Traces of a Digital Ghost - Part 3 (My Original Short Story)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Sid stared back at him in a rigid, confused manner before the familiar sight of the café waitresses reared up from the side. She brought a glass half full with tap water and small latte balanced upon a pattern frilled miniature silver tray. Without saying a word, they looked on as she placed both drinks on the table. The waitress studied them with short, fleeting glances. A feeling of rising nervousness filling her body.

”There you go, gentlemen.” She stated and hastened back into the safety of the café, her shoes clacking with every step she took against the pristine marble floor. Michael took a modest sip to wet his lips however Sid refused to do the same. His eyes were yet to leave Michael.

”How much more of this bullshit have I got to put up with before you give me back my steem. I told you ten minutes and you’ve already outstayed your welcome by a whole sixty seconds.”

Sid returned a smug grin as if he had uncovered the final solution to all the worlds problem. ”Did you hear me right the first time? I said Charles, with my assistance, want to give you back a whole lot more besides your precious crypto. Why speak to me in that disrespectful tone when I’m only trying to make up for all the lost time between us? Well, attempting to anyway.”

Michael screwed his face up in frustration. This mornings shenanigans had begun out of the blue after the simple act of picking up a phone call last evening at about 8.30pm. He recalled almost dropping the receiver when first hearing his brothers voice on the other end. The sequences of events leading up to their meeting at the hotel involved a combination of one restless night and some detailed plotting as how to exact revenge against him once the transaction had taken place. But those plans were but a by-product of the original task at hand. He realised this and calmed his mind in a concentrated effort to bide his time spent with Michael. Sid shut his eyes and sucked up a lungful of air before expelling it heavily.

”You win, Mike. You hold all the cards. The fact those very same cards belong to me is irrelevant at this stage, I suppose. Now, what is it you want exactly?”

”To give back to you what I stole and more.” Michael declared in a sullen trance-like repose. ”I mentioned that already. You see, Charles and his followers took me in after I had left those good-for-nothing’s to overdose themselves to death. I learned a lot from that man. I came to further understand your plight. For instance, the fact that our parents died in a car crash. You took on too huge of a responsibility in raising me. My presence in your life hindered you from forming any meaningful relationships because all I wanted was your undivided attention. Would you say that was a fair assessment?”

”I guess so. Yeah.” The answer came to him easier than he would have expected.

”Fine. Well, I guess we’re on the same page then. Good.” Michael continued. ”So I, in effect, voluntarily removed myself from the situation and offered you a chance at enjoying a rich and successful existence without me getting in the way. And you’ve done us all proud, materialistically anyway. Me, mum and dad.”

”Don’t refer to them. Ever again. You understand?” His eyes widened with anger, yet the rest of his demeanour remained lucid and in control.

”Sorry, I only meant to say that with the best of intentions. Charles has enlightened me about a great number of things. This world, the humans that inhabit its every corner, the infinite universe. In a nutshell, the bigger picture, Sid. And he also taught me the value of interpreting the “intersecting pathways of life”. How one event, however simple it may be, could lead to the salvation of many. We are all guided by an unseen invisible force, willing us to choose which ever path is right for us. But that decision ultimately boils down to that individual. “His” hand can only guide. We wield the power to decide the final outcome.”

”You're a fucking madman.” Sid muttered in awe, shocked at the devastating wreck his brother had become. ”You’ve lost your mind. I mean, are you actually aware of what you're saying? I always knew you’d get in with some bat-shit crazy cult on that goddamn excuse of a social media platform. I remember the clamour a few years back to get communities implemented and up and running. God, if they had only known better at the time. You’ve ended up a world class mental case because of it.”

”A bad workman always blames his tools. Isn’t that how the popular saying goes?” Remarked Michael in defiance. ”If anything, finding Charles's community of “Empowerment" helped in that long, arduous road to rehabilitation and redirected my focus to a much more... shall we say, purposeful cause. They advised me to remain in the same garms they found me in as a constant reminder of my past life of debauchery. Hence why I’m still dressed in this attire. But I’m not as stupid as you think. You're at a crossroads now, Sid. “He” has laid the foundation offering up a selection of paths and it is up to you to decide which one be chosen.”

”Who is the hell is “He”?” Barked Sid, feeling a little threatened by the deranged ramblings of his brother and nearly forgetting altogether about the money that was owed to him. ”What are you on about?”

Michael slipped a hand into his dishevelled flowing coat and plucked out several sheets of paper. Two long pieces of beige thread caught under his sleeve and were torn out a little further than before. As Sid watched dumbstruck, he placed them in neat order facing upwards in front of Sid. There were five in total, displaying a printed QR code including a series of ascending numbers pencilled in under each squared pattern.

”OK, Sid. Here you go. Five different options leading to five different outcomes.” He pointed to the first sheet of paper. ”This corresponds to our official “Empowerment” account.” He moved a finger to the next. ”This is a charity organisation aimed at helping battered women seek shelter and re-integrating them into…”

”What is this shit?” Sid asked. His mouth hung open in wonderment as his brain struggled to decipher what this all meant.

”Well, you must be able to figure out some form of pattern here I hope.” Michael chuckled. ”Now, listen carefully. These accounts are all linked to well-meaning charities that can save a lot of people out there. But one of these papers is your account. Yes, the one containing the 1.3 million steem. But which that is I cannot tell you. Let your angel of destiny decide. This is your ultimate reward, brother. Higher than any financial remuneration I could ever pay back to you. Now tell me your selection and choose who ultimately gets this money.”

”You better be completely insane at this moment, Mike.” Sid growled back. ”Because that would be the only explanation I can think of for your current actions. Now give me back my money. Right now.”

”I told you, brother. Can't you see? I’m giving you back much more. Allowing you to dictate fate according to whichever one you chose. If it is meant to be returned back to you then so be it. However, it if is deemed to make its way to a cause worthier than your own, it will also be decided by your hand and yours alone. Let nature and providence take its course. Don’t fight it, please. Make your selection and accept the outcome.”

The entire world changed in the blink of an eye. Sid leapt out of his seat and flung the metal table aside in one quick motion. Before Michael could react, his brother brought down two hands around his throat as they both crashed onto the floor. A clerk opposite the lobby screamed while a few hotel workers hurried to the scene. The café waitress rushed out and held a palm over her mouth in fright.

Sid panted with a bloodlust, searing rage. He had not applied pressure to his neck yet, but allowed Michael a final plea before the frenzied madness finally took complete hold of him. A sliver of spittle dangled from the side of Sid’s mouth. ”You motherfucking psychopath.” He whispered in Michael's ear, aware of the commotion of bodies gathering around them. ”I swear to God. Your God that drove you to steal from me and now lead me on this wild goose chase. If you don’t give me the right answer in the next five seconds, you’re a dead man.”

Michael squeezed out heaving gasps with the full weight of Sid on top of him. He managed to pull his head to the side and saw three of his QR sheets scattered on the floor. A twisted grin made its way onto his face. ”You… Have nothing… now.” He spluttered, turning his eyeballs to meet Sid’s. ”I… offered you… a way out… I love you… Dear brother…” He strained to make out a burly security guard jogging towards them as the world steadily receded into darkness.

(The End)



Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Ok now. THIS is something.

It's dazzling, but also tempting. Also, i just LOVE the way you add elements besides text. This is an exercise of true creativity and exploring the potential of the medium.

And the story is so... man, i don't know. Like being in a storm, hearing little pieces of voice everywhere and knowing there is a meaning hidden in there, and you just HAVE TO find it.

It is amazing, really. Thank you very much for sharing. You just got a rabid fan. :D

Thank you very much. You "got" exactly the scene I was trying to convey. I appreciate that very much. :)

Thank YOU. I will keep an eye on your work. It's fascinating. :)

This is easily the strangest story I've read from you haha! It's definitely out there in terms of concept. This could even pass off as an advertisement to that Communities thing that they're doing. I really don't know what to make of it haha

I think we're all Sid, confused and frustrated at the riddles being spun. At least the answer to the QR codes was presented. Mike really play off like a douche. It's a good character study for sure!

Really though, my comments really doesn't matter anymore. You've amassed such a wide following here that you're already assured tons of earnings and comments even without my boost. I'll remember the time when my comments held more weight with great fondness :D

Hey my brother! Lol, I know! I went in at a little bit of a tangent but wanted to present a case for both sides. In Michael's mind, he has got it all figured out. Feeling pretty much discarded by his older brother, the "communities" of Steemit (nothing against that idea from my end, mind you) eventually became his primary "carer" of sorts. And it just so happened he was unfortunate enough to get embroiled within sort some of online cult on the platform. And at a very vulnerable and weak time in his life.

We are unclear as to what his exact motives were but are given a glimpse into how he now perceives his new life and in turn, interprets the mechanics behind validating every single decision-making process. A little bit of spirituality combine with the betrayal he feels from being neglected by his Sid. I personally had fun putting this together and did realise this is a little different from my usual formula. But thanks for the vote of confidence, man. :)

And your comments matter tenfold, man. I'm just an ordinary writer trying to make his mark amongst the plethora of talent on offer here (you being one of the top authors, of course). So you and your encouraging words will always hold weight. That will never change, bro.

Bless and thanks for stopping by. :)

Haha LOL Again, a top author I am not. I don't think 99% of the people here don't even know that I write fiction haha!

Oh my bro! Sounds like we need to have a private chat at some point. Few things I want to say to you but can't in the comments...

This story has been awesome. Enjoyed to very last line...

Thanks very much, @cecicastor. :)

I loved this from start to finish. Awesome job @ezzy.

Hey mate! Hope you're keeping well. Coming from you, that's a mighty fine compliment! Much appreciated. :)

WOOHOO! Wow, that was a spectacular finisher, @ezzy! Michael had got involved in no less than a Steemit community cult and lost his mind! Wow, I just hope this isn't a glimpse into the future for us poor steemians! Amazing short story which I found more than a little disturbing.

Another masterpiece under your belt, @ezzy!

Hey there, @myb. Thanks for those kind words. Yeah, you are spot on. I purposely didn't use the name "Steemit" as who knows if the platform will still be called that in the future. But communities will open by all type of groups. Some good, some not-so-good. This is my, albeit "extreme" take on what could happen.

Thanks again, man. :)

Wow!!, the story is really amazing, you are a good writer man, I even like the way it end up, fill like going back to read the previous chapter.
Am looking forward to see more from you @ezzy. well done, sir

Thanks very much, @kesolink. Appreciate your nice comments.

Really well written and a little bit out there....:) Loved it mate. :)

Thanks a lot, buddy. "Out there" is the perfect choice of words, lol. :)

I kept quiet until I finished reading this final episode.

This story illustrates what I told another author. He was surprised I had read his post to the end, as he does not think anyone else has done so (I know exactly how he feels) but I explained to him that it is not the length that decides whether I read a story, it is the plot and characters and how effectively they have been brought to life.

Your story could have been in one post and it would only have added to the pleasure of reading it.


Nice story. I am excited about the next part and what he will do with him.
Keep up the good work and have a good night :)

Thanks very much, @hanen. :)

Good story..
I like you post.. @ezzy

Bless... Thank you. :)

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