My LEGO Creation Story Showcase: "Imperial Comm Station" part 25

in #story7 years ago

After the Emperor finished his work on this secret station the Imperial admirals decided it was too dangerous to leave to fall into rebel hands. The information it contained was just too valuable. So after the Emperor abandoned the station an immediate air strike was sanctioned to burn it to the ground. Unfortunately that didn't go well because they forgot to extract valuable personnel such as Admiral Veers and Admiral Yularen. An elite squadron was dispatched to extract them and destroy the station from the ground.

The shadow troopers have successfully retrieved the two admirals as well as some high ranking officers. They all met at the randevouz point the old landing platform where they 're waiting for the cruisers above to send an extraction vessel. The other troopers not deemed important enough to survive are gathering close to the platform trying to reach it. They throw grenades and shoot lasers at the shadow squadron. Admiral Yularen is hidden behind a big crate. He was shot in the shoulder with the blaster.

The station is in ruins. The great communications tower is about to collapse. Already at an angle of 30 degrees. Smoke is coming from all openings and broken windows of the station. God help those who are stuck inside it. The station is exploding and with every explosion dozens of large concrete blocks are launched into the air. As they fall to the ground they either kill a poor soul or destroy something else. The ground is covered in rocks and glass.

As the time passes by more dead stormtroopers are piled near the platform they were so desperately trying to reach. Most of the Star-destroyers have jumped to light-speed and still no transport was sent to the extraction team. To add to their misery the Rebels are here. An X-Wing roars through the sky raining fire at the platform. The Rebel Alliance never misses a chance. This would be a great opportunity to capture the two admirals and the station itself now that most of their fleet left.

The X-Wing is shot with a deafening sound. It ignites in flames and falls somewhere in the deep forests. A small craft the likes of which no one had seen before hoovers to the platform. It's door opens like a drop bridge and everyone is blinded by it's strong white lights. Someone most likely a starmtrooper shouts at them to get in. The salvation has arrived.

Part 24:


The smoke and light animations are on point! Another great lego story, thanks for sharing!

Thanks, glad to see that the effects were a good idea :)

LEGO has essentially taken the concrete block, the building block of the world, and made it into the building block of our imagination. :)

I couldn't agree more. :)

Well said :)

kewl and awesum!!

Then I was young I used to play lego all the time, so thats really intesting to read, thumbs up!

Thanks, LEGO was always my favorite toy too :)

very creative post

Thank you :)

very nice post...
Thanks for sharing it...
upvoted and followed...!!!

Thanks, it means a lot to me :)

un buen entretinimiento adelante

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