UNPROVEN Chapter Thirteen "Girl Pow-Wow"

in #story7 years ago (edited)

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

A soft knock on the door to the guestroom snapped Ary out of her jubilee. “Just a sec,” she called and rolled off the bed, dressing quickly. When she finished she opened the door and grinned at her friend. “Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

“Wooww, it looks like someone had a good night,” Andie observed with a forced smile.

Ary was oblivious to the sarcasm in Andie’s tone and she grabbed her friend’s hand, pulling her to the bed. “It was amazing,” she gushed, “he was amazing!”

“Really,” Andie tilted her head to the side, “soooo, you did it then?”

Ary’s head bobbed and she described the night’s events, her toes curling when she got to the part about him going ‘down-town’. Andie’s brow lifted but she said nothing as Ary continued to gush.

“…then this morning,” she giggled and waggled her eyebrows.

“You did it again?”

At Ary’s nod Andie wrinkled her nose and stood, eyeing the bed, “I guess I better wash these sheets.”

Ary laughed but as she focused on her friend’s face the laughter faded. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Andie said, forcing her tone to sound cheerful, “I had quite a night myself.”

Ary’s brows popped up. “Oh my God, I’m sorry, I’m going on about me...so who…?”



She made a lewd gesture involving her hand and mouth and Ary laughed. “So you didn’t have actual sex?”

“No, I decided it would be better to make him earn it.”

“Did he stay the night?”

“Uh-huh, he’s still in my room sleeping.”

Ary raised an eyebrow, “Is that a good or bad thing?”

“Good. Of course it’s good. So what about Grayson? Obviously he stayed the night.”

Ary nodded emphatically. “He held me all night long, I was in heaven!”

Andie rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but laugh.

Ary grinned. “I was,” she insisted, “and he asked for my number and said he’d call me tonight!”

“Hmm. Well that’s good.”

Ary frowned at her friend's tone, “What? You don’t think he’ll call?”

“I didn’t say that, I’m sure he will otherwise why bother asking for your number, right?”

“That’s what I think!”

They heard a noise in the hall and turned in unison as Sonya shuffled into the room, yawning and stretching. Her eyes bounced between them, “No fair, why didn’t you come get me? I want to hear everything too,” she complained.

Andie’s lip quirked. “Well in that case we should probably wake Amanda so we don’t have to repeat ourselves.”

They found Amanda on the couch in the Connelly’s smaller den and at the sight of her tear-stained face they rushed over.

Andie sat beside her, “Honey, what’s wrong?”

Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks, “It was awful!” She buried her face in her hands and the three girls exchanged glances.

Ary mouthed “Who?” at Sonja.

“Mark,” Sonja mouthed back.

Ary winced, not at all surprised that her friend’s night didn’t go as planned.

“Okay sweetie, what happened?” Andie asked, rubbing her shoulder soothingly.

She spoke into her lap and the rest of them had to lean in to understand her muffled blubbering. By the time she had finished they had most of the picture; he hadn’t taken the time to ease into her and despite her lack of virginity it had hurt. A lot. On top of which he’d left right after with some lame excuse about having to help his dad out in the morning.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry,” Andie stroked her hair.

Amanda looked up. “What about you?” She directed the question to all three of them but Andie answered.

“Oh, well Sonja and I didn’t go the full distance, but Ary did.”

Ary caught the look of warning on Andie’s face as if she needed it, she was hardly going to gush and beam when her friend looked so terrible.

“Did he stay the night?” Amanda asked.

Ary bit her lip, “Well, yes. But probably because he wanted to do it again in the morning,” she offered. As soon as the words were out she regretted them because it made her wonder whether they were true. The brief look she caught on Andie’s face told her that was exactly what she thought.

“You did it again? Weren’t you sore?”

She shrugged slightly.

“Come on,” Andie said, taking Amanda’s hand and tugging it gently, “get up, get showered and I’ll mix us up some Mimosa’s, make you forget all about that slime-ball.”

Amanda allowed them to pull her to her feet and Ary winced at the way she hobbled out of the room, wondering whether it was exaggerated, then immediately felt bad for the thought. Her own private parts were feeling a bit battered but all she had to do was call up an image of what had caused it, and the pain was overshadowed by something else, something that said she was definitely not crying off sex anytime soon. Well, as long as her partner was Grayson Teller.

Go to Chapter Fourteen


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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I am totally hooked on these girls an this story!

That's great to hear, and I'm starting to think this one is more of a hit than anything else I've done- sometimes we all just want to be entertained without thinking too hard, am I right? :)

You are absolutely right!

great story. upvote and reestemed ♥ following you ♥

Thank you :) You're @dobartim's sibling right?

@dreemit, "If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT" this is the quote i love most...... very inspiring.. love..

Error in the TOC for Chapter Eleven, and the title says "Chapter Twelve"

Man, it's always a nightmare when you had the time of your life and another friend had the worst experience. It really puts a dampen on yours and when said friend asks about your experience, you have to be careful in choosing your words. I've been where Ary was (well, not being devirginized by Grayson, but being the one with the great experience), and it was such a nightmare to conceal it. On one hand, I really wanted to console the friend, but yeah it was really hard. I can totally attest to the experience. Again, of not being sore, but with balancing the happiness with the gloom. You get what I mean.

You write real good dialog. I can't, for the life of me, write good dialog on my stories. I started to record my voice talking to myself to get some practice, but i am a real bore at conversations.

I now understand why nobody came to my birthday party.

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