The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Twenty-Six "The Bet Fulfilled"

in #story7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Twenty-Six

Mathias was dimmed and standing in the middle of Harriet’s yard when the cab pulled up. He broke out in a grin as he watched it pull away again. He jogged up alongside it and studied Jenna’s expression. She looked like a person coming to terms with a death sentence, determination having replaced the anxious expression she’d worn on the ride here. Of course he’d never have allowed her to back down, if she’d gotten out of the car he had planned to follow her inside and come out of dim mode just as the door closed behind her.

He didn’t know what his fascination with the fiery female was exactly. True she was beautiful, but for well over two centuries he’d avoided any woman who even remotely resembled….She Who He Wouldn’t Name even in thought, and of the human population Jenna came the closest in looks of any girl he’d ever met. With her long wavy black hair and nearly violet eyes that were shaped like a cat’s, not to mention her big tits, small waist and ample ass.

But the resemblance ended in the physical. Jenna had not exhibited one false trait. He doubted she would even know how to be deceitful or manipulative, she was above board in every way. And that, he decided, was the attraction for him. The one he would not name had been Deceit incarnate. His teeth gritted as memories tried to swamp him and he forced them away as the cab turned on to the street where the bar was located.

He blurred up ahead and reappeared behind the tavern, pushing open the door to the back entrance. He had watched in amusement as Jenna fled the bar, but knowing she would eventually end up at her aunt’s he’d stayed with the blonde until he’d coaxed his winning kiss. That way there could be no argument about who won.

Then he’d gone to the bathroom and returned to the woman with a feigned emergency, taking her number and promising dinner at a later date before he’d blurred towards Harriet’s and seen her inside the cab with the expression of a frightened rabbit.

He cautiously surveyed the bar and groaned when he saw the blonde-Jackie-was still there. He stayed towards the back of the room and watched as Jenna made her way back in, her eyes immediately locating Jackie then sweeping the room. She caught sight of him and froze, then smiled slowly. He beckoned her over and she came towards him, her face showing no indication of her earlier fear.

Jenna was a little surprised when she spotted Mathias. He hadn’t tried to follow her? For some reason the thought was dismaying. Maybe he hadn’t really cared about the bet. She made her way to him forcing herself to appear nonchalant.

“You disappeared,” he stated, watching her carefully.

“There was something I had to do,” she told him folding her arms across her chest.

“Really? Right then, huh? Well I hope you didn’t imagine your flight would terminate the bet. My lips were firmly locked on that piece at thirteen minutes and counting.”

She made a face. “That piece? You are so despicable.”

He grinned and traveled her body with his eyes. “Did you scope out a hotel for us? Is that why you left, sweet cheeks?”

“Wow, you guessed it exactly!” She rolled her eyes.

“I think you ran because deep inside you know you won’t be able to stop at a kiss.” He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “And you know once we fuck no mere man will ever compare.”

Jenna shivered at the feel of his breath on her ear, his crude words causing her to instantly moisten.

“Mmm, you smell good,” Mathias looked pointedly at the offending spot and Jenna felt a spike of resentment and anger which she latched onto like a life preserver.

She pinned him with eyes now bright with contempt. “Let’s just get this over with,” she hissed and marched towards the exit.

Mathias dimmed himself to Jackie as he followed her outside. “I saw a hotel eight around the corner…unless you were thinking of somewhere you wouldn’t mind staying for a few days...”

“The hotel eight’s fine.” She strode in its direction, refusing to look at him. During the cab ride back to the bar she’d managed to invent a whole new persona in her mind for her show. She hated how he could elicit a sexual response so easily from her, but as they neared their destination she decided she could use it. Why deny she was attracted to him when he obviously saw through it? It only made him laugh at her. He was a womanizer and all she needed to do was pretend she was as much a player as he was.

They rented a room and once they entered she went straight for the bedside radio, flipping stations until she found one that would work. She turned and faced him, catching him with an expression of curiosity.

She donned a sultry look and began swaying to the club music emanating from the small speakers. She smiled inwardly as he blinked in surprise. Conjuring images of all the strippers she’d seen in the movies she started by running her hands down the sides of her breasts and waist, then slipped her fingers in her waistband and turned so he could watch her ass while she swayed.

She spun back around letting her hair whip over her shoulder and smiled slyly at him as she worked her shirt up over her flat stomach, revealing her belly button piercing. His eyes had widened and lust replaced his smart ass expression. She ran her thumb over the piercing and licked her lips like it turned her on, then in a quick motion she pulled her shirt over her head and threw it at him.

He let it hit his chest and fall, eyes intent on her as she moved her hands back to her waist and unfastened her jeans. Using the music she swept her hands back up the sides of her body and brazenly came across the lace material of her crimson red bra, then on impulse she ran the tips of her thumbs over her hardening nipples.

His reaction was instantaneous. His mouth opened slightly, his eyes grew hooded, and his erection strained against the fabric of his black pants. For Jenna it was empowering, a heady feeling she’d never before experienced.

She continued to dance and slide her hands up and down, bringing them up and into her hair, then back down to her waist band. She unzipped slowly and once again using the beat of the music, she drew her pants down. Once they’d fallen to her ankles she kicked them off and turned so he could watch her ass sway in her lacy red panties. When she turned back around he came at her in a rush, pulling her body into him just like she’d pictured. His hands came up behind her neck and tilted her head back then he used his thumb to caress the spot right over her pulse before pressing his lips against hers.

For a dizzying moment she was completely lost to sensations. His erection rubbed the sensitive spot shielded by thin lace and once again she felt a rush of wetness. She vaguely acknowledged she’d never been aroused by anyone before him.

His tongue darted across her lips and she opened them to let it in, meeting it with her own, letting them slide against one another. She could feel his heart beating rapidly and her own heart sped up to match it.

And then, inside of her mind, she pulled back just like she’d coached herself to do.

She would keep the upper hand in this situation no matter how much her body wanted to betray her. In a calculated move she rotated her hips against him causing his pelvis to buck towards her in excitement. He deepened the kiss and she allowed her hands to roam down his broad back and lightly squeeze his muscled ass.

He groaned against her mouth strengthening her feeling of empowerment. In her mind she started a countdown, ten more seconds and she would push him away suddenly and forcefully.

…three….two….one. She pulled her head back and shoved his chest hard stumbling backwards herself. She had imagined him doing that, but his bulk was immovable, and he caught her arms to steady her.

If she’d looked up at him at that moment she would have seen a mixture of desire and concern. But she kept her face hidden as she composed herself. She slowly lifted her head with a cruel and triumphant smile. She couldn’t have captured it better had she practiced in front of a mirror.

His brows drew together and he backed away from her in confusion. He had assumed she’d been overwhelmed and expected her to be upset…not this.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


:) It's always a bit bittersweet when your posts pop up in my feed. It's about half, "Oh hey! It's @dreemit!" and half, "Wow, you have so many posts to catch up on reading..." Oh well, just stopping by to say hi and tell you to keep staying awesome!

I totally understand and am always happy to get a visit from you :) I will and you do the same my friend ;)

More greatness, I live it when I read your stuff and see phrases or wording that tickles me pink as it were. This time it was the phrase sweet cheeks, I say that a lot!!

Haha! I can definitely imagine you saying sweet cheeks ;)

I may be a bit sporadic in my commenting for a while. We went camping for a couple days, and plan to go back out. It's only a thirty minute drive from my house, so I will return and put up posts and check in, but I won't have internet when I'm out there :)

Hehe, no bother at all. You enjoy that wilderness vibe and enjoy the no interneting!

OMG amazing

Wow, thank you!

Great to see you are back @dreemit! (I think) haha
It is amazing to see despite the fact Mathias portrays a narcissistic view he is truly insecure and unassertive at heart.
It was only a matter of time before a spark flies and something salacious happens. It was clear to us that Jenna wanted something to happen but didn't show it in this case haha
Another great chapter! :)

I'm going to take your advice and not read this until I get to this point.
Are you actually writing books here on Steemit?

I'm working on one myself. Will read soon as I can find the time. Haven't read a book since the '80s...your's will be the first.

Almost read Drood a couple years ago. About Dicken's immersion into things 'mystic' in his 50's...true story account!

Why can't Anna be more like Jenna? Less manipulative, more assertive. I like how Jenna's so in control of that situation. While coaxing a ravenous beast, no less! Jenna doesn't have the anti-rape powers, so Matthias could have his way with her if ever he loses control. But still, she keeps her count and remains steadfast. You go girl. Brava!

There's one question that still lingers my mind though. When Jenna went away the first time, how could she have known if Matthias would even finish the bet? He could've easily lost or not go through with it and still tell Jenna that he won the best. Sure, she came back out of guilt, but he doesn't have the same morals. She didn't see him succeed right?

Matthias could easily prove to her he could swoon another female on sight with his vampiric charm so even though Jenna left for that moment of truth, the end result would be inevitable.

Yeah Anna is manipulated but has even manipulated Jared from the very beginning just as Jenna has manipulated Matthias, so they do share some female similarities using their sexual nature to their advantage.

I know you’re busy and have a hard time answering all these comments but I will reply at least to @Jedaus commentary and spark up some good interesting banter over your amazing literature my friend.

Jenna is now showing traits of She Who He Wouldn’t Name now that she has just manipulated and deceived Matthias. Uh ohhhhh what will happen next?

Haha! Actually I remember this comment by Jed and we ended up discussing it in chat :)
You have been on my mind my friend, it has been crazy hectic with our winter business starting, but I actually have three of your posts up in my browser, and I am about to go and give them the time they deserve!

Oh that's cool to know, but that means I can't enjoy the back and forth banter you both have lol
You are so thoughtful thank you, I wish you the best of success with your winter business, and I read all your comments, thank you very much. I will be catching up more on your novel soon :)

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