Robinson Crusoe – Life on the Island – Part-6

in #story8 years ago

Robinson Crusoe Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4, Part-5

One day when Robinson was walking along the Island beach, he grabbed a tortoise. First time he found tortoise on that Island, though he later found many of them. He cooked the tortoise meat and found it more delicious than goat’s meat. Most of the time he used to eat goat’s meat on the Island. 


Robinson couldn’t go out of his home because it rained so hard and also he caught with fever. One day he had a bad dream while he was sick. He saw a fierce-looking man, holding a spear in his hand, coming down from the clouds towards him. He came near him and yelled “You didn’t listen to me, you are to die!” when he woke up, he was scared. But felt well when he came to know that it was only a bad dream, nothing was real. He woke up and lit his lamp. He was now okay in the light.

Robinson had already spent ten days on the island. He now wanted to see other side of the island. A little current of water was flowing across the island. He took a raft and sailed along it. Shortly, he saw wild tobacco that was growing on the banks. Onward he found numerous fruit trees like watermelons and grapes. He ate some of the juicy fruits and put rest of the fruits on his raft. He spent the night on a tree, because the home was too far from that place. The next morning, he woke up and moved towards west. He discovered a spring of sweet water and some more fruit trees of coconuts, lemons and oranges. He picked up many fruits from there but he didn’t have even a single bag with him. The next day he went back to the raft with two bags. He ate watermelons, oranges and lemons, but he didn’t eat the grapes. He just suspended the grapes to dry. Once it got dry, it would become raisins. He used to store it and ate later. He found it very delicious.    


Robinson later decided to build another house on the eastern part of the island, since he liked it most. He used to stay most of the time in his old house, so that he could see the passing ships and sometimes he spent some of his days in the wood when he desired. He had almost built the house but the rains started and he had to spend most of the time in his old house. During that time, he could not manage fresh food but dried raisins helped him to survive. 

He started to plant wheat and rice in front of his new house. He could save wheat and rice from the damaged ship. When the rains finished, the crops began to grow. After the rains, weather was very good and the sky was clear. He then started to explore the island further. 


When Robinson walked farther, he found the island was big enough. He was not able to understand whether it was Spanish coast or a part of America. As he moved ahead, he found fresh and green land. Moreover, he found some flowers there. When Robinson saw a parrot there, he caught it and brought it home, hoping that he could be able to teach it to speak. There were also some wild rabbits, which were running here and there.  He also found some jackals on the island. He then did not find any wild animals. In the meantime, his dog trapped a goat kid alive. He brought the kid home to keep with him. 

On the arrival of November, Robinson was thinking on many things. During this period the crops were ready to harvest. He had a knife which he used to cut the corn. He had to open the fence door so that the goat could come out and eat the crops. He also had to have surveillance on numerous birds which also came there. 


During the rainy day, Robinson spent most of the times at home. He called the parrot Polly and made him able to speak. He took four years to teach him, and then the parrot started saying “Robin Crusoe! Robin Crusoe!” he was happy when the parrot called his name “Robin Crusoe”, even though it was not a human accent. 

The crops had grown successfully, but Robinson had to do many things before it could become edible. There was no grinding machine to crush the crops, no sieve to filter it, no container to store it and sure no oven to bake in.

First, Robinson started to make jars with some clay that he managed by digging up the earth. He made a paste mixing some water into the clay, shaped it like a jar and kept it to dry in the sun. The first few jars that he made either cracked or collapsed due to its own weight. He could make some pots, bowls and pitchers after two months effort, but he still was not able to make the bigger jars. 

While Robinson used to stay at home in the rainy season, he engaged himself digging in his cave, securing the walls and also weaving baskets using long thin twigs. He used these baskets to store his corn, raisins and for carrying out some rocks and clay that he got digging up the earth to develop his cave. He taught himself many talents alone on the island.


After many years on the island, Robinson learnt making many things. His clothes were completely torn. He required new clothes urgently. He also needed a cap to protect his head from the heat of the sun. Robinson stored the skins of animals that he shot on the island. He had never thought that he would use it for anything. He later used the skins as clothes and also made a cap, though the clothes were not suitable to him. He was not only a bad carpenter and potter, but he was also a worse tailor. But at least they could make clothes that protected him from the rain and sun. 

The umbrella which was very difficult to make Robinson made it after two or three attempts. He used some thin branches of a tree and goatskin to make the umbrella. The umbrella could be opened and closed smoothly.  

Robinson had blisters in his feet due to the scorching heat. He had also made a pair of shoes that could be laced up and tied. Finally, he used goatskin to make two belts. One used to hold his clothes and hold his hatchets and saw and the other suspended over his shoulder to hold his pouches of gunpowder. 

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ah! episode 6 has just come out ......... have to read it immediately ...... really eagerly waiting for it :)

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