Cruel and Unusual - serialised novel EXCLUSIVE to Steemit

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Exclusive for Steemit - serialisation of Cruel and Unusual – my second novel

Episode 1 Here



Little Jack stood in the parlour, his mother fussing over him, wiping one last imaginary mark from his stern little mouth.

She looked him over once more, his suit was immaculate, his dark-blonde hair neat and combed, shining and clean. He was a serious looking little boy, but not sulky and very handsome nonetheless. And although his hair was growing darker year by year, he bore a striking resemblance to her father’s side of the family, especially in the shape of his dark brown eyes, the colour of which was her own contribution to his visual heritage.

Just a few years before, they both had the exact same shade hair - honey-blonde. Combined with the dark eyes, the light hair was striking and her well-proportioned and petite figure made no wonder that Amelia had had more than her fair share of would-be suitors.

“Uncle David will be here presently. He is taking you out for the day. You must promise mama that you will be a good little boy, won’t you?” She fussed some more as she adjusted his hat.

“I promise, mama. Don’t I always behave well for Uncle David?”

“Yes darling you do, but it cannot hurt to remind you, can it?”

Then they heard the carriage arrive and both went to the door to greet Jack’s favourite adult – next to mama of course.

Uncle David was a tall and well built man; he was fashionable and very handsome. As usual, he too was immaculate in his attire, wearing a new suit which was of course the height of fashion in London. He carried a shiny black cane in one hand and his top hat and gloves in the other. He had grey eyes which were sometimes a little scary and seemed to have the same patterns running through as marble does, but Jack was never afraid of him.

“Now Jack, young man, are you ready for your special birthday treat?”

“But Uncle David, it is not yet my birthday, not until next month, two whole weeks away.” The boy, as any other, was counting down to his special day and it seemed to be an age to go.

David laughed at his agony. “I know my boy, but unfortunately, I shall be out of the country on your birthday and so, for this year at least, you shall have two celebrations. How splendid is that?”

Uncle David lifted his nephew into the carriage and turned back to the soon-to-be eight year old boy’s mother.

“We should be back in time for supper, Amelia. I will stay too if that is convenient?”

“Of course it is convenient, David. I shall look forward to this evening then.”

They embraced for a brief moment and then David kissed Amelia on the cheek. Jack watched his mother with fierce intensity and waved as they began to move away. Then she smiled her special smile, the one reserved just for him and his stern expression melted into a huge grin.

“Goodbye mama. I promise to be good!” he called as he waved out of the carriage window. He watched until the blue of her dress was hidden from his view by the hedgerows. He knew that she was standing there watching as the carriage disappeared from her view.

Then Uncle David was talking to him, asking him if he had any idea where they were going to spend the day.

“No sir. Mama would not tell me where you were going to take me, only that you were coming to fetch me and that I must look my very best in a new suit and coat. Where are we going?”

“We are not going very far at all Jack. We are going into London. We shall have an early lunch at a nice restaurant and then on to the surprise that I have arranged for you.”

Jack nodded with solemnity but did not question further as to their destination. He was a patient boy, hardly spoiled at all by his mother. David was pleased that he was growing up so well.

He was a handsome little lad, but a loner - not surprising under the circumstances, but David sometimes wished that he was a little more boisterous at times. Still, he was an absolute pleasure to escort out, always polite and well turned-out. Indeed a credit to his mother.

It was close to lunch time when they stopped outside a small but fashionable restaurant at the northern end of Regents Park, David’s favourite, he assured Jack.

“I only come here on special occasions, with special people, or when I particularly wish to treat myself.”

“It seems to be a fair establishment, uncle.” Jack agreed as he copied the older gentleman’s manner in eyeing up the frontage.

Both stood in front of the restaurant, hands folded in the small of their backs, for the entire world to see - the man and his miniature mimic. Then they went inside, both removing their headgear as they crossed the threshold. David held the door open and Jack thanked him most politely.

The pair were seated and then served upon by attentive waiters. Jack also noticed a serving girl dressed in a white starched bonnet and black dress, with a bright white apron over the top and a plump woman in a light coloured dress and white mob-cap peeping from behind a door, smiling at him as he ate and listened to his uncle.

“Ah bless the little chap,” the woman said.

“Yeah, don’t he look like a proper little gentleman already?” the girl answered.

Then the Head Waiter ushered them back inside the kitchen, back to their duties.

Jack had heard the exchange, as had David, but neither mentioned it.

After Jack had finished his pudding - a wonderful concoction of strawberries, meringue and whipped cream, David called for the bill, which he signed. Jack watched carefully, he had never asked, but noticed that Uncle David’s last name was not the same as his own. Jack resolved to ask his mother all about that when he returned home.

From the restaurant it was just a short stroll to their destination and the walk would be an excellent way of settling their lunch.

The stench from the sewage which permeated the air was not as foul as it could be, for the day was not hot, but it bothered Jack more than a little, for living in the country meant that he was not used to it and David handed him his scarf with which to mask his nose and try to keep the worst of the stink out.

The companions approached a large building and Uncle David paused in his walk. He turned to Jack and said: “Now then, this is the Zoological Gardens. Do you know of it?”

“Yes uncle. I have been told of it by one of my classmates at school. His family are friends with someone who gives them tickets from time to time; I think he is a kind fellow indeed. It is a wonderful place, filled with wild beasts and birds.” The boy looked thoughtful for a moment and his uncle waited. “Are we going to visit too Uncle David?”

“We are going to visit, yes and you are correct in what you say; friends are allowed to visit on occasion and if your school pal has told you of the wonders that lie inside, you already know what a lucky young man you are.”

“Oh yes sir, I do. Thank you Uncle David!” Jack looked up into his uncle’s eyes and caught a smile there. It matched his own because he had not guessed that he would be coming here today and they had the whole of the afternoon in which to explore.

Jack took hold of his uncle’s hand and squeezed it in appreciation and smiled again as his uncle squeezed back.

They approached the entrance and the man in the dark brown uniform taking the green tickets from the people looked at David and tipped his hat.

“How do sir, nice to see you back again. And who’s this then? I’ll bet he’s an adventurer come to see we’re keeping the lions and tigers nice and fierce for him.”

Jack looked on in awe, nodding shyly. David laughed and replied:

“Yes, something along those lines, Stafford. This is my nephew, Jack. Jack, this is the head keeper for the carnivores. You are not usually on gate duty are you Stafford?”

“I takes a turn on here every once in a while, sir, especially on Sunday lunch-time, gives the lads a little break, you know. Oh, that reminds me, if you call at my lodge after five or so this evening, sir, I have something which might be of interest to young Jack here.”

“I am sure I will be reminded Stafford. Thank you.” And David led Jack into the birthday adventure.

Images from Pixabay unless otherwise accredited


Like, how can so many good authors be on this site? I am constantly amazed, Followed!

Seeing as how you already got the hang of this whole writing thing, I would very much appreciate any feedback on my blog. I think you'll enjoy it, it tackles the subject of outlining vs discovery writing.

Thanks! And keep up the good work!


Hey, thanks for reading and commenting.

My secret is that I try to make my work the very best it can be. I don't write direct to Steemit, I write in a word doc first and go over it all a couple of times, checking for spelling, syntax and absolutely anything that may bring down the quality of my writing.

I've found it's a good habit to get into.

I've taken a look over your blog and I hope you can take this as constructive criticism - there are a couple of typos (ingenious and 'si' rather than 'is').

Personally, I'm one of those writers who sits down at the computer and the story arrives, usually carried by my characters. I don't plot or plan and I can be as surprised as my readers - I call that a bonus.

Take your time, read it out loud if you need to (it really does help).

I've followed you and upvoted your blog :)

Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate any criticism, I see it as the only way to get better really. Every criticism is constructive if looked at the right way.

Also I just wanna say how fascinating every writers approach is, since each one is just ever so slightly different from the others.

Thanks again, and keep writing!

Thank goodness for that! I've been invited to critique for writers before and some simply do not want to see criticism as a way of improving. Personally, I welcome criticism (as long as it's not 'author-bashing') and I too look upon it as the only way to improve my writing.

Well written post. Is the novel online? thanks for sharing

Thank you, again, I'm so pleased you like it. Yes, the novel is online - Amazon, Smashwords, all the usual outlets - ebook and in print.

Welcome. Great.

thank you for sharing

Thank you for reading :)

Very intriguing story so far michelle, I love the images you picked to go with it to.

Thank you and believe me... it gets better! :)

You took 100 place in my Top 100 of posts

Oooh cool! Thank you!

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