Robinson Crusoe – how reached alone on a Desert Island - Part-1

in #story8 years ago

Robinson was born in 1632, in York, in North England. His father was an outsider but he had settled there. Robinson was the youngest brother among three. Being the most rebellious person, he did whatever he liked to do. 


Robinson wanted to become a sailor while his father wanted to see him as a lawyer. His father told him about the life of a sailor, how risky their life is when they travel through ocean, but Robinson was not willing to listen to his suggestion. One day he went to meet one of his friends in the seaport of Hull and boarded a ship for the first time.  Being excited, he decided to become a sailor without taking permission from his father. Though he knew how terrible a storm at sea could be, he did not want to give up this opportunity. 


Robinson later fled to settle in Brazil, where he purchased some land and established a sugarcane plantation. He soon earned a lot of money and became rich. But his ambition to become a sailor was not dead. He found that he could make a lot of money from slave trading. He later joined a slave-ship as sailor and went towards west coast of Africa in search of slaves so that he could make huge profit by selling them. There were fourteen people in total on the ship, 13 sailors including him and the captain. 


Before they reached west coast, a horrible storm arose and the ship was tossed about in the sea by the storm. The ship was already damaged. They thought that the ship might sink into the sea. That’s why they decided to stop their ship at some place on the coast so that they could repair it, but unfortunately another storm came and pushed them again into the sea. On third day of their voyage, one of the sailors saw a land. They immediately ran towards the deck and saw the land which was very near to the ship. They boarded small boat to reach the beach, but a wave arose as high as a mountain and fell on them and flipped the boat over.

They were thrown back into the sea. For some time, he was confused and not able to understand where he was. Then he found himself on the beach. It happened due to second and third storm that lifted him and threw on the coast. He lay down for some time like a dead person, however, he was alive. He started to vomit out all the salt water which he drank while caught in the storm. He came down on his knees and thanked God for saving his life. As far as he could see, he found no one in the beach. Others could have died in the storm. 


He was scared, because he was alone on the coast and had no food to eat and no cloth to wear. The place was unknown. They thought that there might be some dangerous animals that could attack on him. To save himself he climbed up the tree and spent whole night there. To be continued.............

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