Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 16

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 16

Exclusive for Steemit - serialisation of Cruel and Unusual – my second novel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Because from the age of eight, Jack had been compulsive in his studies, he had been blinded to his own burgeoning instincts.

The proximity of his father at his mother’s graveside had kindled the flame of those instincts, but he had not, as yet, had opportunity to realise that.

He remembered, from time to time, the horrifying and instantaneous transformation that David’s face had undergone but he had no way of knowing that David had not performed the transformation, nor was he aware that Jack could see him in his wolfen form. From that precise moment, Jack’s instincts had been waking themselves up to the full power that should have been a gradual process over the years from the onset of puberty onwards. Therefore, he had in excess of twenty years to catch up on.

The next time that Jack encountered a Werewolf, the effect on his instincts sent him into paroxysms of panic.

Whilst working in his laboratory at the hospital, Jack had been performing an autopsy and dissecting a woman that had been brought in under unusual circumstances. She seemed to have been the victim of a vicious and horrendous attack. Her face was sliced open, as was her neck and chest. She had been very healthy prior to her demise and had a strong musculature – she did not seem to be the usual specimen that Jack had to work upon.

He took his time in examining her but it was obvious that her injuries were what had caused her death and he was only going through the motions of the autopsy. He had already decided to finish up because he had an appointment later when a knock on his laboratory door caused his wandering mind to snap back to attention and his scalpel slipped. He sliced his hand with the scalpel that had removed the larger than average adrenal gland moments before. Cursing under his breath, he unlocked the door and allowed his colleague access.

He gave instructions to his colleague and left him to finish the autopsy. After a few moments of cleaning himself up and dressing his wound, Jack left for home.

He had a relaxing bath, changed his clothes and made his way to his club for an early dinner. From there he caught a Hackney carriage and went on to the theatre.

In the foyer of The Haymarket Theatre, along with three hospital governors (who were delighted by Jack’s return to them), their wives and a young lady whom Jack found to be most agreeable company, Jack suddenly had the queerest of feelings. His scalp began to tingle and that tingle wandered down his neck, across his shoulders and down his arms to the very ends of his fingers. The tingle also travelled down his spine and spread out at the base of his hips to make its way down the outside of his legs, becoming most uncomfortable at a point just below his knees as it continued down the outside of his calves. As this was happening, his palms began to itch and rapidly became all but unbearable in the sensation.

He resisted the overwhelming urge to scratch them both only with a great deal of self-restraint. Jack was then compelled to look up towards the balcony - straight into the eyes of a man that was not a man. He saw the eyes of this stranger flash with amber light and for an instant, his features changed to and from wolf in the same manner that his father’s features had, more than five years before.

Jack could not help but let out a low moan. His companions looked to him and were at once concerned. The man who had inadvertently brought about Jack’s plight was also concerned; for he had not the slightest idea that it was he that had caused the problem. Jack realised that he was the centre of attention and dropped his cane, gloves and hat to clutch at his chest. This brought forth renewed cries of alarm from the ladies and shouts for aid and assistance from the governors. Of course, one cannot be involved with a hospital and not know what to do in the event of a probable heart attack. Jack furthered his cause by dropping to his knees. Attendants rushed to help the distressed group.

The man who had frightened Jack moved prudently away and Jack sat on the floor of the foyer, protesting to everyone that he was perfectly all right - or would be in a moment or so.

“No, Sir Matthew, I shall be fine. Just give me a moment to be sure,” Jack said, waving away the attendant closest to him.

“I can have you taken across to the London; that is by far the closest hospital. You will be in good hands there.” Sir Matthew assured.

“No. I promise that I shall be all right. A carriage home may be a good idea however.”

An attendant rushed outside to call up a carriage and informed the group when one had arrived.

“I shall go with you,” Sir Matthew insisted.

“Do not miss Lilly Langtry on my account, Sir Matthew.”

“Nonsense, I insist. Everyone else shall go in and I shall catch up with her performance later. I will brook no argument.”

Jack nodded and gave a feeble smile for the benefit of the ladies. “I feel such a fool. I beg your pardon for spoiling your evening. As soon as I feel better, I promise to make this up to you all.”

Cries of, ‘nonsense,’ and other protests, and ‘goodnight,’ and one of, ‘make sure that he is safe in bed before you return,’ followed the two men out of the foyer and into the street where the carriage was waiting.

Once inside the carriage, Sir Matthew needed further reassurance that Jack was indeed not playing heroics in front of everyone so as not to spoil their evening.

“I am fine, Sir Matthew, I assure you. I just had a dizzy spell.”

“No chest pain?”

“None, just a slight flutter, but I shall have a check-up on my return to work in the morning. I promise not to be foolish.”

“Good man!”

“And I can also manage to tuck myself up in my bed too. You go back, your wife is waiting. It would be a shame to spoil her evening. Please apologise to everyone again, especially to the lovely Juliette. Such a shame,” he sighed.

Pictures from Pixabay and Google Images


I love your story, I will read it from the beginning. I will follow you because I don't know you before and you have a lot of talent. Good job.

Thank you. Your feedback is appreciated :)

That's a scary story :D

Yes, it is... and it gets worse (better?) as it goes on...

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