📷 REALTALK Story: A bat in my bedroom! (English Version)

in #story7 years ago


Hi Steemians, on tuesday/wednesday I experienced a strange situation and would like to share the story with you.

It started when I went to bed at tuesday at night and turned off the light... I was almost asleep when I suddenly heard a fluttering sound. Sometimes it stopped, but whenever I have moved a little bit the noise started again. Sometimes it was even louder, sometimes even quieter and then I thought that it must come from outside my window firstly. But after a while I noticed that the noise was too loud for outside my window, because my window was closed completely. When the noise started to annoying, I got out of the bed and turned on the light. Suddenly I saw the cause of the noise directly above me... A bat fluttered back and forth in my bedroom wildly! :)

You can imagine that I couldn´t believe my eyes and I though that I was dreaming, because my window in the bedroom was closed since early afternoon and even before only on tipped and I live in the middle of the city on the 4th floor. I grabbed my cell phone immediately and made a video of the flying bat in my bedroom, just to have a proof for myself. Then I "armed" myself with a towel and tried to throw it over the bat when she fly to me, to catch her from the top. The bat was much too fast for me and I've changed the strategy. I waited for a few minutes in my living room until there was no noise from outside the bedroom and then I searched for the bat. After a felt 1/2 hour I found her hidden under a chair and at first I made a photo, but unfortunately the quality is not so good, because it was so dark and I've zoomed in so that you can see the small animal at all.

Here is the photo of the bat under the chair:


My plan was to catch her from below with an open shoebox by pushing her inside from above. The bat didn't like that and she spat at me with a loud shrill noise, so that I was too hesitant with the push. So my chance was already gone and the bat fluttered around in my room again wildly. ^^

And another try... I went back in my living room, waited until the bat has calmed down and I searched her again. This time I was looking for her about a felt hour, but I simply couldn´t find her. I have scanned everything in my sleeping room, even at some point I just made loud noises, so that she will come out of her hiding place, but there wasn´t any trace of her.

Because the sund was already rising outside I gave up the search and fold out the couch in my living room to sleep undisturbed here. That the bat was simply away, but that she had to be in my bedroom for sure, pursued me for a long time before I fell asleep and I even looked at the pictures on my phone before, because the situation semmed to be very unreal for me again. XD

On the next day I ran in my bedroom after getting up immediately and have started the search again. This time I found her relatively quickly, hanging on my curtain at the window and then I catched her in a plastic container before she will start to fly again.

Here is a close-up of the bat, after I catched her in a plastic container:


Because it was a very sunny and warm day on wednesday and bats are usually sleeping during the day as known, I have placed her in the shoe box with a soft towel, so that she can rest off the day. It seemed that she welcomed that a lot, because I haven´t heard a peep out of the box all day long. Only when it started to get dark outside slowly at around 18:00 I heard that the bat was scratching inside the box and short time later also her high tweeting. That was the time to dismiss her in the freedom again, so that she can eat away the annoying mosquitoes. :)

P.S. interesting to know: A single bat can eat up to 1000 mosquitoes in one night. So they are very important for us humans, we don´t want not imagine what would be going on in the sky, if there wouldn´t be bats...

Best regards and hear you in my next article!
[German] Beste Grüße und wir hören uns in meinem nächsten Artikel!

 Jonas Ahrens


Jonas Ahrens

 photo b87bb98157_zpsw1cujzvw.gif


Wow i would be quite interesting how the sound of the voice was.

Very nice story, and a funny coincidence also XD
Not that i had a bat in my room or something
but today when i woke up i was still half a sleep ( probably still half dreaming ).

buy twice i had something fly by my face very fast,
and it looked as a bat to me. so i was looking around
bot could see anything. That happend twice XD

My balcony borders a nature reservoir with a lot of bats
and i had one fly against my chest a few days when i was biking.
That gave me the shivers for some moments XD

Lucky it was just my mind tricking me for a moment,
because i wouldn't know what i would have done if there
was a actual bat in my home.

Ill probably be dunked underneath the couch xD

Haha, great story too! XD
Thanks for your nice contribution @gyzimo.

Your welcome buddy @future24
and thanks for yours also btw
very appreciated :D

I had a bat in home a couple a years ago. I was sitting behind my computer and I heard a high pitched peeping, like a mouse but higher. Barely audible. I look behind me in the room and saw a dark spot on the middle of the living room. I thought it was a mouse the cat had caught and left it in the room.
I took a small empty carton box and put it next to the "mouse" hoping it would flee inside the box once it had recovered and would be able to do so his own.
I was a bit surprised it was still alive. And the cat was nowhere to be seen.

I went back to my computer hoping I could take the mouse outside without to much trouble. A couple of minutes later the bat had recovered itself to flying capacity and was flying circles in the room behind my back. And they fly pretty fast.

I backed out the room and observed it for some time. It flew circles and sometimes touched down on the ground and walked a few steps or hang in the curtains.
By this time my girlfriend had woken up from the commotion in the living room and hallway. She came out of the bedroom to see what was up, I showed the bat flying in the living room through the windowed door.
I said I intended to open up the balcony doors and see if it would find it's way out. But I wasn't in any hurry to execute my plan, I kind of enjoyed observing the bat. Especially when they walk they look cool IMO, with their wings 2/3 spread, kind of hanging to the ground.
My girlfriend just wanted the bat out and go back to sleep ASAP. So she entered the living room, walked straight to the balcony doors, opened them and got back all the while the bat was doing circles inside the room.
As soon as the balcony doors where opened you could see by the circle the bat made it had detected the open doors. After 2 more circles it flew out and disappeared into the night.

Very good story @fure24. . I like your post and i have followed you. . Thankyou for sharing. 👏

wow very perfect story and interesting time i read it, success always for you my best friend @future24.

Hope you are not bitten by the Bat,or else you would become Batman,haha

Haha, yes :D

Awsome story and unvote my frind

Die ist ja total süß, die kleine Maus!🐭

When you use @bilalhaider resteem service you are literally helping him DDOS steemit.chat. He is using your money to pay someone to attack steemit.


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