handle so I can't say who it was... maybe @ballinconscious or @firepower can shed light on that one. I asked about cost of living, politics, and how a person like me could move there. Since the Navy, I suffer wanderlust while I look for a place that feels like home.

The ride through the canal was breathtaking, and accompanied by some historical facts about different parts of the canal.

Watching all the Steemians streem into the theater was an odd sensation. I felt like I was going into the house of Steem, where everyone has two names and if you recognize at least one of the names then chances are you know A LOT about the person already. Much more so than if you were going to a general conference where you'd know the speakers surely, but not necessarily all the audience as well.

Reunited with @meesterboom @opheliafu and @michelle.gent and @timsaid, we slurp down some coffees and head to the main auditorium where @roelandp will be opening the day of talks with a welcome.

After throwing his box around a while, @ned then stepped up:

It was good to hear from him again, and after his personal welcome and some thoughts about Steemit and the larger movement beyond just steemit.com, @heiditravels was due to begin her talk.

It was at this time that my rumbling stomach could no longer be denied. Originally I had thought to slip out quietly and go get food since I had not had breakfast, but @meesterboom was also interested in grub, so we slipped out together. But not before we took a cool Snapcube photo with @razvanelulmarin and @firepower, to mark the occasion:

Adventures with @meesterboom

We left the theater and found a place to have some food, which was much needed. We then decided to wander for a little while to see this part of the city and eventually the red-light district.

We journeyed and discussed Steemit, some of our favorite authors, what's changed since we've been there and what changes may be coming. We both had hoped that @stellabelle would've made her way to Amsterdam (An early Steemian whose Secret Writer series had captivated me). Eventually, I would convince @meesterboom to join me at a Coffeeshop for a break and to wait for my non-steemian friend Brian who was on his way via Uber to us.

The three of us then proceeded to have several drinks, and this is where my Steemfest got weird. After drinks we were standing outside figuring out how we wanted to get back to either the theater or the hotel. Brian and I had had to check out of the College Hotel, so our bags were at the Volks and we needed accommodations. At some point, Brian had vanished into a store but I hadn't noticed because I was tipsy (I'd only eaten one thing that day and it was well into afternoon). When he returned, he handed me a packet of Mushrooms and, being a little drunk, I immediately opened and ate them.

I've been a psychonaut but I have never been drunk beforehand. As a result, everything looked something like this:

Needless to say, the cab ride home was tough because the alcohol and mushrooms were doing a number on my empty stomach. When we returned, Brian went inside and @meesterboom and me stood outside for a bit, until my stomach could protest no more. It was then that I became very good friends with a bathroom stall downstairs while my body refused the variety of substances I'd ingested. Thankfully, Brian was able to secure us a room in Volks for the next two nights so we were safe! The relief was palpable and I passed out in our hotel room, ending my second day. It would seem that I disappeared from Steemfest after this because I'd agreed to have a Sunday of my buddy's choosing. It was a lot more sight-seeing and taking in the culture of the Netherlands which was pleasantly diverse.

My final day doing what the non-steemian chose

Before leaving, I had wanted to make sure that my good friend would also have a good time. We made a deal to do Sunday funday things in Amsterdam and to see more of what the city had to offer. There isn't much to say, but more to show about this time

My Final Conclusion

I'd like to especially thank @roelandp @razvanelulmarin (I LOVE the T-shirt) and @anduweb for all working together to try and resolve the hotel issues at the beginning. If I had been traveling alone, I would've taken up that offer from @anduweb for the extra bed that happened to be available. I am completely appreciative of those efforts and those people for going that extra distance to take care of one of their own. I was very proud to be a Steemian that day.

I would've loved to see more art represented at SteemFest. Please do not construe this as a complaint, I think the event went off brilliantly. But having missed @neilstrauss and @ericvancewalton speaking, those were the only writers that seemed to be available, and this made me think of the need in the market.

For the next Steemfest I'd like to be more involved and throw a slamchallenge with prizes, where some time in the day can be devoted to the artistic revolution that Steemit is a part of by showcasing a series of artists and poetry, spoken or musical, live or pre-recorded for those who can't make the FEST (they count too!). There was a lot of excitement for the future of the Steem Blockchain, and I was definitely wrapped up in that. But it was secret writers and the messenger who delivered them, the skull makers and musicians, the pure anarchists and the novelists or poets who captured my heart and made me a Steemian who was then willing to learn more about the industry behind the technology.

For many people, myself included, we understand the benefit and lure of money but we are driven by creativity and expression, in whatever awesome form that may take. At the end, we're all drawn together by art somehow. We need to show that more for the next Fest.

I had plans to visit London, Egypt and a host of other countries in the time since leaving the military. It was Steemfest that finally drew me out, like it was Steemit that drew me out of Social Media hiding. I can't wait for the next one and wherever it is, I'm there.

Also, here's my video for @winstonwolf 's awesome 1sec compilation video he's making. I think he only needs 14 more (13 now) to be complete! Join in! Read about it Here

be Steemin ya



Hello @prufarchy,

Your post has been chosen by the communities of SteemTrail as one of our top picks today.

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The SteemTrail Community looks forward to more great stuff from you. So, please keep up the great work!

Keep on Steemin!

Wow, thank you very much. Seems I'm going to learn about discord now. This place never ceases to amaze me!

Really a nice adventure story and a good post too :-)
Thanks for sharing.

If you hear my buddy tell it, it was harrowing! I thought it was a pleasant time, a wonderful city, and any obstacle was just an opportunity to me. Then again, I was willing to stay in a hostel if it came to it! Thanks for reading, mate.

Raaar!! It was an awesome time dude and my steemfest would not have been the same without you!! The mushrooms incident was funny tho ;0)

Remember how we got lost in an infinite city loop for 20 minutes?

Where we kept passing that cheap shoe shop. Lol, sometimes I dream I am still in that loop!!

Love the caption on the first picture!

Thank you for the MASSIVE boost right here! I didn't realised you'd fanboy'd LOL you were really cool about it!

I had the worst hangover the next day and now I remember who to blame for it ;)

It was awesome to meet you, I can't wait for the next one.

You probably didn't realize because I was busy letting my mind be blown by standing around with you three!

It will be especially special next Steemfest :)

This has made me excited about Lisbon, confirmed by suspicions of the 'we are just going for a bagel' disappearance, and made me think about the roll of art at this year's SteemFest.

I want to have a live poetry slam in Lisbon. I felt that art was so well represented at steemfest but poetry was not, so hopefully we can change some of that this year :)

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