Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit Part 4

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Exclusive for Steemit - serialisation of Cruel and Unusual – my second novel

Episode 1 Here

Episode 2 Here

Episode 3 Here

As Uncle David walked Jack around the gardens, Jack’s curiosity overcame his shyness.

“Uncle David?” he asked as he looked up at his uncle.

“Yes Jack.” David met Jack’s eyes and it was a great relief to see they were returned to their normal calm state.

“What did you say to that man? I understood your words and yet I did not. I cannot work out what you said to me or him.”

“That was street slang, flash patter - criminal language, my boy.”

“Can you understand criminals? Who taught you? Do they have a whole different language, such as French?” Jack babbled with excitement.

“It is of no consequence for now, Jack, but I will tell you what I said - as long as you promise not to tell your mother.” he winked.

Jack looked stern once more. “I cannot promise that, Uncle David. I do not keep secrets from mama.”

David was taken aback at the boy’s forthright refusal and so responded in a more responsible manner.

“All right then, I will tell you on condition that you allow me to tell her when we return.”

“Yes I can agree to that.” Jack said after only short deliberation.

“Good lad.” David beamed at the boy. “Well now, I saw the two thieves a while ago. I kept my eye on them and realised that they were behind us when we watched the lions. That is why I pulled you close to me. I did not wish to chance that they were also kidnappers.”

David saw that he had once again lost Jack with the slang. “Stealers of children,” he whispered.

Jack’s eyes grew wide once more. “They steal children as well as pocket watches?” he asked in awe.

“Yes lad. I told him to ‘keep the line’ which meant for him to behave with decorum, which of course, he did. At the same time, I had hold of his ‘mawley’ - his fist, which was in turn, wrapped around my ‘thimble’ or watch.”

For effect, David drew out his watch and dangled in front of Jack’s nose and he wrapped his own fist around it to show him. He put it away again and continued with the lesson. “If you recall, I used the term ‘dinger’ which is a pick-pocket. An ‘adam’ is an accomplice and to be ‘all set’ and ‘anointed’ means they are ready for a spot of mischief.”

David paused and made sure that the boy was following and understanding.

“I was their ‘plant’ or target for the theft. He had been trying to ‘draw a thimble’. Now, do you remember what a ‘thimble’ is?

“Yes sir. It is your pocket watch.”

“And so ‘drawing’ it would be to…”

“He was going to try to steal your pocket watch sir.”

“Very good; ‘Having a nibble’ is another way of saying ‘to steal’. Can you understand why they use the different terms, Jack?”

“I think so sir. It is so they may talk freely about crimes even in the company of others.”

“That is exactly so Jack. Well done.”

They had arrived at another set of cages. While they had been talking, they had passed the monkey houses which Jack found uninteresting due to the difficulty in seeing over or around the other boys crowding at the front.

And the hippopotamus enclosure, which because he was not doing much at all, just bathing with only his nostrils visible, Jack showed almost no interest.

Yet at the enclosure they had recently arrived at, Jack’s attention was captured right away. The sleek grey and beige creatures lurking in the shadows perked up their ears and moved forward as Jack and Uncle David approached.

“Do you know what these animals are?”

“They are just like big dogs, sir. Yet they have such wildness about them.” Jack looked up at his uncle and their eyes met. Uncle David looked away, back to the caged animals.

“These are wolves. Centuries ago, our country was home to these creatures, but Humes… I mean humans - men - hunted and killed them all.”

“But why did they do that Uncle David?”

“They gave many reasons, Jack, but what those reasons boil down to are greed, fear and superstition. A wolf will kill to eat, but soon man’s livestock would become prey to them. After all, if you were hunting in order to live and you had to chase down your prey, would you choose a rabbit - fast and small - or would you choose a sheep or a cow - fat and fenced in?”

“I would choose the fat one which cannot run far of course.”

“That is logical and so the farmer would be angry at the loss of a valuable animal. Not for this reason alone were these creatures eradicated, however. As I said, superstition played a great part too. Myths of man-wolves were rife and although a wolf in its natural environment would rather flee from human contact, the stories told to frighten youngsters grew and wolves were feared as supernatural and evil beings.” he paused in order to watch for a while.

“Jack, do these creatures seem supernatural or evil to you?”

“No sir, not a bit.” Jack studied the animals for a little longer, watching them pace their cave mouth, all the time, watching him - or so it seemed to Jack.

“Please tell me more about wolves, Uncle David.”

“All right Jack.”

They stayed by the cages of the wolves for longer than they had meant to. Jack missed the last ride on the elephant and they did not see many of the other animals at all. The public were beginning to desert the gardens as the light faded from the day.

“We must be going, Jack. Our carriage will be waiting.”

“Already?” Jack began, then realised the lateness of the hour. “Oh, I almost forgot. Stafford asked that you should call on him, do we still have time?”

“A few minutes are all we have then, Jack, and we have missed tea by now. I doubt we shall eat until supper at home. Can you wait that long?”

“I think I will be able to manage, Uncle David.”

Pictures from British Library Archives and Pixabay


A well written story plus good pictures to match. You are doing a good job, keep it up

Thank you! I appreciate you not only reading, but commenting too. :)

welcome, always.

You are one of the best content creators on this site I commend you for standing up to evident you put hours of effort into your work.

Excellent job!

Oh wow! Thank you. That's such a compliment because I know a number of excellent content creators on here and to be placed in that group is awesome!

Please, tell me more about the wolves, Aunt Michelle.
English is not my main language, but reading this makes me feel like if I was born speaking English. It speaks to me, really pleasant to read. I would love to write a novel in French, but nobody would read it on Steemit. Hum...

Cheers from Switzerland.

Feel free to check my last post, maybe you’ll like it! <3

Hey, the Wolves will tell their own story, keep watching, it's unfolding.

Thanks for commenting.

Inspired and back at it well again It is good to see, read

Yes, I'm back... I missed being here and it does seem to be helping my Muse's return... I can feel her starting to work her magic...

oh that is so wonderful to hear and I am so glad. Advice, do not ever take up computing (Software, design, development, or programming) while your muse is on vacation or it might be years or decades before a return ;-)

LOL I don't think there's much chance of me taking up anything like that - I don't think my brain works that way.

good story thx

Hello Michelle. Can you perhaps check out my latest blog? I really wanna get your opinion on it. Thanks!

Love the correlating pictures btw, that's such a cool idea.

Hey :)

Yep, I'll check it out now :)

You bae. <3

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